Are moral experiences similar to moral dilemmas?


Answer 1


Moral dilemma and moral experience is pretty much the same and they both talk about values, although moral dilemma talks about feelings while moral experiebce talks about persons decisions.


A moral dilemma is a situation in which a person is torn between right and wrong and looks at the very core of a person's principles and values. The choice the person makes may leave them feeling burdened, guilty, relieved, or questioning their values.

A moral experience encompassing a person's sense that values that he or she deem important are being realised or thwarted in everyday life. This includes a person's interpretations of a lived encounter, or a set of lived encounters, that fall on spectrums of right-wrong, good-bad or just-unjust".

Related Questions

A study of Baby Einstein videos, conducted at the University of Washington, showed which of the following?
A) Vocabulary increased with babies who watched the videos when compared to a group that watched no videos
B) Babies with no exposure to the videos understood an average of 7 more words than the video-watching babies
OC) Videos are an important way to get babies ready for kindergarten
D) Research on how the brain develops is clear that academic readiness is boosted by videos more than by attachment


Baby Einstein videos, conducted at the college of Washington, showed: Vocabulary increased among toddlers who watched the videos when compared to a group that watched no motion pictures.

Baby Einstein is an American franchise and line of multimedia products, along with home video packages, CDs, books, flashcards, toys, and child gear focusing on interactive sports for toddlers and infants, created through Julie Aigner-Clark.

Within the ultra-modern take a look at the results of famous motion pictures including the "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy toddler" series, researchers locate that those products can be doing greater damage than desirable. And they'll definitely postpone language improvement in babies. Einstein syndrome is a condition wherein a toddler reports the overdue onset of language, or a late language emergence, however, demonstrates giftedness in other regions of analytical thinking. A baby with Einstein syndrome subsequently speaks and not using trouble, but remains in advance of the curve in other regions.

Learn more about Baby Einstein here:


What was the origin of the writing system we use today?

A) cave drawings

B) hieroglyphics

C) Phoenician writing

D) Roman writing


d i believe because i just did this quiz not that long ago

Answer: D


Imagine that you’re an archaeologist. This means that you’ll be studying ancient cultures and civilizations. You will be studying what people were like, where they lived, and where they went. Which of the six essential elements of geography would you be using in this job? Explain your answer in at least three sentences.


To be an archaeologist the six essential elements that the person would have to study in geography would be

The world in spatial termsphysical systemshuman systemsenvironment studiesplacesregions

What is meant by the term archaeology?

This is the term that is used to refer to the study of the history of man and the prehistorical society through the excavation of the areas that man was known to have been dwelling right from time.

This would help to learn about the various cultures that used to be in existence and the way that the world has evolved from the different forms of civilization that it has now.

Archeology uses some other scientific techniques to trace the age of artefacts. The age of artefacts hellos archeologists to predict intelligently the origin of some things such as a cultures, especially cultures relating to art. They achieve do this by guessing that the areas having the oldest artefact should be where the culture started.

Read more on elements of geography here:


I found a book in the library about Alexander the Great. Is the book a primary or secondary source?


Answer: A



Communitarians and Rawls disagree about which of the following?


what are the following?

Assume that a scientific study came out confirming that consuming one teaspoon of Nutella a day decreases the rate of heart diseases. As a result, Nutella becomes more popular to consumers. In addition, news reports state that there has been a technological improvement in the production of hazelnuts leading to a decrease in the price of hazelnuts. What is likely to happen in the market of Nutella?


What is likely going to happen in the market of nutella is that

Demand will increase.Supply will decrease.Equilibrium quantity will increase.

What is demand?

Thjis is the term that is used to refer to the number of goods and the fact that there are people that are willing to get a particular product at the given price that it is sold or offered in the market.

With this said, when there is a news that tells that a product has significant benefits to health, it would spur people top have the product. This would be to take care of the health challenge or to prevent it if they already have it.

This would be beneficial to the sellers because they would have the opportunity of raising prices in the market for the good and the consumers may still want to buy it in order to get the benefit.

Hence we would say that What is likely going to happen in the market of nutella is that

Demand will increase.Supply will decrease.Equilibrium quantity will increase.

Read more on demand here:


Complete question

teaspoon of Nutella a day decreases the rate of heart diseases. As a result, Nutella becomes more popular to consumers. In addition, news reports state that there has been a technological improvement in the production of hazelnuts leading to a decrease in the price of hazelnuts. What is likely to happen in the market of Nutella?

(Select All that Apply)

Equilibrium quantity will stay constant.

Demand will increase.

Equilibrium quantity will decrease at an exponential rate.

Supply will increase.

Demand will decrease.

Supply will decrease.

Equilibrium quantity will increase.

Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate
integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and
bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by
which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover
how to participate in the transformation of their world) -Paulo Freire (1921-
1997), Brazilian educator and philosopher. What is author exactly arguing about??


According to Paulo Freire's dissertation, the latter should be the goal of education, and in order to achieve it, we need a teaching team formed of critical thinkers.

Who was Pablo Freire?

Paulo Freire, an educator, was born on September 19, 1921. He grew up in the Northeast of Brazil, where his experiences shaped his life work significantly. Because of the global economic crisis, Freire was exposed to hunger and poverty at a young age. "I didn't grasp anything because of my hunger," he says in Moacir Gadotti's book, Reading Paulo Freire.

I was not a moron. It wasn't for a want of desire. My social circumstances did not allow me to pursue an education. Once again, experience demonstrated the link between social class and knowledge." Freire gained a thorough grasp of their life and the effects of socioeconomics on education by living among disadvantaged rural families and laborers.

Learn more about Paulo Freire with the help of the given link:


Writing and critical thinking analyzing information right toward three brief paragraphs explaining how socialology imagination can assist you in your everyday life consider seeing people as your social beings finding balance between your personal desires and demands of your social environment viewing your own life within a larger social and historical context


The most fundamental abilities required for making decisions and finding solutions to issues are probably critical thinking abilities. You continuously utilize them and can further improve them.

We may assess the correctness and veracity of assertions, claims, and pieces of information we read and hear by using critical thinking—breaking a question, circumstance, or problem down into its simplest components. Truth from fiction, honesty from falsehoods, and the accurate from the misleading are discernible with a keen knife when it has been sharpened. We all employ this ability to some extent on a daily basis. As we analyze the newest consumer goods and why one product stands out from the rest, for instance, we regularly utilize critical thinking. We can only develop our critical thinking abilities and become better students, learners, and researchers via deliberate, regular, intentional questioning like this.

Learn more about Critical thinking, here


How has the way we develop natural resources like corn changed overtime


Answer:We have developed machine that make it easy to plant more at a time.


How were laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?
O 2/3 of the State representatives had to vote yes for a law to pass.
O All states had to agree for a law to pass.
O Only the Judicial Branch could pass laws
O All citizens of the U.S. had to vote and with 51% majority pass the law


2/3 of the State representatives had to vote yes for a law to pass under the Articles of Confederation.

How did Articles of Confederation pass laws and amendments?

All 13 states would have to agree to a change because the Articles demanded unanimous assent for any amendments. That rule made it hard for the Articles to be modified after the war with Britain ended in 1783 due to the rivalry between the states.

What did the Articles of Confederation do ?

A representational system of governance with safeguards for state rights was established by the Articles of Confederation. Because the authors were concerned that if the national government had too much power, it would severely restrict the rights of states and people, they created a weak national government.

To know more about Articles of Confederation visit:


" Nepal is the country of religious tolerance ". Justify.​



" Nepal is the country of religious tolerance ". Religious tolerance means no discrimination in the name of any religion. In Nepal, people are living in social harmony, cooperation and coordination helping each other without discriminating any people based on religion. Nepal is secular country. In Nepal, all religions get equal respect. None people are fighting in the name of religion. It is the record of Nepalese people. Soo, without any discrimination in our country Nepal, It is the country of religious tolerance.

The Pan family flies from Beijing, China, to Los Angeles, California. Which type of travel
are they participating in?


B) Restricted


D) Local


A) International
Because they are flying from China to Los Angles that would be consider a international flight I think hope this helps.


A) International


Because the Pan family is flying between 2 different countries (China and the United States), the type of travel is considered international (IN different NATIONS)

demographics profile of respondents.


Description of a particular type of customer, including their sex, age, income, etc. By developing a demographic profile of your best customers, you can target your marketing efforts more successfully.

What is demographic?

The data is usually of populations, particularly human populations, is called demography. Whole civilizations or groups that are identified by factors like degree, nation, theology, or ethnicity might be the subject of demographic studies.


Description of a particular type of customer, including their sex, age, income, etc. By developing a demographic profile of your best customers, you can target your marketing efforts more successfully.

To learn more about demographic from the given link:


According to the text, which traditions still have a significant influence on
American culture and society?
O Anglo-Saxon Protestant traditions
O German American traditions
O Catholic American traditions
O Jewish American traditions
O Eastern European American traditions


Anglo-Saxon Protestant traditions, according the text, continue to have a substantial impact on American culture and society.

Modern American Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture is frequently ignored. But individuals of English ancestry in America hold dear to their hearts their heritage and the traditional English culture that our ancestors both brought to America and left behind in Albion.

Even if not every Anglo-American is an Anglophile, a large percentage of them are, and being a WASP has a rich ancestry, sense of pride, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and a certain allure. Anglo-Saxon Protestant traditions, according the text, continue to have a substantial impact on American culture and society. The affection we have for our roots has never changed at its heart. Let's look at some of its most prevalent features.

Learn more about Anglo-Saxon Protestant here


food is the asian love language and can be used as a proxy for culture. how?


food in the asian love language expresses care and protection. It can be used as a proxy for culture depending on the cultural food they eat. the food can show affection to loved ones, or show hospitality to strangers, or to adhere to or express religious beliefs.

Las mujeres romanas usaban el color del cabello para indicar su estatus social


The color of their hair served as a social class indicator for ancient Roman women.

According to legend, the Ancient Rome was established on April 21, 753, by two brothers and Semidotes named Rómulo and Remo. According to the legend, Rómulo killed Remo during a debate over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where it would be located) and renamed the settlement after himself. The most well-known, though not exclusive, account of the Foundation of Rome is this one.

According to other legends, the city was named in honor of Roma, a woman who traveled with Eneas and Ancient Rome other survivors of Troya after the city's destruction. Roma and the other women opposed the desire of the men to keep moving on as they landed at the orillas of the river Tber.

Learn more about Ancient Rome here


Which statements correctly describe the US population in 2020? Choose three correct answers.

More women than men were ages 85–99.
The male age group with the largest number was 25–29.
The female age group with the largest number was 10–14.
There were about 10 million people ages 5–9.
There were about 20 million people ages 0–4.


Answer: A, B, E


got it right on Edge

Africa belongs in which hemispheres


It’s in the eastern hemisphere, you’re welcome

Freedom of Speech.** Wandering Dago, Inc. (WD), operates a food truck in Albany, New York. WD brands itself and the food it sells with language generally viewed as ethnic slurs. Owners Andrea Loguidice and Brandon Snooks, however, view the branding as giving a “nod to their Italian heritage” and “weakening the derogatory force of the slur.” Twice, WD applied to participate as a vendor in a summer lunch program in a state-owned plaza. Both times, the New York State Office of General Services (OGS) denied the application because of WD’s branding. WD filed a suit in a federal district court against RoAnn Destito, the commissioner of OGS, contending that the agency had violated WD’s right to free speech. What principles apply to the government’s regulation of the content of speech? How do those principles apply in WD’s case? Explain. [*Wandering Dago, Inc. v. Destito*, 879 F.3d 20 (2d Cir. 2018)] (See Business and the Bill of Rights.)


The principles that apply to the government’s regulation of the content of speech is known to be the principle of commercial speech that is  violated by the government agency.

The  principles apply in WD’s case is that there is a burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt to the issue of credibility.

What is considered commercial speech?

The term “commercial speech” is known to be a word that connote a kind of speech that is printed as well as being broadcast over the tv or the Internet.

Note that as discussed under the “Commercial Speech Doctrine,” a state is one that is seen to totally hinder misleading advertising and may therefore act to impose restrictions if the specific content or means that was used in the advertising is very misleading or if experience shown in the advertising is subject to abuse.

Therefore, The principles that apply to the government’s regulation of the content of speech is known to be the principle of commercial speech that is  violated by the government agency.

Learn more about commercial speech from

A geographer who studies how people learn to live with nature's challenges, like cold weather, most often studies which of the six essential elements of geography?
environment and society
the world in spatial terms
physical systems
the uses of geography


A. Environment and society

Q.1: Mary is planning an experiment to find out whether boys or girls in her school doodle more. a) Describe how Mary could conduct her experiment. (10) b) Identify one possible weakness/limitation with the procedure you have described in your answer in part (a) and suggest how your study might be done differently to overcome the problem. (4)​


As Mary is planning an experiment to find out whether boys or girls in her school doodle more, how Mary could conduct her experiment by following:

define variablesformulate a hypothesisdesign an experimentassign subjectsmeasure the dependent variable.

The possible weakness/limitation with the procedure described in part (a) and how the study might be done differently to overcome the problem includes embracing of the following approaches:

Validityoperationalisationdifficulty with maintaining covert proceduresproblems with participant/non-participant procedures.Reliabilityinter-observer consistencyintra-observer consistency.

Read more about experimental study


How Can an individual contribute to nation building



fuelling growth through small infrastructure projects such as water wells, latrines and houses; and, contributing to healthy communities through feeding programs, conduct of medical missions or donation of medicines, medical supplies and equipments."


what is one cool fact about early humans?


Did you know that almost all humans are descended from a group of humans that lived in East Africa?


One cool fact about early humans is that they were hunter gatherers and didn't settle down, instead they moved around a lot, (basically where the food was)


Can I have brainliest? It would help me out, if not thanks anyways! Hope this helped and have a nice day!

what is the difference between history and prehistory?



History is the time period when people started to record or write about what events happened. Prehistory is the time period before people started recording and writing about events that happened.

The government is what type of economic player? please answer i know none of this he’ll pleasee



Question 6: number 1

Question 7: number 3


Geographers define the essential element called “the uses of geography” as __________.
learning about the Earth’s natural environments
understanding the places and regions around us
studying our past and planning for our future
learning about the cultures people create


Understanding the places and regions around us

. List 4 values that a person can learn from participating in a community project and explain the impact that the values can have on one's life as a responsible citizen


4 values that a person can learn from participating in a community project  Growth, respect, friendship, knowledge.

Responsible conduct, attitudes, and democratic principles are valued and demonstrated by good citizens. Knowledge of a society's major social, political, and legal institutions, the ability to engage in those organizations, and an understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship are all necessary for good citizenship. It necessitates engagement in civic affairs, whether formally, by running for office or casting a ballot in elections for public officials, or informally, by working both individually and collectively to fortify, include, and preserve communities.

Some claim that the virtue of the little—the power of the small—is the most potent force in the world and that only small acts of kindness can transform the world for the better.

the difficulties of a huge community as a whole: the people with similar interests living in a specific location. b: a community of retired people, a monastic community, or a collection of people who share a trait or interest and live together in a broader society.

Learn more about community here:


Which of the following defines culture?

A way of life resulting in who a person is as an individual
A person's skin color
A person's personal preferences
The country a person originated from



a. a way of life resulting in who a person is as an individual

A way of life results in who a person is as an individual. Option (a) is correct to define culture.

What is Culture?

A population's collective ways of life, including its institutions, beliefs, and artistic expressions, are collectively referred to as its culture.

A population's collective ways of life, including its institutions, beliefs, and artistic expressions, are collectively referred to as its culture. Material culture, or tangible items created by a society, and nonmaterial culture, or intangible items generated by a society, are the two main categories of culture.

Symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts are the major components of culture. Language facilitates effective social interaction and influences how people perceive concepts and objects. Individualism, competition, and a commitment to the work ethic are major values that distinguish the United States.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about Culture, here;


in what ways are we like adam and eve in the use of freedom​


[tex] \: \Large \mathbb{ANSWER:}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \text{Not until Adam and Eve take complete hold}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \text{of their freedom are they forced to hide from }[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \text{the God walking in their midst in complete}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \text{and utter shame.}[/tex]


























What word best describes the function of the pyramids?

A: Religious temples
B: Burial places
C: Royal palaces
D: Apartment houses


Answer: A


The answer would be A. Religious Temples.

Explanation: Pyramids were built for religious purposes.

hope this helps :)
Other Questions
Simon bought bags of potting soil to plant flowers on his patio. A large bag contains of soil, a medium bag contains of soil, and a small bag contains of soil. If he buys one large bag, one medium bag, and two small bags of soil, how many pots can Simon fill? Plane crash Skyline Airways (pilatus Porter 9 AN-CWC) plane from Janakpur to Kathmandy.... crashed to Dhulikhel hill... thick clouds... poor visibility- poor visibility-... hit the telecom tower.... all dead including the crew.... Rs.100,000 each as compensation. Square root of 750 ..? COMPLETE ANSWER THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS I'M GOING TO VOTE BRAINLIEST Direction: True or False. 1. The function of a manager in which he sets tasks and activities to be accomplished is being a planner. 2. The function of a manager where he leads his subordinates in a certain direction to achieve a goal is the organizer function. 3. Being a disturbance handler means that a manager handles disputes and solve them. 4. A figurehead role means that you have a real power and authority. 5. When a manager tells his subordinates information, he becomes a disseminator. 6. As a negotiator, the manager develops new concepts and ideas just like developing new products. 7. The manager looks for organization and work-related information on the internet and other sources thus he is doing a monitor role. 8. The conceptual skill has something to do on how you do a certain task that is based on one's expertise. 9. The middle-level managers are the go-between with different levels of management so they must have people skills. 10. The technical skill is all about how a manager sees the organization as a whole. 1. Cul es la instruccin afirmativa irregular de hacer Solve for the system: -w+3z=18 5w+6z=15 Blake is moving and must rent a truck. There is an initial charge for the rental plus a fee per mile driven. Let C C represent the total cost of renting the truck when the truck is driven m m miles. A graph of C C is shown below. Two trains leave stations 240 miles apart at the same time and travel toward each other. One train travels at 70 miles per hour while the other travels at 80miles per hour. How long will it take for the two trains to meet? What are the two transport protocols offered by the internet and what are their main characteristics? A rectangle is 15 cm wide. Find the area and the perimeter of the rectangle if its width is 3/5 of its length What future founding father played a key role in the early stages of the french and indian war? How had the concept of english freedom developed through the centuries before 1700? 1. If A*B= AB+1 and A B = A+B/2, then find 3 *[(7 3) (3*4)].2. If * represents and operation defined by a*b= a^b +b, find (1*2)*3.Explain PLEASE!!! Cartography of Africa How should the verb move be written in sentence 5? Which structures guard the nostrils and ear canals, preventing particles from entering? Which graph represents 7x - 2y < 5? Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates. Spring comes after winter. 2help me PLEASE THIS IS WORTH SO MANY POINTS PLEAS EHELP ME The vernal equinox is now just entering the constellation aquarius. In what constellation will it lie in the year a. D. 10000?.