according to kent beck in his article on tdd, what is the primary purpose of test-driven development?


Answer 1

Kent Beck pioneered the concept of Test-Driven Development (TDD) in 2003. There is no official definition of TDD, however Beck provides approaches and examples. The purpose of TDD is to "create clean code that works".

TDD is a software development process that relies on converting software requirements to test cases before fully developing software and tracking all software development by repeatedly testing the product against all test cases. In contrast, software is produced first and test cases are created later.

TDD fosters simple designs and inspires confidence, according to software engineer Kent Beck, who is credited with developing or "rediscovering"the technique in 2003.

Learn more about  test-driven development


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__ is a category of ethics that involves working with others to reach a common goal.









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which characteristics must be present before an infant can experience pride, shame, or guilt? social awareness social skills stranger anxiety embarrassment


Before a baby to feel social awareness of pride, shame, or guilt, the traits must exist.

What age does infant separation anxiety start to show up?

Separation anxiety typically starts at around 8 months, peaks in intensity between 10 and 18 months, and resolves by 24 months.

What is required of a youngster to grow into the emotions of shame, pride, and embarrassment?

To experience the emotions of shame, pride, and humiliation, one must first become aware of other people.

Which emotion appears to be influenced by the growth of social awareness?

When social awareness grows, new feelings such as pride, humiliation, embarrassment, disgust, and guilt emerge.

To Know more about  humiliation


What is the difference between the establishment clause and the free exercise clause? and explain how these two clauses work together to guarantee religious freedoms.


The free exercise clause unambiguously grants people the right to practice as they like, the establishment clause forbids government from creating an official religion.

The Establishment Clause forbids the blending of government and religious activities or official government support for any orthodoxy, whereas the Free Exercise Clause safeguards everyone's right to freely choose his own path of religious observance without interference from the state. Together, these two clauses ensure that the government is neutral towards religion. But, the two articles operate differently and prohibit two quite different types of governmental interference with religious freedom. Governmental coercion is the focus of the Free Exercise Clause, whereas laws that declare a religion to be the official religion violate the Establishment Clause whether they directly coerce non observers or not. The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment forbid the government from passing any legislation that would create a religion or restrict its free practice. Insisting that religious convictions and religious expression are too valuable to be either forcibly forbidden or mandated by the State, the Free Exercise and Establishment Clause together protect religious freedom.

Learn more about establishment clause here


when ameya sees the first-grade teacher in the grocery store, they are shocked to see them outside of class. ameya's surprise is an example of:


The first-grade teacher is startled to see them outside of class when Ameya spots them in the grocery store. The surprise of Ameya is an illustration of static reasoning.

What is static reasoning?

Static Thought, which is often referred to as static reasoning, is a phrase used in developmental psychology to characterize a child's conviction that the universe is immobile. They think that the way things are now is the way they have always been and always will be. Static Reasoning: The world is constant; if there is a change, it is total and unexpected. • Irreversibility - failing to realize that undoing a change results in the pre-transformation state.

Hence, the first-grade teacher is startled to see them outside of class when Ameya spots them in the grocery store. The surprise of Ameya is an illustration of static reasoning.

To know more about static reasoning visit:


carlee has taken an aptitude test which revealed that she is best suited for an occupation that requires analytical skills, working with people, and following a protocol. which of the following occupations is most ideal for carlee? question 3 options: dietitian researcher executive chef accountant


executive researcher. Therefore, (B) is the best choice.

What is meant by an Aptitude Test ?

A test known as an aptitude test is used to assess a person's aptitude for a certain activity. Aptitude tests make the assumption that each person has their own unique set of strengths and limitations as well as a predisposition to succeed or fail in a given situation based on their innate traits.

A lot of times, aptitude tests are used to help people acquire jobs, get into college programs, and figure out what vocations could be a good fit for their interests and aptitudes.

The results of an aptitude test are used to assess a person's talents .

Learn more about Aptitude Test, from :


what kind of motion does a torque tend to impart to an object?


Torque is a force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis. In the same way that force causes an object to accelerate in linear kinematics, torque causes an object to acquire angular acceleration. Torque is measured as a vector quantity.

A torque, which is the product of the magnitude of the force and the lever arm, causes an object to rotate. When the force tends to produce a anticlockwise rotation about the axis, the torque is positive. When the force tends to produce a clockwise rotation, the torque is negative. Torque is defined as an action that causes objects to rotate.

To learn more about torque, click here.


what is an islamic state east of india that originally was called east pakistan


An islamic nation known as "Pakistani Bengalis" is located east of India and was formerly known as East Pakistan. This was transformed into Bangladesh, which in Bengali means "country of Bengal," after it gained independence in 1971.

To distinguish this area from India's state of West Bengal, East Pakistanis were referred to as "Pakistani Bengalis." On October 14, 1955, East Bengal was renamed as East Pakistan as part of Prime Minister of Pakistan Mohammad Ali of Bogra's reform and reorganization programs.

While regulations, such as the Second Partition of Bengal in 1947, were enacted to meet the political objectives of the parties concerned, the conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in Bengal that had led to the Partition of Bengal in 1905 continued.

Learn more about east pakistan Visit:


the principle that to be perceived as different two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage rather than a constant amount is called:


The principle that to be perceived as different two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage rather than a constant amount is called: Weber's Law.

Weber's law, often known as the Weber-Fechner law, is a generally important mental law that assesses the perception of advancement in a given upgrading. According to the law, a consistent portion of the initial improvement is changed in an upgrade that will be easily visible. It has been advised not to respect incitement-related boundaries.

The rule was first proposed by the German physiologist Ernst Heinrich Weber in 1834 to describe studies on weight lifting. Weber's student Gustav Theodor Fechner then applied the law to the estimation of sensation and went on to develop the field of psychophysics.

To learn more about Weber's Law here:


what is the difference between top-down and bottom-up processing? if someone sees the line with the arrow heads as shorter then is this due to top-down or bottom-up processing?


Top-down processing occurs when the context of a situation or object influences how it is perceived. This type of processing uses prior knowledge and experience to interpret and make sense of a stimulus.

An example of top-down processing is recognizing a familiar face in a crowd. Bottom-up processing, on the other hand, involves the processing of sensory information from the environment. This type of processing starts with the individual pieces of sensory data and works its way up to more complex interpretations. An example of bottom-up processing is recognizing individual letters in a word. If someone sees the line with the arrow heads as shorter, then this is due to top-down processing, as prior knowledge or experience is influencing the perception of the stimulus.

To learn more about interpretation click here


which two apostles were serving in the church at antioch?


According to Acts 11:26, the apostles Barnabas and Saul were serving in the church at Antioch.

They were among the first christians to spread the gospel of Jesus and the faith of christianity as a religion.

Expansion of the first christians

After Jesus´s death, his small group of fallowers began to spread his leasons. They made several churches and christians communities around of the Mediterranean Sea. It´s necessary know that one the first cities visited for Jesus followers was Antioch, which is located in the present day Turkey.

Learn more about the church at Antioch:


The Suez Canal was built through the combined efforts of the
a. French and British
b. French and Egyptians
c. Russians and Persians
d. Egyptians and Persians


The correct option is B ; French and Egyptians , The Suez Canal Enterprise, a joint-stock company based in Paris, funded the Suez Canal.

France controlled 52 percent of the shares at the time of its formation, while Egypt held 44 percent. By 1875, Egypt's shares had been sold to the United Kingdom, which assisted in the administration of the canal.

More surveys and designs for a canal followed in the 1830s and 1850s, until it was made official in 1856. The Suez Canal Business, a French company, was given a 99-year lease to develop and operate the canal.

Learn more about  Suez Canal


explain why madison believes the legislature might need to be weakened, and describe his proposed remedy for weakening the legislature.


Because it is the most powerful branch of government, Madison thinks it may be necessary to weaken the legislature. He formed a bicameral legislature in order to weaken it.

Undoubtedly, the main check on the government is its reliance on the people, but experience has shown that there also has to be secondary safeguards. The entire system of human affairs, both private and public, may be traced back to this approach of filling the gap left by higher reasons with competing and opposing interests. The distribution of the state's supreme powers cannot be done without these innovations of wisdom. Giving each department the same level of self-defense authority is not feasible, though. Legislative power always takes precedence in republican governments.

The solution to this inconvenience is to split the legislature into various branches, and to make them as unconnected from one another as possible given the nature of their shared responsibilities and their interdependence on society. Even further safeguards might be required to protect against potentially harmful intrusions. On the other side, the weakness of the executive may call for its fortification, just as the weight of the legislative authority necessitates its division in this way.

To know more about legislature


Describe a situation when an organization was compelled to change its communication technology due to elements in either the internal operating environment or external operating environment?


One main example of an organization that is compelled to change its communi-cation technology is the govern-ment. The government typically takes a few years to get the most updated techno-logies within their infrastructure.

Over the years, I had the opport-unity to work in both the private sector and govern-ment sector. While work-ing in the government sector, they are usually years behind what the industry stan-dard is. Still, I have noticed a trend now that the govern-ment is trying to do better as many legacy equipment and software can have vulnerabilities.

According to Phil Goldstein, ‘The pandemic expo-sed many state govern-ments’ legacy IT systems, which are still used to man-age critical systems such as the distribution of unem-ployment insurance.

To know more about technology click below:


gary reported to allie that he saw joe leaving the locker room. in this perceptual process, gary was the and joe was the . a perceiver; receiver b target; perceptor c perceiver; target d target; perceiver e perceiver; context


In the given scenario, Gary reported to Allie that he saw Joe leaving the locker room. In the perceptual process, Gary was the perceiver and Joe was the target.

What is meant by Perception?

Perception involves the process of interpreting and organizing sensory information received from the environment. In this case, Gary perceived Joe leaving the locker room, and he reported this information to Allie. Gary acted as the perceiver, as he was the one interpreting and organizing the sensory information. Joe was the target, as he was the object of Gary's perception.

It is important to note that perception is not always an accurate reflection of reality, as it is influenced by various factors, such as past experiences, expectations, and context. Perceivers may also make errors in perception, such as misinterpreting or misattributing the cause of a behavior.

To know more about Perception, check out:


If you have difficulty knowing where your foot is when you aren't looking at it,
you may have a problem with:
A. proprioception.
B. ear canals.
C. transduction.
D. temporal lobe function


If you have difficulty knowing where your foot is when you aren't looking at it, you may have a problem with proprioception. The correct option is a.

What is proprioception?

Proprioception is mediated by proprioceptors, mechanosensory neurons located within muscles, tendons, and joints. Most animals possess multiple subtypes of proprioceptors, which detect distinct kinematic parameters, such as joint position, movement, and load. Although all mobile animals possess proprioceptors, the structure of the sensory organs can vary across species. Proprioceptive signals are transmitted to the central nervous system, where they are integrated with information from other sensory systems.

Proprioception is mediated by mechanically sensitive proprioceptor neurons distributed throughout an animal's body.

Learn more about proprioception, here:


brannon is cooking a meal for his family. how might brannon experience change blindness in this situation?


Brannon may experience change blindness in this situation if he fails to notice changes in the ingredients that he is using, the movements of his family members, the smells and tastes of the food he is cooking, or even the amount of time it takes for the meal to be completed.

Brannon might experience change blindness if he is so focused on the task of cooking the meal that he fails to notice changes that occur in his family while he is in the kitchen.

For example, if someone enters the room or if someone speaks to him, he may not notice. He may also miss changes in the atmosphere or in the conversation around him.

To learn more about Change blindness link is here:


Which ethical system defines ethical behavior according to how others behave?


The ethical system that defines ethical behavior according to how others behave is called Relativism.

Relativism is the belief that ethical values and principles are relative to a particular culture, society, or individual. In other words, what is considered ethical in one society may not be considered ethical in another.

In a relativistic system, ethical behavior is determined by the norms and values of the group or society in which the individual is a part. The individual's actions are judged according to the standards of their culture or society rather than any absolute, universal standards.

Relativism is often contrasted with absolutism, which is the belief that certain ethical principles and values are universal and apply to all individuals, regardless of their culture or society.

To learn more about relativism, visit here


the aggression scale in study 1 allowed the researchers to isolate socially-influenced aggressive behaviors. which alternative method would best determine if aggression was actually being modeled as opposed to already learned? reddit


The best alternative method to determine if aggression was actually being modeled as opposed to already learned would be to conduct a survey or experiment that directly tests the model.

This could involve having participants observe a model who either displays aggressive behavior or non-aggressive behavior and then testing whether their own behavior is influenced by the model.

Another option would be to use a control group who does not observe the model, and then compare their behavior to the group that did observe the model. This would help to determine whether the observed behavior was actually modeled or if it was already learned.

To learn more about Aggression link is here


What is one of William-Jose Velez’s main grievances in his rallies to support statehood for Puerto Rico?a. He discovered that his website had been monitored.b. His petition to stage a march to Washington, D.C., was vetoed.c. Puerto Rico has been denied the right to elect representatives.d. Puerto Rico’s representatives do not have full voting rights


One of William-Jose Velez’s main grievances in his rallies to support statehood for Puerto Rico is Puerto Rico has been denied the right to elect representatives. The correct answer is option(c).

Willian José da Silva, popular as Willian José, is a Brazilian professional footballer the one plays as a forward for La Liga club Real Betis. Puerto Rico is a Caribbean peninsula and unincorporated U.S. region accompanying a countryside of ridges, waterfalls, and the El Yunque lush rainforest. In San Juan, the capital and best city, the Isla Verde field is famous for its allure of lodging strip, waterfront bars, and casinos. Its Old San Juan surroundings appear rich Spanish pioneering houses and El Morro and La Fortaleza, large, day-traditional strongholds.

Puerto Rico, a reef in the Caribbean Sea, has existed as a domain of the United States because in 1898, later the U.S. beat Spain in the Spanish-American war. It's top secret as an “unincorporated domain,” the aim of the isle is conditional to the U.S. management but is give up responsibility for the shore.

To know more about Puerto Rico refer to:


"what is the impact of the amendment-enforcing provisions?
a. Congress has the ability to enact laws that are appropriate for enforcing amendments.
b. Funding must be provided by Congress to support requirements placed on states.
c. States can demand ratification of any federal constitutional amendment drafted by Congress.
d. Law enforcement authority is granted to the federal government to ensure civil rights andliberties are protectedd.
e. Supreme court decisions can review and support the constitutionality of federal laws."


Congress can pass laws that are suitable for enforcing amendments thanks to the amendment-enforcing provisions. The correct answer is option(a).

A constitutional amendment is a qualification for the establishment of a state, arrangement, or additional type of system. Amendments are frequently interlaced into the appropriate portions of an existent establishment, straightforwardly changing the manual.

The enforcement provisions held in these improvements offer the capacities of Congress initially listed in Article One, Section 8 of the Constitution, and have the effect of growing the capacity of Congress and belittling that of the individual states.

To know more about amendments refer to:


Although social media relies on the internet today, the theory behind social media has been with us since
Ancient times and the Egyptians 1900 's 1970 's
1990 ′s


The theory behind social media has been with us since Ancient times around 1900's ,therefore the correct option is A.

The conception of the social media has evolved over the time,  still, and continues to evolve  moment. In late 1900s, arising forms of communication  similar as the telephone, radio, and  TV started to come most popular. By the 1970s, the internet was also developed, and the rise of the social media platforms  similar as Usenet,

Dispatch, and the converse apartments created a more direct form of connection between the people. In the 1990s, the internet and the social media came more advanced with the preface of the World Wide Web and also the development of  that spots  similar as Myspace,

To know more about World Wide Web visit:


Scientists believe that 250 million years ago ______.


The End-Permian catastrophe, which happened 250 million years ago, resulted in simultaneous global extinctions of marine and terrestrial species. So scientists thought.

They looked like these 250 million years ago. Alfred Wegener, a German scientist, suggested that the continents were previously joined into a single supercontinent called Pangaea, which means "all of Earth" in Greek. He proposed that Pangaea split long ago and that the continents then shifted to their current locations.

Alfred Wegener was born in Greenland. Plate tectonics is the hypothesis that the land masses on Earth are constantly moving. Alfred Wegener introduced the concept of continental drift, or the movement of Earth's land masses. He is depicted here in Greenland.

Learn more about 250 million years


the insertion of the extensor digitorum branches into __________.


The insertion of the extensor digitorum branches into extensor retinaculum of the ankle joint.

Four tendinous slips that come from the four extensor digitorum tendons make up the insertion of the extensor digitorum. The superior and medial surfaces of the extensor retinaculum receive the four tendinous slips. When the extensor muscles contract, the insertion of the extensor digitorum produces a tensile force that aids in stabilising the ankle joint.

Extensor digitorum connects the medial four phalanges of the hand to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. This creates the pull necessary for the four medial fingers' metacarpophalangeal and both interphalangeal joints to extend. The extensor digitorum helps the wrist extend as well.

To know more about extensor digitorum refer to:


what theory originated with the eleventh-century church theologian peter abelard?


His (i.e., peter abelard) elaboration of the idea of limbo and his introduction of the moral influence theory of atonement are what made him most famous in Catholic theology.

Abelard's view of moral right and evil stems from his conviction that God is both goodness and love, and as a result, we are obligated to love both God and our neighbor. Positive intentions show love for God and neighbor, whereas negative intents are contemptuous.

Anselm's satisfaction theory of atonement is opposed by the moral influence or moral example theory of atonement, which was created or most famously advocated by Abelard (1079-1142). Abelard worked to have man see God as loving rather than offended, harsh, or judging.

Learn more about theologian Visit:


The earliest known measurement of the circumference of the Earth used
noon Sun angles at two locations to determine the angle between the Earth radii to those locations.


The earliest known measurement of the circumference of the Earth was made by the ancient Greek mathematician and geographer Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BCE.

Eratosthenes used noon Sun angles at two different locations (Alexandria and Syene, which is now Aswan) to determine the angle between the Earth's radii to those locations. He knew that at noon on the summer solstice, the Sun was directly overhead in Syene, but not in Alexandria. By measuring the angle of the shadow of a vertical stick in Alexandria at noon on the summer solstice, Eratosthenes was able to determine the angle between the Sun and the zenith (the point directly overhead) in Alexandria. From this, he calculated the circumference of the Earth by using geometry and assuming that the Earth was a sphere.

Eratosthenes' estimate of the Earth's circumference was remarkably accurate, given the limitations of his measurements and calculations. He calculated the circumference to be about 39,375 kilometers, which is very close to the modern value of 40,075 kilometers. His work helped to establish the field of geodesy, which is the science of measuring and understanding the shape and size of the Earth.

For such more question on ancient Greek


when did dr. martin luther king give his i have a dream speech?


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28, 1963.

The speech was delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a peaceful demonstration calling for civil rights and economic equality for African Americans. King's speech became one of the most famous speeches in American history, and is widely considered to be a defining moment in the Civil Rights Movement. In the speech, King expressed his vision of a future where people of all races would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. He also called for an end to racial segregation and discrimination, and for the realization of the American dream of freedom and equality for all.

Learn more about speech here:


According to Mingo White, "there were a lot of slave speculators in Chester to buy some slaves for some folks in Alabama. " What was happening in the economy of the Deep South at that time (1840-1852)


The economy of the Deep South at that time (1840-1852) was turned into transportation and trading of slavery people in exchange for money.

To increase the labor rate for agricultural works, and industrial works, the import of black people for slavery increased through this slavery trade. Alabama is the trade center for this business and they ruined the people's life through the name of slavery.

The slave trade involves the capture, transportation, sale, and purchase of enslaved persons, mainly Africans. While the slave trade remains an old tradition, the Atlantic slave trade destroyed the population of Africa. Its modern form takes the payment of non-living wages to staffers.

To learn more about the slave trade


modes of behavior and understanding that are not universal or natural are called:______.


Non-universal or non-natural ways of acting and thinking are called cultural scripts.

The laws and customs that belong to a given culture are known as cultural scrips, and members of that culture are expected to abide by them. The customs and traditions that should be observed by those who share the same culture are known as cultural norms.

Additionally, they assess a person's conduct and cultural background within the context of society. People must adhere to certain cultural customs that are documented in the writings of ancient scholars who studied that culture, and they are not allowed to depart from those customs.

To learn more about cultural scripts, visit the link below:


which of marcia’s identity statuses is a minority youth likely to adopt in the face of restricted occupational opportunities in a discriminating dominant culture?A. identity diffusion B. identity moratorium C. identity foreclosure D. identity achievement



Identity foreclosure


In the face of restricted occupational opportunities in a discriminating dominant culture, a minority youth is likely to adopt the identity status of "identity foreclosure". Thus, Option C is correct.

This is because minority youth may feel pressured to conform to the expectations and values of the dominant culture, leading them to prematurely commit to an identity without fully exploring their options or developing their own sense of self. This can result in a lack of personal fulfillment and a sense of alienation from one's true identity.

It is important for minority youth to have access to resources and support that allow them to explore and develop their own identities, rather than feeling forced to adopt the identity of the dominant culture.

Learn more about minority group


ways to curb illegal bunkering​


[tex]\huge\underline{\red{A}\green{n}\blue{s}\purple{w}\pink{e}\orange{r} →}[/tex]

Some analysts maintain that one solution to the issue of illegal bunkering is the establishment of modular refineries in the Niger Delta.


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