An aluminum-containing compound has the formula mgxalyo4 and is 44. 98% oxygen by mass. What is the value of the subscripts x and y?.


Answer 1

The value of the subscripts x is 1 and y is 2.

ω(O) = 44.98% ÷ 100%

ω(O) = 0.4498; mass percentage of oxygen in the compound

M(compound) = 4 × 16 g/mol / 0.4498

M(compound) = 142.3 g/mol; molar mass of the compound

Oxidation number of oxygen atom in the compound is -2, for oxygen atoms total charge is -8.

Magnesium and aluminium must have total charge of +8 in the compound.

Magnesium has oxidation number +2.

Aluminium has oxidation number +3.

x is amount of magnesium atoms.

y is amount of aluminium atoms.

x × (+2) + y × (+3) = +8

x must be 1 and y must be 2.

M(compound) = M(Mg) + 2M(Al) + 4M(O)

M(compound) = 24.3 g/mol + 2×27 g/mol + 4×16 g/mol

M(compound) = 142.3 g/mol.

More about chemical formula:


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In which the following cases is pressure a factor in the solubility of the solute in the solvent? a. alcohol is dissolved in water b. carbon dioxide is dissolved in sparking wine c. sugar is dissolved in water d. acetylene gas is mixed with oxygen in a blowtorch


Answer: a


How many moles are there in 250g of calcium carbonate


The number of moles are 2.5 mol.

Answer:2.5 mol


One of the radioactive isotopes used in chemical and medical research is iodine-125, which has a half-life of 61 days. how long would it take for 0.25 g to remain of a 1.00 g sample of iodine-125?


Having a half-life of 61 days, iodine-125 would take 122 days for a 0.25 g of iodine-125 to remain from 1.00 g of it.

Half-life, an aspect of radioactive decay, is defined as the amount time it takes a radioactive isotope to disintegrate by a half. The formula for half-life is given by:

N(t) =N(0) 1/2 ^ t/t(1/2)

where N(t) = amount of substance remaining

N(0) = initial amount of substance

t = elapsed time

t(1/2) = half-life of the substance

Using this formula where N(t) = 0.25 g, N(0) = 1.00 g, and t(1/2) = 61 days,

N(t) =N(0) 1/2 ^ t/t(1/2)

0.25 g = 1.00 g x (1/2)^t/61

(1/2)^t/61 = 1/4

t = 122 days

To learn more about half-life:


suppose you wanted to compare two different stain removers to learn which one was better at removing food stains from clothing. In your test, which variable would you need to control ?



The amount/type of stain


You would want to ensure that the stain was the same in both samples.  

Why has the number of frogs decreased from 2012 to 2013



infectious diseases, chemical pollution and increased ultraviolet ( uv ) radiation

use the isotope graph to find the isotopes described below. In each case, give the isotope name and the isotope symbol
a. Find three isotopes with equal numbers of neutrons and protons
b. Find Isotopes with the same number of protons.
c. Find two isotopes with the same number of neutrons.
d. Find two isotopes with the same atomic mass units.


O16, O17, and O18 are three isotopes with an equal number of neutrons and protons. Cl 35 and Cl 37 have an equal number of protons.


Isotopes contain the same number of electrons and protons. They contain a different number of neutrons.

a. O16, O17, and O18 are three isotopes with an equal number of neutrons and protons.

b. Cl 35 and Cl 37 have an equal number of protons.

c. Isotopes are atoms that have the same protons but different neutrons.

Atoms called isotopes have the same atomic number but different masses as a result of a variation in the neutron count. Carbon-12 (C612), carbon-13 (C613), and carbon-14 (C614) are the three carbon isotopes that exist. Most elements have mixes of isotopes in their naturally occurring samples.

Therefore, O16, O17, and O18 are three isotopes with an equal number of neutrons and protons. Cl 35 and Cl 37 have an equal number of protons.

To learn more about isotopes, refer to the link:


10. A solid block of substance is 74.0 cm x 55.0 cm x 35.0 cm and has a mass of 569 kg. Assuming that it did not
chemically react with water or dissolve in it, would it float in the water? Remember to change kg to g. Show your work!


The object would not float but sink in water.

What is density?

The term density refers to the ratio of the mass to the volume of a body. Now that we know that the density of water is 1 g/cm^3. A substance that would float in water must have a lower density than that of water.


Mass of the object = 569 kg or 569000 g

Volume of the object = 74.0 cm x 55.0 cm x 35.0 cm = 142450cm^3

Density of the object = mass/ volume = 569000 g/142450cm^3

=  3.99 g/cm^3

Hence, the object would not float but sink in water.

Learn more about density:


What would happen to the ph of the cells of a group of people having a contest as to which one can stop breathing for the longest time?


If one can stop breathing for the longest time builds up in their systems pH of the cells causing the pH of their own blood to drop slightly 'pH level increases'

pH means quantitative measure of the acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid solutions

For most people its safe to hold your breath for a minute or two but so much longer can decreases oxygen flow to the brain can causing damage your brain as well as in heart a lack of oxygen can cause abnormalities or rhythm and can affect the pumping action of heart and when the brain senses the change in pH due to increased carbon dioxide it increases our respiratory system to get more oxygen and blow out more carbon dioxide in an taking the normal balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide that's why pH level increases

Know more about pH


Which organ absorbs water and some minerals and vitamins while also passing waste material to its lower portion?


The small intestine is the site of digestion and absorption of minerals and vitamins and the rest of the water material is passed into the large intestine.

The small intestine has a highly coiled structure of about 7.5 meters in length. In the small intestine, the acidic chyme is mixed with pancreatic juice, bile juice, and intestinal juice and comes into contact with the enterocytes present in the villi. Digestion of all nutrients is complete. Carbohydrates get broken down into monosaccharides. Proteins are broken down into amino acids. Absorption of nutrients through the enterocytes occurs through diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. Water present in the digested food is absorbed by osmosis. Smaller fat-soluble substances (fatty acids and glycerol) diffuse through the cell membranes. Larger molecules are transported inside the villi by other transport mechanisms.

Monosaccharides and amino acids move into the blood capillaries present in the villi. Fatty acids and glycerol move into the lacteals and the thoracic duct through the lymphatic vessels. From there, they enter circulation. Some proteins are absorbed unchanged. For example, antibodies present in breast milk or poliomyelitis vaccine are absorbed directly. Vitamins, minerals, and water are absorbed from the small intestine into blood capillaries. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with fatty acids and glycerol into the lacteals. Vitamin B2 is absorbed in the terminal ileum. Out of all the fluid entering the alimentary tract every day, only 1500 ml is not absorbed in the small intestine and passes into the large intestine.

Therefore, the small intestine is the site of digestion and absorption of minerals and vitamins and the rest of the water material is passed into the large intestine.

To know more about the digestive system, refer to the below link:


Which noble gas has an effusion rate that is approximately half the rate of effusion for o2?


The rate of effusion rates of two

The rate of effusion rates of two different

gases are

(8) Rate of effusion of gas (T2) Rate of effusion of gan

molar mass 2 of gas molay mas 1 of gas


molar mass № 32

2 = molar mass 32

the molar mass of gas 2 128

So, the molar mass of gas = 128

approximately to molar mass

that is



of Xenon noble


So, Xenon noble Igas has an effusion rate of approximately half the rate of effusion for 02.

Heart failure is the most common cause. Exudate is caused by vascular or lymphatic obstruction, inflammation, infection, lung injury, and tumors. There are two types of swelling. Edema - swelling that occurs primarily in the soft tissues of the body and exudate - swelling or fluid in the common spaces. Edema and exudate are the results of changes in intracellular and extracellular fluid levels.

The cause of knee effusion determines care and treatment. When the cause of swollen joints is treated, the swelling often goes away. However, not all causes of knee fluid retention can be cured.

Learn more about   effusion  here


If the reaction occurs with an 73. 9% yield, what mass of iron should be reacted to produce 63. 0 grams of fe2o3?.


If reaction occurs with an 73.9% yield, the mass of iron which should be reacted to produce 63.0 g of Fe₂O₃ is 59.1 g

The balanced chemical equation of the reaction is :

                   4Fe + 3O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃

Molar ratio of iron and Fe₂O₃ is 4 : 2

For a reaction having 100 % yield, every 4 mole of iron will produce 2 moles of Fe₂O₃.

So, 63.0 g of Fe₂O₃ is produced by reaction. Let's use molar mass of Fe₂O₃ , which is 159.6 g/mol to find out number of moles produced.

              moles =      63.0 g     = 0.39 mol

                             159.6 g/mol

moles of iron needed  if % yield is 100.  

= 0.39 mol x 4 mol

                      2 mol

= 0.78 mol Fe

Since given percentage yield is 73.9%, more Fe is reacted.

       % yield =    actual yield     x 100

                      theoretical yield

         73.9 % =         63.0 g           x 100

                         theoretical yield

         Theoretical yield = 85.2 g

So, to find out mass of iron reacted to theoretically produce 85.2 g Fe₂O₃

Use molar mass of Fe and mole ratio of two compounds.

        moles = 85.2 g         = 0.53 moles Fe₂O₃

                     159.6 g/mol

using this,

 = 0.53 Fe₂O₃  x     4 moles Fe    

                 2 moles Fe₂O₃

 = 1.06 moles Fe


The mass of iron = ( 1.06 x 55.8 )g

                            = 59.1 g

To learn more about Fe reactions,


Resonance structures for a molecule are an indication of overall lower energy for the molecule. True or false?.


This statement is true.

When all of the features of a compound cannot be explained by a single structure, numerous structures of that compound are employed to explain all of the attributes of the given molecule.

This phenomenon is referred to as resonance, and all structures are referred to as resonant structures.

As a result, resonance structures are collections of Lewis structures that explain the delocalization of electrons in a polyatomic ion or molecule, and the larger the extent of electron delocalization, the lower the overall energy in the system. Thus, resonance is known to increase compound stability by lowering energy.

Read more about Resonance:


F an object weighs 38.325 lbs, what would be the mass in grams? (2.20 lbs = 1 kg)


If an object weighs 38.325 lbs = 17,400 g would be mass in grams

Define mass

In physics, mass is a numerical representation of inertia, which is a basic characteristic of all matter. The resistance a body of matter offers to a change in its speed or location as a result of the application of a force is what it is in essence. The change a force applies produces a change that is smaller the more mass a body has.

The kilogram, which is defined in terms of Planck's constant as equal to 6.62607015 × 10^ -34 joule second, is the unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). One kilogram times one square meter per second squared is equivalent to one joule.

Learn more about mass


Of the following compounds, which is the most ionic?
(a) sicl4
(b) brcl
(c) pcl3
(d) cl2o
(e) cacl2


cacl2  is the most ionic.

Ionic bonding is the perfect transfer of valence electrons between atoms. This is a type of chemical bond that creates two oppositely charged ions of her. In ionic bonding, metals lose electrons and become positively charged cations, while nonmetals gain their electrons and become negatively charged anions.

An ionic bond also called an electrical bond, is a type of bond created by electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a compound. Such bonds are formed when the valence (outermost) electron of one atom permanently moves to another atom.

Learn more about ionic here


Name one similarity and one difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.


Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are both similar types of phenomenon.

One similarity between the simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion is that they both are the passive processes. Since, passive process do not require any energy or ATP ( adenosine triphosphate ), both simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion do not have energy requirements. These diffusion process moves or transports the molecules down the concentration gradient, so they do not require energy.One difference between simple and facilitated diffusion is that facilitated diffusion takes place with the help of the action of the transmembrane proteins namely carrier proteins, channel proteins, aquaporins, etc.,In simple diffusion, there is no requirement of such transmembrane proteins. Molecules are transported directly across the cell membrane which is allowed by it.

To learn more about diffusion,


Which receptors and effectors are involved in the refldex action of:{a} blinking of eyes in light spark {b} withdrawal of hand on touching hot object


The receptor in blinking is receptors present in eyes and the effectors are the muscles in the eyes that cause the eye to contract and thereby encourages blinking of eye.

Receptors are the organs responsible for receiving external stimuli and transmitting them to the Central Nervous System. Effectors are the organs that carry out the central nervous system's instructions in response to external stimuli.

All receptors are essentially supplied by sensory nerves that can carry the stimulus to the CNS. Effectors are primarily supplied by motor nerves, which are capable of carrying instructions from the CNS.

Skin, eye, ear, nose, and tongue are all examples of receptors. Effectors are either muscles or glands.

Learn more about receptors,here:


The property of water whereby molecules tend to stick to objects is called? cohesion surface tension dissolving ability adhesion viscosity


The property of water whereby molecules tend to stick to objects is called adhesion. The correct option is d.

What is adhesion?

Adhesion is a property of a molecule to join its molecule with the surface of the other object. This happens due to the attraction of force between the surface of two substances.

So, when water molecules stick to the surface of other objects, it is adhesion. When the water molecules are attracted towards is called cohesion.  This happens with water due to the reason that water is a polar substance.

Thus, the correct option is d. adhesion.

To learn more about adhesion, refer to the link:


Place the following compounds in order of increasing boiling point. ch3cl, n2, ch3ch2nh2


The order of increasing boiling points of the following compounds is:

                                 ch3ch2nh2 > ch3cl > n2

The boiling point of CH3CH2NH2 is 16.6°c. The boiling point of CH3CL is -24.2 °C and the boiling point of N2 is -195.8 °C.

The boiling point is defined as the point at which the vapor pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the surrounding atmospheric pressure.

At the boiling point, the liquids start to convert into gaseous form. The boiling points always depend upon the external pressure. For example, the boiling point of certain substances at sea level won't be the same as at mount Everest.

If you need to learn more about boiling point, click here


Water has more structure than other liquids because of its ability to form hydrogen bonds. Because of this phenomena, water expresses a relatively high __________, which allows it to cushion and protect the body’s structures.


Water has more structure than other liquids due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. due to this phenomena, water expresses a comparatively high density , which allows it to cushion and protect the body’s structures.

What causes density?

The density of a substance is that the relationship between the mass of the substance and how much space it takes up (volume). The mass of atoms, their size, and the way they are arranged determine the density of a substance. Density equals the mass of the substance divided by its volume; D = m/v.

Why is density important?

Density is a crucial concept because it allows us to determine what substances will float and what substances will sink when placed in a liquid. Generally, substances float goodbye as their density is less than the density of the liquid they are placed in.

Learn more about density:


Which elements on the periodic table are not reactive? Why?



Noble gases are nonreactive, nonmetallic elements in group 18 of the periodic table. They have eight valence electrons, which fill their outer energy level.



Noble gases are nonreactive, nonmetallic elements in group 18 of the periodic table. Noble gases are the least reactive of all elements. That's because they have eight valence electrons, which fill their outer energy level.

In this way, _____ of water through ____ bonds to the molecules, which comprise the v illi on the cat's tongue


In this way, the Adhesion of water through hydrogen bonds to the molecules, which comprise the Villi on the cat's tongue.

What is Adhesion?

The act or quality of sticking or remaining fastened: the glue's adherence to the wood b. Physics The attraction between two substances that is strong enough to be seen at a macroscale and is caused by their differences.

What kind of bonds do water molecules form?

Hydrogen bonds form between nearby hydrogen and oxygen atoms of adjacent water molecules in the case of water. A bond known as a hydrogen bond is formed when individual water molecules are attracted to one another.

Which of the cat's tongue's villi works to resist gravity's pull downward?

By forming hydrogen bonds with the molecules that make up the villi on the cat's tongue, water adheres to them in this way, helping to fend off the effects of gravity. As a result, the phenomenon of adhesion aids in the maintenance of entire, joined drops of water.

Learn  more about Adhesion:


Explain why one molecule of nabh4 will reduce only two molecules of m acetylbenzaldehyde to form the corresponding product


One molecule of nabh4 will reduce only two molecules of m-acetylbenzaldehyde to form the corresponding product because there are only two functional groups that can react with NaBH4, namely the ketone and the aldehyde, but NaBH4 had four H present to protonate the molecule.

What is protonation?

An atom, molecule, or ion can be protonated by adding a proton to it. The difference between protonation and hydrogenation is that during protonation, the protonated species' charge changes, whereas it remains unchanged during hydrogenation. Numerous catalytic processes result in protonation.

A conjugate acid is created when a proton (or hydron, or hydrogen cation), (H+), is added to an atom, molecule, or ion. Deprotonation is the analogous process that occurs when a proton is taken out of a Bronsted-Lowry acid.

To learn more about protonation click the given link


Which is true?

Oxygen is negative and hydrogen is positive.

Oxygen is negative and hydrogen is negative.

Oxygen is positive and hydrogen is positive.

Oxygen is positive and hydrogen is negative.


The statement oxygen is negative and hydrogen is positive is true.

How to determine charge on an element?

Charge on an element is determined by the position of an element in the periodic table.More precisely,it is determined by an element's electronic configuration.

Elements having one electron in their outermost or valence shell are  situated to the left of the periodic table and are positive as they  loose their one electron present in valence shell to form cations that are positively charged ions.

Elements having six or seven electrons in their valence shell tend to gain one or two electrons respectively to complete their octet.These elements form anions that are negatively charged ions.

Hydrogen with atomic number 1 has 1 electron in it's valence shell which it looses to acquire a positive charge and hence form a cation .

Oxygen on the other hand,with atomic number 8 has 6 electrons in it's valence shell and thus gains 2 more electrons to complete the octet,and hence gain a negative charge and form an anion.

To learn more about valency and charge click here:


A hypothetical metal has the bcc crystal structure, a density of 7.24 g/cm3, and an atomic weight of 48.9 g/mol. the atomic radius of this metal is:_______


The atomic radius of this metal is 1.22 × 10⁻⁸ cm.

The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atom.

d(metal) = 7.24 g/cm³; a density of a metal

M(metal) = 48.9 g/mol; an atomic weight of a metal

Na = 6.022×10²³; Avogadro's number

Z(metal) = 2;  number of atom the BCC unit cell

a = ?; the side length of the BCC unit cell

a = ∛Z×M /d×Na

a = ∛(2×48.9 g/mol) ÷ (7.24 g/cm³×6.022×10²³)

a = 2.82 × 10⁻⁸ cm

r = a×√3 / 4;  the atomic radius formula

r = 2.82 × 10⁻⁸ cm×√3 / 4

r = 1.22 × 10⁻⁸ cm

More about atomic radius:


A ______________ is a type of mass movement where the material stays fairly coherent and moves over a well-defined surface.
a. rock fall
b. earthflow
c. debris avalanche
d. slump
e. debris flow


A  Slump is a type of mass movement where the material stays fairly coherent and moves over a well-defined surface.

What is a slump?

A slump is a colloquial expression denoting a precipitous drop in commercial activity, trade, or market values. The term "slump" is particularly adaptable since it may be used to refer to both a brief, abrupt collapse and a longer-lasting, more steady period of low activity or value. There are downturns in the markets, the economy, industries, and incomes, among other things.

A slump typically refers to the start of a recession in economic terms. The months prior to the official announcement of a recession are simply referred to as a protracted economic slump because a recession is not officially announced until several months of decreased activity have passed.

To learn more about slump visit here :


Suggest a reasonable synthetic strategy for the synthesis of 4-methyl-1,4-pentanediol from methyl-4-hydroxybutanoate hoch2ch2ch2cooch3. please show all arrow pushing for the proposed reaction as well.


A reasonable synthetic strategy for the synthesis of 4-methyl-1,4-pentanediol from methyl-4-hydroxybutanoate hoch2ch2ch2cooch3 and the reaction is Grignard reagent

Here in the Grignard reagent reaction chemical compound with the generic formula R-Mg-X where X is halogen  and R is organic group and grignard reaction is the organometallic chemical reaction in which alkyl, allyl, or magnesium halide in the synthesis of that compound 4-methyl-1,4-pentanediol from methyl-4-hydroxybutanoate hoch2ch2ch2cooch3

Synthetic strategy for the synthesis of 4-methyl-1,4-pentanediol from methyl-4-hydroxybutanoate reaction are followed:

The proper process(es) for disposing of liquid waste containing hazardous material could be?


Wastewater, another name for liquid waste, has a very diverse composition that primarily depends on its source. Residential, commercial, and industrial regions are the three primary sources in towns and cities.

What are liquid wastes?

Wastewater, fats, oils, or grease (FOG), used motor oil, liquids, solids, gases, or sludges are all examples of liquids that are considered to be hazardous household liquids. These liquids could be dangerous or damaging to the environment or human health. They can also be commercial products that have been labeled "Liquid Industrial Waste," such as cleaning agents or pesticides, or leftovers from production. The generation, storage, transport, treatment, and disposal of hazardous and liquid wastes are subject to special laws in addition to the standard waste regulations.Wastewater, another name for liquid waste, has a very diverse composition that primarily depends on its source. Residential, commercial, and industrial regions are the three primary sources in towns and cities.

To know more about hazardous wastes, refer:


In a chemistry class, 8 liters of a 4 cid solution must be mixed with a 10 cid solution to get a 6 cid solution. how many liters of the 10 cid solution are needed?


4 liters of the 10% solution are needed.

ω₁ = 4% ÷ 100% = 0.04; mass percentage of 8 liters solution

V₁ = 8 L; volume of 4% solution

ω₂ = 10% ÷ 100% = 0.1; mass percentage of solution

ω₃ = 6% ÷ 100% = 0.06; mass percentage of the final 6% solution

V₂ = ?; volume of 10% solution

V₃ = V₁ + V₂; volume of the final 6% solution

ω₁ · V₁ + ω₂ ·V₂ = ω₃ · V₃; formula to calculate volume of the solution

0.04 · 8 L + 0.1 · V₂ = 0.06 · (8 L + V₂)

0.32 L +  0.1 · V₂ = 0.48 L + 0.06 · V₂

0.04 · V₂ = 0.16 L

V₂ = 0.16 L ÷ 0.04

V₂ = 4 L; volume of the 10% solution

More about solutions:


Help please !!



Step 1 convert lbs to kg step 2 kg to g 3rd step g to mg

Here given data is 0.47 pound then we have to convert how many miligram = ?

So here 0.47 pound (lbs) = 0.2131 kg

1 kg = how many gram then 1kg = 1000 gram

So, 0.2131 kg = 213.1 gram

So 1 gram = 1000 mg then  

So, 213.1 gram = 0.2131 mg

Then here three conversion are seen means step 1 =0.47 pound (lbs) = 0.2131 kg to step 2 = 2131 kg = 213.1 gram to step 3 = 213.1 gram = 0.2131 mg

This is the conversion from beginning to ending

Know more about conversion


A sample thought to be pure lead occupies a volume of 15.0 mL and has a mass of 160.0


The density of a sample  thought to be pure lead occupies a volume of 15.0 mL and has a mass of 160.0 = 10.7 g/mol.

Evaluation :

Density = [tex]\frac{mass}{volume }[/tex]

         = [tex]\frac{160}{15}[/tex]

density    = 10.7 g/mol

What is meant by density of a substance ?

Density is termed because the ratio of mass of the object to the volume of the object. Different substances have several densities. The mathematical expression for density is as follows:


The mass of a substance is expressed in kilograms and  therefore the volume is expressed in liter.

Volume :

Volume is the  total amount of space occupied by a substance, whereas  mass is the amount of matter it contains in it . The amount of mass per unit of volume is a sample density.

Learn more about volume of a substance :


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