After 1540, the most important economic activity in new spain from the spanish viewpoint was?


Answer 1

After 1540, silver mining was the most significant economic activity in New Spain from a Spanish perspective.

What exactly is economic activity?

Making, delivering, acquiring, or selling commodities or services is considered to be an economic activity. An economic activity is any action that involves creating, supplying, or utilizing goods or services.

Within a society, economic activity takes place on all levels. Economic activities can include all activities involving the exchange of goods or services for money. For instance, managing a small business is a terrific illustration of economic activity, and you can learn more about it at

For instance, workers who are paid wages at a manufacturing are engaging in economic activity. Due to the fact that they pay the employees and produce and sell things, their bosses are also economically active.

To know more about silver mining visit:


Related Questions

A stronger euro helps a british exporter more than a german exporter. True or false



A stronger euro will benefit the British exporter to Germany. TRUE


The subject matter for the competition to design the florence baptistery doors was?


The subject matter for the competition to design the florence baptistery doors was the sacrifice of Isaac.

What is the Baptistery of Florence?

The Baptistery of  Saint John, sometimes referred to as the Florence Baptistery, is a place of worship in Florence, Italy, and is classified as a minor basilica.  Aside from the Florence Cathedral and the Campanile di Giotto , the octagonal baptistery can be found in the Piazza del Duomo and the Piazza San Giovanni.

Having been built between 1059 and 1128 in the Florentine Romanesque architectural style, the Baptistery is one of the city's oldest structures. Despite not being as widely adopted throughout Italy as the Pisan Romanesque or Lombard styles, the Florentine style had a significant impact on the evolution of architecture since it served as the foundation for Francesco Talenti, Leon Battista Alberti, and other notable architects.

To know more about Baptistery of Florence visit:


List of ways that the president can stay in power after an impeachment inquiry begins?


The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors are the ways that the president can stay in power after an impeachment inquiry begins.

The first impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, was launched by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on September 24, 2019. Trump pressured Ukraine's newly elected President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue the investigation into Joe Biden and their son Hunter, blaming Ukraine, not Russia, for meddling in the 2016 presidential election He has been accused of withholding military aid to investigate conspiracy theories about election stack.

More than a week after President Trump withdrew previously approved aid, he made these requests in a July 25 phone call with the President of Ukraine.

Zelensky believed critical military aid would be revoked and was set to announce a Biden investigation on his Sept. 13 episode of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS.

Learn more about impeachment inquiry here:


In a minimum of 50 words describe the components of all three colonial regions: reasons for settlement, government, society, geographic features, economic activities, and interactions with Native Americans.


asentamiento, gobierno, sociedad, características geográficas, actividades económicas e interacciones con los nativos americanos.

The syrian ruler who defiled the jewish temple altar and martyred many jews was?


The Syrian ruler who defiled the Jewish temple altar and martyred many Jews was Antiochus Epiphanes.

Greek for "God Manifest," Antiochus IV Epiphanes, often known as Antiochus Epimanes (the Mad), was a Seleucid monarch of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom who ruled from 175 to 164 BCE. He was most recognized as a monarch for his support of Greek institutions and culture.

Syria's Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), who conquered Jerusalem in 167 BC, desecrated the Temple by sacrificing a pig to Zeus on an altar there (the Abomination of Desolation).

He was eventually entrenched at Thermopylae and attacked by the Romans and was eventually defeated.

To learn more about Antiochus Epiphanes, click


The articles of confederation created the first form of government used by used by the United States in 1781.

Under the Articles of
Confederation, what group
had the most control over
the law-making process?

A. the Presidential cabinet

B. the Supreme Court

C. the Individual State


I think the answer is C.

How did the framers of the Constitution use Enlightenment ideas about the
natural rights of people to strengthen the Constitution?
A. They stated that the U.S. government would work to create
security and protect the liberty of its people.
B. They stated the U.S. government would refuse to provide security
and liberty.
C. They stated the U.S. government would make people pay to
secure and protect their liberty.
D. They stated the U.S. government would tax all citizens equitably
and protect their liberty with armies paid for by taxes.



In forming the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and thus our governmental framework, the Framers drew upon several ideals of the Enlightenment. Enlightenment issues of crime and punishment, social contract, and separation of governmental powers are echoed throughout the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Answer:They believed that to prevent the government from abusing its power, the government should be divided into separate but equal branches of power.


3. According to Plato, the
______part of the psyche reinforces our actions.


according to Plato, the three-part of the psyche reinforces our actions.

The definition of action is something that is done or accomplished. performing a skit and baking a cake is an examples of movement.

An action verb is a verb that expresses something that someone, animal, item, or method in nature (together with a typhoon) can do in preference to expressing a nation of being.

Gesture actively brings motion right into a speaker's mental representations, and those mental representations then have an effect on behavior—at times greater powerfully than the actions on which the gestures are based totally. Gesture for this reason has the ability to function as a unique bridge between movement and summary idea.

Learn more about  actions here:


What did the Constitution say about the National Bank



There were important Constitutional considerations to take into account. Hamilton believed that Article I Section 8 of the Constitution, permitting the Congress to make laws that are necessary and proper for the government, empowered lawmakers to create a national bank.


Choose the correct answer.

The assassination of which president moved Congress to support civil service reform?

A. Grover Cleveland
B. Rutherford B. Hayes
C. James A. Garfield
D. Chester A. Arthur​



Correct Option is C)

James A. Garfield

Congress' support for civil service reform was sparked by President Ames A. Garfield's murder. Thus, choice (C) is the appropriate response.

What is meant by civil service reform?

The group of government employees who work in civil positions that are neither political nor judicial is referred to as the civil service. In India, the idea of civil service has been present from ancient times.

Civil workers were employed by the Mauryan government under the guises of "adhyakshas" and "rajukas." According to Kautilya's Arthasastra, the examination for civil service positions was also exceedingly demanding in ancient days.

The Mauryan government had to hire civil workers on the basis of merit because of the size of the territory and the need to keep it intact. When the British sought to establish a framework to control the Indian territories, they created the highly sought-after "Indian Civil Services," or the ICS. This brought the idea of civil service back into the public eye considering Lord Cornwallis

Learn more about civil service reform, from :


The french and indian war broke out over claims to the? mohawk river valleymississippi river valleyohio river valleyhudson river valley


The French and Indian war broke out over claims to the Ohio River valley.

The French and Indian War (1754-1763) was the setting of the Seven Years' War, which pitted the North American colonies of the British Empire against the French colonies, with the support of each side by the various Native American tribes. At the start of the war, the French colonies had about 60,000 inhabitants, compared with 2 million in the British colonies. The outnumbered French were particularly dependent on their native allies.

Two years after the start of the French and Indian War, in 1756, Britain declared war on France, beginning the Seven Years' War. Many see the French and Indian War as just the American stage in this conflict; however, in the United States, the French and Indian War is considered a single conflict unrelated to any war in Europe. French Canadians called it la guerrilla ("war of conquest").

Learn more about the French and Indian War   here:


1. Why did the Puritans believe that the family should be


Puritans believe that the family should be orderly because they thought that one of marriage's main purposes was to provide companionship.

Who was Puritans?In the 16th and 17th centuries, English Protestants known as Puritans held the view that more reform and a shift toward Protestantism were necessary for the Church of England. They wanted to eradicate Roman Catholic practices from the Church of England.God intended for the family to serve as the cornerstone upon which society is constructed. According to Puritans, if the family was not functioning properly, neither the church nor the state would either.The "elect," according to Puritans, were those whom God had specifically chosen for salvation. The remainder of humanity was destined for hell forever.However, nobody truly knew if they were saved or doomed; Puritans constantly searched for indications of God's favor or wrath, living in a perpetual state of spiritual anxiety.The theater was among the many aspects of Elizabethan culture that the Puritans found repugnant.

Learn more about Puritans here:


3 questions 30 points pls



Colonel Henry Knox



Colonel Henry Knox and his men transported 58 heavy guns captured at Fort Ticonderoga 300 miles in the winter of 1775-1776 to Boston. When they were deployed in various positions overlooking the city and harbor, the British were compelled to evacuate on March 17, 1776.

What is the proper order for how a bill passes through the House?


Answer: First, a Representative sponsors a bill. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. If released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended. If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate.


Hope this helps!

In what ways were people mistaken about the character of Dimmesdale?​



Young, palephysically delicate

What effects did british taxes have on the american colonists before the revolution?.


The British taxes impacted the American colonists before the revolution, in such a way that they hurt the economic interests of southern planters and New England merchants and they fostered an alliance between merchants and laborers.

In order to prevent the colonies from producing paper money, the British Parliament established the Currency Act in 1764. Due to this, it became even more challenging for colonists to pay their taxes and debts.

Many colonists were incensed by their lack of self-government by the 1770s. As a result, they were unable to rule themselves and adopt their own laws. They were required to pay the king hefty taxes. They believed they were contributing taxes to a government in which they were unrepresented.

To learn more about British taxes, click


Were facilities for treating the mentally ill that existed in europe during the middle ages?



Asylums. facilities for treating the mentally ill in Europe during the Middle Ages and into the 19th century, focus at first was ostracization.



-Dorothea Dix.

-involuntary treatment.

-voluntary treatment.


-biomedical therapy

Select any five grievances against George III and the English government that Jefferson lists
in the Declaration of Independence. Copy the grievance, and state for each one a British law
Or action which may have prompted that complaint.


The following are among the grievances: British soldiers stationed in colonies without permission, British troops were quartered in the colonies. Not punishing these troops when they cause harm to colonists, cutting off colonist trade with the rest of the world, and taxing colonists without their consent. Navigation act, Stamp act, Intolerable act, Tea act, and Quartering act are examples of actions.

Thomas Jefferson began work on the Declaration of Independence on June 11, 1776. He was heavily influenced by the work of Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. After a few weeks, he presented his draft to the Continental Congress, which edited it. The Declaration of Independence contains a list of grievances that Jefferson believed King George III of Great Britain had committed against the colonists.

Learn more about grievances here:


Which of the following battles took place in Texas during the Mexican War of Independence?


Answer:On April 21, 1836, during Texas' war for independence from Mexico, the Texas militia under Sam Houston (1793-1863) launched a surprise attack against the forces of Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794-1876) at the Battle of San Jacinto, near present-day Houston, Texas


A huge bath with steps leading to it, to it, a proper sewerage systems with drains and house with water proofed Floors were discovered.​



Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan

Great Bath, ancient structure at Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan, an archaeological site featuring ruins of the Indus civilization.

Which of the following statements best describes the philosophy of the Roman statement Cicero?

A. Men are not angles so we need government

B. Power corrupts good men

C. The ends of justice are that no man should suffer wrong

D. The safety of the state is the highest law


I think it would be b or a

The philosophy of the Roman statesman Cicero is best captured in Power corrupts good men. Therefore, option B is correct.

In the annals of history, the luminary known as Cicero shines as a beacon of wisdom and eloquence in the Roman firmament. A paragon of statesmanship, his philosophical musings encapsulated profound truths that transcended time's grasp.

Cicero's insightful reflection on the human condition unveiled the perilous nature of power, warning that even the most virtuous souls could succumb to its allure.

Like a vigilant guardian, he urged for the preservation of justice and the primacy of the state's safety as the guiding stars, for it is in their brilliance that a nation's destiny is etched in the sands of time.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about Cicero here:


Plot the following points on the coordinate grid.

17. A (+1,-9) 19. C (-7,+8) 21. E (0,-5) 23. G (+9,+8)

18. B (-1,+4) 20. D (+2,-3) 22. F (-9,+5) 24. H (-7,-6)


according to my caluculations i rhink its a

How did the trend toward nationalism, militarism, and imperialism lead to the start of World War I? Please help me I will mark as branliest please

A.Nations became more isolated and refused to form alliances.

B Nations adopted policies that promoted cooperation with all other nations.

C Nations stopped trying to acquire colonies and focused on solving internal issues.

D Nations became more competitive and were willing to use force to further their growth.


The trend toward nationalism, militarism and imperialism lead to the start of World War I because Nations became more competitive and were willing to use force to further their growth.

What was the World War I?

The international war was regarded as one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history because it led to the fall of great imperial dynasties in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey as well as resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, destabilized European society and laid the groundwork for World War II.

As the main cause of World War I was narrowed down to nationalism, militarism and imperialism, this was because Nations became more competitive and were willing to use force to further their growth. Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about World War I


what was the key to the economy and society


Answer:Economy and Society relates economic life to other aspects of our lives—social, cultural, political, religious and intellectual.


The economy is the social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of a society's goods and services.

Frank was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. if he is typical, most of his dreams will:______.


Frank was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. if he is typical, most of his dreams will be very incoherent, illogical, chaotic, and concerned with fantastic images and very bizarre stories

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average person dreams four to six times per night. You might spend as much as 2 hours in dreamland over the course of a night's sleep, reports the National Institutes of Health.

The length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30 minutes. Dreaming is an important .

To know more about  dream here


In what ways was english policy towards natives different from those of france and spain?


Their distinctions, which include the following, might be seen as the policy differences.

The English colonists came to America for religious freedom and land whereas the French and Spanish colonists went there to find wealth in the form of gold, silver, and fur.

The distinctions between the Native American policies of England and France are;

1) The Native Americans were seen by the English as partners in trade and survival

2) The English population was greater.

3) Land-related contests

The contrasting Native American policies of English and Spanish are;

1) The Indians were revered.

2) They did not see them as suitable targets for military conquest or as subjects to be put under their military rule.

To know more about 'Native Americans in America', visit:


Select the noun phrase to complete the sentence.
Before europeans arrived, ____roamed the american plains.


Before Europeans arrived, herds of shaggy, thunder-hoofed buffalo roamed the American plains. This is the noun phase. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is a noun phrase?

The term noun phrase is the replaced of the word of the pronoun. The noun phases are the converted into the adjective, article, and adverb to be the modified.

The noun phases in the phrases are from before Europeans arrived at the American prairies to hunt shaggy, thunder-hoofed buffalo herds. The noun is buffalo, while the adjective is shaggy.

As a result, the noun phrase are herds of shaggy, thunder-hoofed buffalo. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on noun phrase, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

there were none of the wild horses who laterno records were kept of the species thatherds of shaggy, thunder-hoofed buffalomany creatures filled the American skies and

Describe 3 Sumerian achievements:


The Sumerian achievements were -  the Wheel, the Plow- Technology , , Medicine, Mathematics- Education, Cuneiform - in writing .

Sumer was an ancient civilization founded in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Known for their innovations in language, governance, architecture and more, Sumerians are considered the creators of civilization as modern humans understand it.

Sumer, site of the earliest known civilization, located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the area that later became Babylonia and is now southern Iraq, from around Baghdad to the Persian Gulf.

To know more about  Sumerian achievements here


Which of the following are considered to have contributed the MOST to creating the Constitution?
A. Patrick Henry and John Adams
B. James Wilson and James Madison
C. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine
D. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton


The answer is B.

Source: Trust me bro

I'm 97% sure its B.

Answer: James Wilson and Madison

But James Madison was a driving force behind the convention. He was famously known as the "father of the constitution". He came well prepared for all arguments against the creation of a new government

How might juan cabrillos later explorations affect later settlements in california?


According to the book ''Cabrillo sailed 1,200 miles along the coast of what is now California. Cabrillo failed to find wealth, but his journey gave Span a claim to the Pacific coast of North America."

Cabrillo made the decision to spend the winter in the Channel Islands because of the bad weather. Cabrillo shattered limb there during a brief battle with an indigenous group, and on January 3, 1543, he passed away from complications. After Cabrillo's passing, the discouraged crew set sail once more for the north, this time under Bartolome Ferrer's command. The mission may have traveled as far north as Oregon's Rogue River, but bitter winter winds and damaged supplies caused them to turn around and head back to Mexico.

This is how Juan Cabrillos later explorations affect later settlements in California.

To know more about  juan cabrillos visit


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