analyze the impact of risky teenage behavior on others by referring to the following spheres of well being​


Answer 1

The impact of volatile teenage conduct is a danger of ache and outcomes for young adults and for other human beings. Sneaking to drink, do pills, or have a whole lot of intercourse can result in automobile accidents, arrests, STDs, viruses, herpes unplanned pregnancies, heartbreak, lack of loved ones, financial dependence on different human beings in place of completing college, and poverty from no longer setting effort into self-care however as a substitute into recklessness.

This can cause more single-determined families, kids in poverty, on welfare, an increase in disorder rates, growth in drug addiction charges, growth in alcoholism, increase in fatal unintended consequences if behaviors are very reckless and volatile. leading doubtlessly to mother and father being heartbroken, the children being heartbroken, the youngsters in poverty being heartbroken and a cycle of human beings no longer controlling themselves but rather blaming their ache from terrible choices on other human beings.

Expanded tax prices expanded and decrease the social fame of youngsters in intense poverty whose parents can’t throw the events, or buy the coolest modern-day things leading to expanded bullying and insecurities. multiplied mental health conditions with the aid of multiplied stress on which children may be verbally or bodily abused during early life from the parent's extended strain, shaping how the ones youngsters may want to grow as much as treat other human beings in relationships, in business, or their personal kids to copy cycles of ache.

Learn more about Teenage behavior here:-


Related Questions

its shafts are laid on skinking sand not on abiding rock english​


Answer: If shafts are laid on sand it will most likely sink but if its on rock the only things that could happen is the hard rocks could tear the shaft apart


Scenario 1: Task 1
Student Background: Marlee is in Year 1K. Her teacher is Mr Knowles.
Marlee is currently in Out-of-Home Care. Every morning, when she arrives at school, Marlee
tries to get into the classroom. She bangs on the door, and shouts out, "Let me in, let me in."
This commences about 20 minutes before the bell. The playground duty teacher (who is a
different person each morning) constantly asks her to come away from the classroom door.
When the bell rings, Marlee runs to be the first to line up.
1. What are two potential stressors that could be impacting on Marlee?
2. How could you find out what Marlee is trying to communicate?
3. What safety measures should you implement?


i need the grade and i'll research it really quick

What is the root, prefix and suffix word for marsh



Suffix word for marsh - Marshall

Prefix word for marsh - same thing

Suffix word for root - is a string of letters that go at the end of a word

Prefix word for root - a string of letters that go at the start of a word

Hope this helps

the take just as long to cook dinner as i do




what message does the author convey about being an American and the American Dream in The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States” by Gouverneur Morris


The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers.

The term "American Dream" was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, saying that "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.The Declaration of Independence, which states that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," is the foundation of the American Dream. In the Preamble of the Constitution, such freedom is encouraged in order to "protect the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."Own by (1999) identifies four American Dreams that the new consumer culture addressed. The first was the "Dream of Abundance" offering a cornucopia of material goods to all Americans, making them proud to be the richest society on earth. The second was the "Dream of a Democracy of Goods" whereby everyone had access to the same products regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or class, thereby challenging the aristocratic norms of the rest of the world whereby only the rich or well-connected are granted access to luxury. People were able to create their own unique way of life thanks to the "Dream of Freedom of Choice" and its constantly growing selection of goods.Finally, the "Dream of Novelty", in which ever-changing fashions, new models, and unexpected new products broadened the consumer experience in terms of purchasing skills and awareness of the market, and challenged the conservatism of traditional society and culture, and even politics. Own by acknowledges that the dreams of the new consumer culture radiated out from the major cities, but notes that they quickly penetrated the most rural and most isolated areas, such as rural Mississippi.With the arrival of the model T after 1910, consumers in rural America were no longer locked into local general stores with their limited merchandise and high prices in comparison to shops in towns and cities. Own by demonstrates that poor black Mississippians shared in the new consumer culture, both inside Mississippi, and it motivated the more ambitious to move to Memphis or Chicago.

To learn more about American Dream visit:


Main idea of “first eat all the lawyers”


The central idea of the text "'First Eat All The Lawyers' is the depiction of how current society is and how it is that white-collar workers would be left without protection in a world that is run-over.

Who Author 'First Eat All The Lawyers'?

Torie Bosch's article "First, Eat All the Lawyers" is intriguingly written. Bosch works as an editor for the internet magazine Future Tense.

Bosch claims that the current zombie frenzy is related to our existing civilization and how white-collar professionals would be defenseless in a zombie-infested world.

What is a central idea?

The central idea of a text refers to the dominant thought in any text. It is not the topic but usually the phrase that captured the essence of the text.

Learn more about Central Idea:

How does the author use the setting, the narrator, and characters to develop layers of meaning and tone throughout the story “the refusal”? What might be the author’s purpose for writing this story? Use evidence from the text to justify your reasoning.


The author uses the setting, narrator, and characters to emphasize figures of speech and figurative language that establish the meaning and tone of the story.

Why does the author do this?Because figurative language allows the presentation of a deeper meaning.Because the use of figurative language emphasizes less literal and more sentimental concepts.Because the use of figures of speech allows for more diversified use of words.

"The refusal," tells the story of a small town that accepts whatever the state capital offers, even if it is meaningless or harmful to the small town.

The story tells presents a strong social critique about the lack of critical thinking and ability to make their own decisions many individuals have.

However, the author wanted to disseminate this criticism in a deep, subjunctive way, with great use of words and in a less literal way, but capable of adapting to the relationship of each reader.

For this reason, he makes strong use of figurative language, where he uses figures of speech such as metaphors to establish the characters and setting in a way that furthers the meanings of the plot.

Learn more about "The refusal:"


two things that South African communities could do in taking Advantage of the above mechanism​


South African communities could do in taking Advantage of the above mechanism South Africa has to build a disciplined savings culture since its current state is dire. A country requires 20% of its economy to grow economically.

South Africans must make investments in their education and professional growth.South Africa is overly unionised, and strikes cause manufacturing to be disrupted.The people of South Africa have a destructive culture and no feeling of pride in their infrastructure.Because of the non-payment culture, the electricity utility is losing a lot of money that could be used to create jobs. Citizens need to get rid of the entitlement culture.Citizens must stop protecting dishonest officials in the battle against corruption.Since South Africa is a violent nation, we must make an effort to act responsibly a tranquil nation draws foreign investment and tourists, both of which are crucial for development.Your inquiry makes the initial premise that there are processes in place, and there are, but you would be astonished at how few people are aware of this. I believe that the community's first responsibility is to make this information known. Any community should be aware of these procedures, but they remain a secret.

To know more about South African communities visit:


Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A.

Which evidence best supports the answer in Part A?

A. “It will not occur to me until I am an adult to wonder if Paul convinced all the kids he could train wild raccoons to compete in swim meets, or if he just made up a kinder explanation for me.”

B. “'So, to test their swimming, we drive the raccoons out into the middle of the lake and put them in the water. If they’re good swimmers, we start training them for the Olympics—....'"

C. "Paul doesn’t really say what the raccoons look like when they swim. But my swimming raccoons wear goggles and have special swim caps fitted over their ringed tails to decrease drag."

D. “'You ever heard of the Raccoon Olympics?' Paul asks me. I shake my head. He winks. 'No? Well, some raccoons are very good swimmers. But we want to find the best for our Olympic team....'"


the answer is D you ever heard of the Racoon

How does Thunberg use reasoning in this excerpt?

She moves from a general premise about climate risks to a generalization about solutions.
She moves from a general premise about CO2 usage to a specific prediction about emissions.
She moves from a specific observation about the climate to a general conclusion about CO2.


In the excerpt from Thunberg's speech, she moves from a general premise about CO2 usage to a specific prediction about emissions, as explained below.

What is Thunberg's reasoning?

This question concerns the ending of the speech given by Greta Thunberg at the United Nations. Thunberg mentions the following:

We can still have a 67% chance to stay below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise.To accomplish that, back in 2018, we had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit.However, that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.In conclusion, our CO2 budget will be over in just 8 and a half years.

We can see that Thunberg goes from a general premise to a specific prediction about emissions. The premise consists of everything she says about the amount of CO2 we are allowed to emit. The prediction is that we will use up that amount in just 8 years.

With the information above in mind, we can select option B as the correct answer concerning Thunberg's reasoning. She moves from a general premise about CO2 usage to a specific prediction about emissions.

The missing excerpt is the following:

"To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.

"How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just 'business as usual' and some technical solutions? With today's emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 1/2 years."

Learn more about Greta Thunberg here:


Origin: Latin.
status-state, condition of being
quo- the present or existing
What is the meaning of the phrase status quo as it is used in paragraph 3?
O the current government
O the conditions of the American people
O the conditions against creative thinking
O the way things currently are


The conditions against creative thinking

16. Judy goes to the library
17. That gold necklace is
whole store.
18. This is
19. Shaun sings even
who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has
(beautiful) voice I've ever heard.
English as Second Languag
(often) than I do.
(expensive) one in th
(bad) movie I have ever seen.
(beautiful) than her mothe


An adverb describes a verb or something aside from a noun and pronoun Adjectives best alter nouns and pronouns, at the same time as adverbs regulate verbs, adjectives, clauses, or other adverbs.

16. Judy goes to the library more often than I do

17. That gold necklace is an expensive one in the whole store

18. This is a fancy dress I won

19. Shaun sings even more beautifully than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has the most beautiful voice I have ever had.

An adjective is part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives generally inform what kind how many or which nouns or pronouns. An adverb is part of speech that modifies some other adverb a verb or an adjective. it is frequently recognized through the suffix at the top of it. An adjective is a phrase that describes the traits, or a wide variety of a noun. rapid and brief mean moving with first-rate velocity. fast is both an adjective and an adverb. brief is an adjective and the adverb shape is quick.

Learn more about An adjective here:-


Which of these adaptations of the excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful?

The actor playing Hamlet shouts his lines to the audience while wildly gesturing with his hands.
The actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.
The actor playing Hamlet cries to himself as he tearfully speaks the lines to himself.
The actor playing Hamlet sings the lines, adding an impromptu melody to the soliloquy.

Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and, by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause.


The excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful as the actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.

To paint a person is to show who that person is, giving a sense of their persona or man or woman. regularly, famous humans don't like how they are portrayed. for instance, Presidents normally hate how they're portrayed in editorial cartoons. whilst you paint a person, you could be effective or poor, accurate or erroneous.

To represent or describe someone or something in a portrait, film, e-book, or different artistic work: The portrait portrays a beautiful younger lady in blue getting dressed. the writer portrays life in a small village at the flip of the century. painting a person as something.

Wake up, people. The verbs wakeful and wake up each suggests "to rise from sleep." The most not unusual inflections of awake are the beyond worrying woke up ('she awoke all of sudden') and the past participle awoken ('she became awoken ').

Learn more about the portray here


The excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful Thus, Option C is correct The actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.

A person's identity is revealed through painting them, evoking their persona or feeling of man or woman. Famous people frequently object to how they are portrayed. Presidents dislike it when they are shown in editorial cartoons, for instance, since you can paint someone well or poorly, accurately or incorrectly.

To depict or describe someone or something in a picture, movie, book, or other piece of art: The portrait shows a lovely young woman getting dressed in blue. The author depicts a little village's existence at the turn of the century. portraying someone as something.

People, wake up. The most common inflections of awake are the ones that convey "to rise from sleep" in the words wakeful and wake up.

To know more about Portray visit:


The platypus is an Australian mammal that is not easily classified. It is one of only two mammals (the other being the echidna) that bears young by laying eggs. In some respects, the platypus resembles a duck; both have webbed feet and bills. The platypus has a tail like a beaver’s and a furry body similar to an otter’s. Its unusual hybrid of body parts makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its webbed feet to paddle through water, and its tail serves as a kind of rudder for steering. While underwater, the platypus uses its bill to scoop up bits of food, such as insects and shellfish, from the water’s bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of gravel, which grind up the food, as the platypus is toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in its cheeks until it reaches the water’s surface. Once the platypus surfaces, it consumes its meal. Which sentence describes the main idea?

The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.
The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.

The platypus lives in Australia.
The platypus lives in Australia.

The platypus has features similar to an otter and a beaver.
The platypus has features similar to an otter and a beaver.

The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.


The sentence that best describes the main idea is "The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique," in option A.

What is a main idea?

We can describe a main idea of a text or paragraph as the most important idea or message expressed by the author. After reading the text, we can imagine ourselves trying to summarize it in just one sentence to a friend who hasn't read it. That one-sentence summary would be the main idea.

After reading the text provided in the question, we can see that the main idea is that the platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique. The author mentions several different characteristics that make the platypus different and special, all functioning as evidence to support that main idea idea:

The animal's strange body.The fact that it lays eggs even though it's a mammal.The way it consumes its meals.

Therefore, with the information above in mind, we can conclude that option A is the best answer for this question.

Learn more about main ideas here:


Question 17 (2.5 points)
What are three important factors to consider when developing multicultural therapeutic

Learning about the beliefs and values of different cultures, practicing using barriers to
cultural communication, and participating in discussions with multicultural individuals

Determining your own cultural beliefs, practicing using barriers to cultural communication,
and participating in discussions with multicultural individuals

Learning about the beliefs and values of different cultures, recognizing any barriers to
cultural communication, and practicing techniques that build and foster multicultural

Determining your own cultural beliefs, practicing techniques that build and foster

multicultural communication, and practicing using barriers to cultural communication



learning about the beliefs and values of different cultures ,practising using barriers to culture communication,and participating in discussion with multicultural individuals

Is this Metonymy, Verbal Irony, or an Alliteration???

“Men would say of him that up he went and
down he came without his eyes...”


the given sentence “Men would say of him that up he went and

down he came without his eyes...” is a metonymy.

because its a concept may be described by the name of another thing or concept that is intimately related to it as a figure of speech known as a metonymy. it is a figure of speech in which the name of one item is used to refer to another, to which it is related or to which it is an attribute. With the aid of metonymy, authors can increase the impact of specific words or phrases.

Even the most simple word can gain depth and complexity by serving as a substitute for another term. When used correctly, metonymy can replace generalisations with specific, vivid imagery. as in the given sentence the word men is the another word given to him and he in the sentence.

To know more about metonymy:


Can someone help? My teacher won't let me do my unit test ‍♀️



lol use the passage?


I’d assume the green box would be identify the figurative language of the text? But I’m not sure about orange and purple.. Also wdym your teacher won’t let you do the unit test ?

The person _____ lives next door is on holiday.


78 lives next door to the fishers

What kind of paper should be used when teaching letter formation?
a. wide-ruled paper
b. college-ruled paper
c. three-lined paper
d. tracing paper


Tracing paper should be used when teaching letter formation.

The capacity to correctly form each letter of the alphabet is known as letter formation. Children will be taught how to create these letters in a way that adheres to generally accepted criteria while learning letter formation.

Before kids can start working on their handwriting, they must first master letter formation, which is a crucial developmental stage. To learn to write quickly and easily, they must first become proficient with each letter. Kids will be helped in their efforts to acquire proper letter formation if they are given regular opportunity to build upon and develop this ability.

Hence the correct option is D

To know more about Letter formation here


6. Pathway thoughts focus on finding what?


Pathway thoughts focus on finding:

b. Ways to achieve our goals

What are pathway thoughts?

Pathway thoughts are the styles of thinking that help an individual to achieve any goal that they set. This is a positive form of thinking that can relax a person's nerves and help them to set and achieve goals better.

Individuals who are very optimistic about their prospects in life are known to have a healthy pathway thinking system. These persons are also able to set goals and achieve them in no time. The hope theory supports the fact that people who have a high pathway thinking process can achieve success better.

Complete Question:

Pathway thoughts focus on finding what? a. Relaxing thoughts b. Ways to achieve our goals c. Positive thoughts d. What matters most to us.

Learn more about goal setting here:


How can presenters best address two sides of an issue?

by including reasons and evidence
by including a claim and counterclaim
by including statistics and relevant facts
by including research and a bibliography


By including a claim and counterclaim

While all choices are smart things to include in an argument, including both the claim (your side of the argument) and the counterclaim (the opposing side of the argument) is how you address both sides of an issue.

By including statistics and relevant facts presenters best address two sides of an issue. hence the correct option is C.

How can presenters best address two sides of an issue?

Research and understand both sides of the issue thoroughly: Before presenting both sides of an issue, it is important to research and understand both perspectives thoroughly. This will enable you to present each side accurately and without bias.

Organize your presentation effectively: When presenting both sides of an issue, it is important to organize your presentation in a clear and logical manner.

You may want to consider presenting each side separately or by alternating between the two perspectives.

Use objective language: To maintain a neutral tone and avoid showing bias, it is important to use objective language when presenting both sides of an issue. Avoid using emotional language or taking a stance on either side.

Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each side: In presenting both sides of an issue, it is important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective.

Learn more about  addressing here


How to write 3 sentences about 3 squirrels wit lifesavers


1. The Formosan fauna has been but partially ascertained but at least three varieties of deer, wild boars, bears, goats, monkeys squirrels, and flying squirrels are pretty not unusual and panthers and wild cats aren't unfrequent.

2. Foxes are still determined in sizable numbers in appropriate habitats opossums, skunks, and raccoons are ample in a few parts of the kingdom, and rabbits and squirrels are nevertheless several.

3. Cottontail rabbits, raccoons including the Mexican variety, and squirrels are commonplace inside the forests.

He took the other give up of the seat lifting the nevertheless-napping squirrel to his knee. a grey squirrel is busy digging within the lawn near the feeder. The future of the crimson squirrel in Scotland is also some distance from comfortable. a grey squirrel runs far from a group of mushrooms. small rodents with slim bodies, furry tails, and large eyes.

Learn more about Sentences here:-


Analyzing a Mini-Moment
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (Chapter 4).
2. The memoir describes the cultural difference between Malawi and what may be different in the US. Use textual evidence to support at least three of these cultural differences (AKS1. AKS6)
.3. What does the dialogue between the old man from the next village, and the narrator reveal about the narrator and the old man’s opinion of him? (AKS 3)
4. What ONE line in the excerpt could be used as a foreshadowing that the narrator would invent something that would benefit his village? (AKS1)
5. The narrator dedicates a significant portion of the memoir excerpt to describing the planting process of Maize. What would be the central idea of this portion of the text? (AKS 2).


William describes cultural differences in his gadget for the primary time. Many people have amassed. some of them have mocked him for months whilst he built it. climbing atop the rickety tower that he has built, William connects wires and releases the machine’s mechanism. as the wind blows and the device turns, a mild glows in Williams's palm, and the group underneath is impressed.

William Kamkwamba’s tale cultural differences with a vibrant description of the tale’s climactic give-up. not anything is misplaced in revealing William’s fulfillment. after all, the title of the e-book is the past aggravating. beginning the narrative with its climax will serve to contrast the events of the approaching chapters. William will face obstacles on his route to the instant described, but he's going to be triumphant in the long run.

Learn more about cultural differences here:-


(01.07 LC)
What is the best definition of a restrictive clause?
A clause that adds details within a sentence with the use of a relative pronoun
A clause not set apart by commas, not necessary to the meaning of the sentence
A clause not set apart by commas, necessary to the meaning of the sentence
A clause set apart by commas, not necessary to the meaning of the sentence
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)


The best definition of a restrictive clause is C. A clause not set apart by commas, necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

What is restrictive cluase?

The meaning of a noun or noun phrase is constrained or defined by a restrictive clause, which also supplies the necessary context for the noun in the sentence. There are no commas to divide it from the rest of the sentence. In writing, restrictive clauses are more typical than nonrestrictive ones.

Nonrestrictive clauses are typically separated from the independent clause by commas, whereas restrictive clauses don't need to be punctuated at all. Restrictive: Restrictive clauses do not require commas to be separated from the rest of the phrase because they are crucial to the meaning of the sentence.

Therefore, it should be noted that the best definition of a restrictive clause is a clause not set apart by commas, necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Learn more about clause on:


She has combed and brushed her night-dark hair,
And bathed rose petal sweet,
And drawn white gloves on her small brown hands,
And white shoes on her feet.
Which literary technique does the stanza demonstrate?

sensory imagery
• simile


You’re answer would be personification
i’m pretty sure the answer is sensory image

poor people......... get food to eat(do not/does not)​


poor people do not get food to eat.


Poor people do not get food to eat.


People is not sigular, so it is not does because does is used for singular nouns.

For example, does would make sense in the sentence...

"That person does not want to climb the tree."

Person is singular so does can be used here.

Hope this helps :)

Pls help with the correct verb form



Usually, in the present tense, if the subject is singular the verb ends with an "s" and does not end with an "s" when the subject is plural. There are exceptions to this.

1. Do (plural, present)

2. is (singular, present)

3. is (plural, present)

4. devotes (singular infinitive, ongoing)

5. advocate (plural infinitive, ongoing)

6. own (plural, present)

7. is (singular, present)

8. have (plural, present)

9. remarks (singular, present)

10. believes (plural, present)

11. looks (singular (the team is one object), present)

12. subscribe (plural, present)

How did Theodore Roosevelt show morality. Please explain



Roosevelt stood out from other politicians because of his mission to achieve honesty and efficiency in government. He took on enemies and corrupt government officials like Jay Gould and Judge Theodore Westbrook, who had a shady relationship with Gould.


Which words are correctly matched with their definitions? Check all that apply.
Then shows sequence.
Accept means "excluding."
Than is a comparative.
Affect means to change.
Except means to receive.
An effect is a result.


The words that are correctly matched with their definitions are:

Then shows sequence.Than is a comparative.An effect is a result.

What is a definition?

A definition refers to the explicit meaning of a word. When we use words, they should be used in harmony with their correct meanings. In the list provided, we can see that the three selected words are well matched to their meanings.

Then is a word that can be used to show the sequence that some things follow. Than is a word that can be sued to compare one thing to another and an effect is a result.

Learn more about definitions here:


Answer: brainly thinks its a link so i have 2 write it weird sorry





help help help help help



this there more to this ??


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