a pea plant can have smooth (r) or round (r) seeds, and yellow (y) or green (y) seeds. what is the probability of forming a gamete that contains ry alleles?


Answer 1

The probability of forming a gamete that ry alleles is 1/4.

As per the question, a pea plant can have smooth (R) or round (r), and yellow (Y) and green (y) seeds. The gametes it will form are- RY, Ry, rY, and ry. Thus, the probability of forming a gamete that contains ry alleles is 1/4.

The type of cross depicted here is dihybrid cross. A dihybrid cross comprises of inheritance of two traits simultaneously. The two characters being inherited here are the seed shape and the seed color. Mendel was the one who worked on pea plants to provide various laws describing the inheritance of characters among organisms.

The seed color yellow is dominant over green, while seed being round is dominant over wrinkled. According to Mendelian inheritance, the gametes segregate independently without the influence of each other.

To know more about dihybrid cross, refer:



Related Questions

explain how the genetic information that is stored in DNA becomes a protein that can be used by the cell?



First, enzymes read the information in a DNA molecule and transcribe it into an intermediary molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA. Next, the information contained in the mRNA molecule is translated into the "language" of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

In transcription, the information in the DNA of every cell is converted into small, portable RNA messages. During translation, these messages travel from where the DNA is in the cell nucleus to the ribosomes where they are 'read' to make specific proteins.

Have a wonderful day! :-)



The process of converting genetic information stored in DNA into functional proteins that can be used by cells is known as gene expression. This process is composed of several steps:

Transcription: The first step in gene expression is the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA. This is accomplished through the process of transcription, where an enzyme called RNA polymerase reads the DNA code and synthesizes a complementary RNA molecule. This RNA molecule is called messenger RNA (mRNA).

Splicing: Before the mRNA molecule is transported out of the nucleus, it may undergo a process called splicing. This process involves the removal of non-coding sequences of the mRNA molecule, leaving only the coding sequence, called exons.

Translation: After the mRNA molecule has been processed and is in the cytoplasm, it is translated into a protein by ribosomes. The ribosome reads the sequence of codons (groups of three nucleotides) in the mRNA molecule and uses this information to assemble a chain of amino acids. The amino acids are linked together through peptide bonds to form a functional protein.

Post-translational modification: Once the protein is produced, it may undergo further modification, such as folding into its final 3D shape or modification by the addition of chemical groups. These modifications are important for the proper functioning of the protein.

In summary, gene expression is the process by which the genetic information stored in DNA is transcribed into mRNA, processed, and then translated into functional proteins in the cytoplasm. These proteins carry out the functions that are essential for the survival and functioning of cells.

1. bioethics is a branch of ethics specifically related to moral issues in which domain? a) biology b) chemistry c) case management d) health care ans: d


Bioethics is a branch of ethics specifically related to moral issues in  health care domain , option d)

Medical Domain refers to (1) a generally recognized and standard medical treatment-related department within a physician practice, clinic, or hospital (a "Clinical Department"), and (2) the dictating Authors' specific dictation instructions, habits, and documentation practices within such Clinical Department...

The Institute of Medicine defines six categories of healthcare quality: patient safety, efficacy, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity. Each of these is critical for providing high-quality care to patients.

Learn more about   health care



Translation is terminated when a stop codon is presented at the:_________


Translation is terminated when a stop codon is presented at the: A site.

TerminationA stop codon that occupies the ribosomal A-site and is decoded by a protein moiety results in the termination of translation. Due to its sequence-specific recognition, this trans-acting factor (RF) behaves similarly to how tRNAs do.The termination process is how translation comes to an end. Once a stop codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA) in the mRNA enters the A site, the process is terminated. Release factors, which aren't tRNAs but neatly fit into the P site, are proteins that identify stop codons.The majority of messenger RNA codons add an amino acid to a developing polypeptide chain that may eventually turn into a protein; stop codons signal the end of this process by binding release factors.

For more information on termination of translation kindly visit to



In an ecosystem where most flowers are long and bell-shaped, there are two varieties of
hummingbird: birds with short beaks and birds with long beaks. What is the most likely
hummingbird population composition?
more long-beaked hummingbirds
only short-beaked hummingbirds
more short-beaked hummingbirds
only long-beaked hummingbirds


Answer: Because the flowers are long and bell-shaped, short-beaked hummingbirds have a better chance of reaching the nectar at the bottom of long and bell-shaped flowers, while long-beaked hummingbirds are better suited for shorter flowers. So there would likely be more short-beaked hummingbirds



The most likely hummingbird population composition would be "more short-beaked hummingbirds".

In an ecosystem where most flowers are long and bell-shaped, the hummingbirds that are more adapted to feeding from these types of flowers are likely to have a survival advantage over those that are not. Since short-beaked hummingbirds are better suited for feeding from these types of flowers, it is more likely that there will be more of them in the population.

On the other hand, long-beaked hummingbirds may not be as well adapted to feeding from these flowers and may struggle to find enough food. As a result, they may not be as successful in reproducing and may have lower numbers in the population.

It's worth noting that this is just a likely scenario and not a definitive answer, as there could be other factors at play that affect the hummingbird populations, such as predation, competition with other bird species, and environmental conditions.

in your opinion, which would be a better tree to represent the evolutionary relationship of microorganisms, the phylogenetic tree or the flow chart (tree). explain why?


A phylogenetic tree is better to represent evolutionary relationships of microorganisms.

A phylogenetic tree is a diagram that represents the evolutionary relationships among different groups of microorganisms based on their genetic and morphological similarities. The branches of the tree depict the relationships among different lineages, and the tips of the branches represent the most recent common ancestors. In contrast, a flow chart or a tree is a diagram that shows the process or relationships in a linear or hierarchical manner. Flow charts are better suited to represent processes or functions, but not evolutionary relationships. This type of tree is useful in understanding the evolutionary history of different microorganisms and how they are related to each other. In conclusion, the phylogenetic tree is the preferred method to represent the evolutionary relationships of microorganisms as it offers a more comprehensive picture of the evolutionary history and relationships among the different microorganisms.

Learn more about phylogenetic tree here:



which type of membrane protein transmits information into the cell by responding to signal molecules?
a. receptor protein b. channel protein c. carrier protein d. glycoprotein


The type of membrane protein that transmits information into the cell by responding to signal molecules is a receptor protein.

Receptor proteins are integral membrane proteins that bind to specific signaling molecules outside the cell, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, and trigger a signaling pathway within the cell. These pathways can lead to changes in gene expression, enzyme activity, and other cellular functions. Receptor proteins are highly specific, recognizing only particular ligands, and can be either intracellular or extracellular depending on their mechanism of action. Examples of receptor proteins include G protein-coupled receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, and ligand-gated ion channels. Dysfunction of receptor proteins can result in a wide range of diseases and disorders, such as cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders, highlighting the importance of these proteins in cellular signaling and communication.

Learn more about Receptor proteins  here:



gross motor skills multiple choice question. involve the hands and fingers. begin with the moro reflex. involve large-muscle activities. develop after fine motor skill development.


The gross-motor skills involve large muscle activities, thus the correct option is D. However, gross-motor abilities are more intricate than they may appear.

Huge muscles make up our body, legs, and arms, which our gross motor abilities allow us to use to perform tasks and involve whole-body movements. We use our gross motor abilities during physical activities like raking leaves and running. Most people use these skills automatically and without thinking and involve the nervous system and coordinated movement of the muscles. They interfere with balance and coordination. They also act as the foundation for our fine motor skills, which give us the ability to make exact movements like those needed to use a pencil. gross-motor skills start to develop at birth and continue to grow throughout childhood. Despite the fact that each child develops at a different rate, they all reach particular milestones at about the same age.

To learn more about the gross-motor follow the link: https://brainly.com/question/20292222


The complete question is:

Gross motor skills, Multiple choice question.

A. begin with the Moro reflex.

B. develop after fine motor skill development.

C. involve the hands and fingers.

D. involve large-muscle activities.

Answer: involve large-muscle activities


the majority of corn grown in this country is starchy and is fed to cattle. shriveled or shrunken corn kernels (when allowed to dry) result from defects in the process whereby starch is synthesized from sugar in the endosperm, leading to sweet (and therefore edible by people!) kernels. two of the most common mutations found in sweet corn are sugary1 (su1) and shrunken2 (sh2), which are recessive alleles of two different genes. if the proteins encoded by both genes (su1 and sh2) are both required for the conversion of sugar to starch, what ratio of starchy to sweet offspring do you expect in the f2 generation of a cross between a su1/su1 plant and a sh2/sh2 plant?


If the su1 and sh2 genes are required for the conversion of sugar to starch, and both are recessive, the cross between a su1/su1 plant and a sh2/sh2 plant would produce an F1 generation with all heterozygous (su1/su1 ; sh2/sh2) offspring.

When these F1 plants are crossed with each other, the resulting F2 generation will have a phenotypic ratio of 9 starchy : 3 sweet : 4 shriveled. This can be explained by a dihybrid cross with two genes, where 9/16 of the offspring will be homozygous dominant for both genes (starchy), 3/16 will be homozygous recessive for both genes (sweet), and 4/16 will be heterozygous for both genes (shriveled).

Therefore, the expected ratio of starchy to sweet offspring in the F2 generation is 9:3, or 3:1.

To know more about generation click here:



What level of protein structure describes the spatial location of every atom in a protein?Tertiary structure (3°) describes the relative spatial location of every atom in a protein. It is determined by the amino acid sequence (1°). It shows the spatial relation of all secondary structure elements and includes the location of other subunits (4°), if present.


The tertiary structure of a protein alludes to the general three-layered game plan of its polypeptide chain in space.

A protein's essential construction is characterized as the amino corrosive succession of its polypeptide chain; the optional design is the area spatial game plan of a polypeptide's spine (fundamental chain) particles; tertiary construction alludes to the three-layered construction of a whole polypeptide chain; and quaternary construction

It is for the most part balanced out by outside polar hydrophilic hydrogen and ionic bond collaborations, and interior hydrophobic communications between nonpolar amino corrosive side chains. The various degrees of protein structure is known as essential, auxiliary, tertiary, and quaternary designs.

To learn more about  protein structure here



the first hominin species to spread from africa, to make systematic tools, and to be associated with probable evidence for hunting and controlled use of fire is group of answer choices australopithecus africanus homo sapiens sapiens homo habilis homo erectus


The first hominin species will spread from Africa, to make systematic tools, and it can be associated with probable evidence for hunting and controlled use of fire is Homo erectus. Option D is correct.

While earlier hominins such as Australopithecus africanus and Homo habilis made simple tools, Homo erectus is known for making more complex tools and was the first hominin species to migrate out of Africa. They are also associated with evidence of hunting and the controlled use of fire, which allowed them to expand their diet and inhabit new environments.

Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern humans, did not exist during this time period, as they did not appear until much later in human history.

To know more about hominin species here



--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"The first hominin species to spread from Africa, to make systematic tools, and to be associated with probable evidence for hunting and controlled use of fire is group of answer choices A) australopithecus africanus B) homo sapiens sapiens C) homo habilis D) homo erectus"--

explain what characteristic(s) determine whether or not a microbe can ferment a particular carbohydrate


A microbe's capacity to ferment a certain carbohydrate is determined by the presence or absence of the enzymes required to break down the carbohydrate into simpler forms that may be utilised as energy sources.

Because various microorganisms have varied enzyme profiles, they can ferment carbohydrates to varying degrees.

The same bacterium may occasionally have numerous enzyme profiles and be capable of fermenting various carbohydrates, while in other instances the same bacteria may lack the required enzymes and be unable to do so.

In addition, a microbe's capacity to ferment carbohydrates is influenced by environmental factors including pH, temperature, and the presence of other nutrients.

Hence, the environmental factors and the presence or lack of the required enzymes are what decide whether or not a bacterium can ferment a certain carbohydrate.

To learn more about microorganisms visit:



1. Pilihan ganda30 detik1 ptQ. Which of the following phrases best describes the results of natural selection?Pilihan jawabannatural variation found in all populationsunrelated species living in different locationschanges in the inherited characteristics of a population over timestruggle for existence undergone by all iving things


The phrase that best describes the results of natural selection is "changes in the inherited characteristics of a population over time."

Natural selection is a process by which certain individuals within a population are better suited to survive and reproduce in a given environment, and therefore pass on their favorable traits to their offspring. These traits can be physical, behavioral, or physiological, and they are determined by genetic variations that occur naturally in all populations.

Over time, as individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, the frequency of those traits in the population will increase. This results in a change in the overall characteristics of the population, and is known as evolution by natural selection.

The other answer choices, "natural variation found in all populations," "unrelated species living in different locations," and "struggle for existence undergone by all living things," are all important aspects of natural selection, but they do not describe the results of the process itself.

Learn more about natural selection at : https://brainly.com/question/2725702


A brilliant surgeon who pioneered research with plasma and created the first blood bankA. Charles Drew
B. Samuel Morries
C. Langston Hughes
D. Benjamin Banneker


Charles Drew was an innovative African American surgeon who made several significant advancements in the medical industry.

He is most renowned for his contributions to the first Blood Bank and blood transfusions. He was the first to realise that plasma might be used in place of whole blood, which completely changed the transfusion industry.

Additionally, he created methods for isolating and preserving red blood cells, which permitted the transportation and storage of blood products. Drew was also the first to create a blood typing system and to emphasise the significance of blood type in transfusions.

Additionally, he founded the first blood bank, which offered a trustworthy and secure source of blood for transfusions. His pioneering work in the field of blood transfusions, as well as the creation of the Blood Bank, saved many lives.

To learn more about Blood Bank visit:



Why are the effects of genetic drift more pronounced in smaller populations?


Answer: Drift is more pronounced in such populations, because smaller populations have less variation and, therefore, a lower ability to respond favorably

- that is, adapt - to changing conditions.

what is one important consequence of the structure of the lipid bilayer in the cell membrane?


The phospholipid bilayer formed by these interactions makes a good barrier between the interior and exterior of the cell. It  is one important consequence of the structure of the lipid bilayer.

The lipid bilayer (also known as the phospholipid bilayer) is a thin polar membrane composed of two layers of lipid molecules. These membranes are flat sheets that surround all cells in a continuous barrier.

Almost all animals and many viruses have lipid bilayer cell membranes, as do the nuclear membrane encircling the cell nucleus and the membranes of the cell's membrane-bound organelles.

The lipid bilayer acts as a barrier, keeping ions, proteins, and other molecules where they belong and preventing them from diffusing into places where they should not be.

Even though they are only a few nanometers wide, lipid bilayers are perfect for this task since they are impervious to most water-soluble (hydrophilic) compounds.

Ions are especially impermeable to bilayers, allowing cells to control salt concentrations and pH by moving ions across their membranes via proteins known as ion pumps.

When exposed to water, phospholipids self-assemble into a two-layered sheet with the hydrophobic tails pointing toward the center. This arrangement produces two "leaflets" that are each made up of a single molecular layer.

This bilayer's interior contains practically no water and is devoid of compounds that dissolve in water, such as sugars and salts. Interactions between hydrophobic molecules promote the assembly process (also called the hydrophobic effect).

An increase in interactions between hydrophobic molecules (resulting in clustering of hydrophobic areas) allows water molecules to connect more readily with one another, increasing the system's entropy. Non-covalent interactions including as van der Waals forces, electrostatic interactions, and hydrogen bonds are all part of this intricate process.

Learn more about cell membrane at https://brainly.com/question/30395471


a urease test is used to identify mycobacterium tuberculosis because


Urease test is used to identify mycobacterium tuberculosis because M.tuberculosis produces urease, thus indicating that a person has the bacteria that can cause tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is a serious infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the lungs.The bacteria that cause TB are spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Most people infected with the bacteria that cause tuberculosis don't have symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they usually include a cough, weight loss, night sweats and fever.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis belongs to the family of Mycobacteriaceae and is the causative agent of tuberculosis. It is a pathogenic bacteria. M.tuberculosis secretes a range of effector proteins to confuse the host immune system, thus promoting its intracellular survival and shaping its lifestyle to persist in granulomas during the latency phase of infection.

Urease breath test comprises the basis of developing a similar breath test for TB. Labeled urea is degraded by H. pylori in the stomach whereby the labeled CO2 produced is then exhaled and detected in the lungs. The detection of the labeled CO2 implies infection with the bacteria.

To know more about Tuberculosis, click here:



the ribosomal protein l27 contains total number of (asp glu): 20; and total number of (arg lys): 43. to retain this protein on an ion-exchange column at ph 7, which type of column should be used:





I took the test :33

what is the main reason for sociality among primates?


The main reason for sociality among primates is likely related to a combination of factors, including protection from predators, access to food, and reproductive advantages.

Living in groups can provide primates with increased protection from predators, as there are more individuals to detect and defend against potential threats. Group living can also facilitate access to food, as individuals can share information about the location of food sources and work together to obtain and defend those resources.

In addition, sociality can provide primates with reproductive advantages. For example, living in a group can increase the likelihood of finding a mate and can provide support and assistance during pregnancy and infant care. In some primate species, dominant males may have access to more mating opportunities, while lower-ranking males may benefit from remaining in the group to help care for offspring and increase their own chances of reproducing in the future.

Know more about primates here: https://brainly.com/question/30144622


What is the concept of punctuated equilibrium?


According to the evolutionary biology hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium, also known as punctuated equilibria, once a species first appears in the fossil record, its population will stabilise and show little evolutionary change for the majority of its geological history.

Stasis is the name for this condition of minimal or no morphological change. The theory states that considerable evolutionary change frequently only takes place during rare and geologically quick events of branching speciation, or cladogenesis. Cladogenesis is the process by which a species splits into two separate species as opposed to slow species change. Punctuated equilibrium is sometimes compared to phyletic gradualism, which holds that evolution typically progresses uniformly through the steady, gradual modification of entire lineages (anagenesis).

To learn more about punctuated equilibrium click on the given link: brainly.com/question/12030118


One city is at a higher latitude than another city. How does this make the two climates different? The higher the latitude, the lower the temperature. The higher the latitude, the higher the temperature. Latitude does not affect precipitation, but changes the temperature. Latitude does not affect temperature, but changes the precipitation.


Latitude affects the climate of two cities by altering the temperature of the air.

What is Latitude affect?

Latitude affects many aspects of the environment, including climate, vegetation, landforms, and wildlife. The angle of the sun's rays, the amount of hours of daylight, temperature, precipitation, and air pressure all vary depending on the latitude. Generally, the further north or south of the equator a location is, the colder it will be.

Cities located at higher latitudes generally experience cooler temperatures than cities located at lower latitudes due to the sun's angle of incidence. This is because the sun's rays are more direct at lower latitudes, heating the atmosphere more effectively. As a result, cities located at higher latitudes tend to experience cooler temperatures than cities at lower latitudes. Additionally, latitude does not affect precipitation levels, but changes in temperature can influence the amount of precipitation that a city receives.

To learn more about Latitude affect

the ability to bounce back when things do not go as planned is called?


Resilience (or resiliency) is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things don't go as planned.

Those that are resilient don't wallow in failure or spend too much time thinking about it; instead, they accept the circumstance, take the necessary lessons from it, and move on.

Those who are tenacious see the future optimistically. In other words, they maintain a positive outlook and anticipate better days.

Resilient people tend to have ambitious goals and a strong desire to achieve them.

Those that are compassionate, resilient, and empathetic don't waste time worrying about what others think of them. They maintain solid bonds while resisting peer pressure.

People who are resilient never view themselves as victims; instead, they concentrate their time and efforts on bringing about change in the areas over which they have influence.

To know more about Resilience click here:



which characteristics define a chordate? view available hint(s)for part f which characteristics define a chordate? the presence of four specific morphological traits the development of an anus from the blastopore the presence of a well-developed circulatory system the ability to live on land


The characteristics that define a chordate are the presence of four specific morphological traits. A well-developed circulatory system is a common trait in chordates, but it is not one of the defining characteristics.

The characteristics that define a chordate are:
A notochord - a flexible, rod-like structure that runs along the dorsal (back) side of the body. The notochord provides support and allows for movement in some chordates.
A dorsal hollow nerve cord - a tube-like structure that runs along the dorsal (back) side of the body and develops into the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord.
Pharyngeal slits or pouches - paired openings in the pharynx (throat) region that function in filter-feeding, respiration, or other specialized functions depending on the species.
Post-rectal tail - an extension of the body past the orifice that contains muscle tissue and functions in movement and balance.
These four characteristics are present in all chordates at some point in their development.

To read more about chordate, click here https://brainly.com/question/12406059


The given question is incorrect. The correct question is given as follows:

Which characteristics define a chordate?

a. The presence of a well-developed circulatory system

b. The development of an orifice from the blastopore

c. The ability to live on land

d. The presence of four specific morphological traits

how much is the knee joint flexed for the pa axial projection (holmblad method) of the intercondylar fossa?


The distal clavicle and the acromioclavicular joint are assessed using holmblad method the acromioclavicular (AC) joint radiography series.

The patient can be seated or standing straight, with the backs of their shoulders resting on the image receptor, for an AP projection of their AC joints. In cases of suspected acromia-clavicular separation, weight-bearing views could be deceptive if the deltoid and trapezius muscles are very tense. Instead of holding the weights in your hands, you might be able to decrease the impact of this spasm by strapping them to your wrist.

The cross-body adduction test is the most accurate physical examination test for acromioclavicular joint pathology. The midshaft of the clavicle should be maneuvered during this examination, which evaluates the stability of the afflicted shoulder.

Learn more about acromioclavicular (AC) joint here



A complete definition of body image includes how intelligent one believes him or herself to be.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


A complete definition of body image includes how intelligent one believes him or herself to be. False. Body image can affect a person's health. True. People with an eating disorders can seek professional help to overcome their disorder or can wait until the disorder goes away on its own..

[tex] - [/tex]

Answer: The answer is

F aka false.


What is the smartest primate after humans?


The smartest non-human primate after humans are the great apes,with great high IQ and great symbolic gestures.

The orangutan and the chimpanzee frequently outperform monkeys and lemurs on a range of IQ tests, making the great apes the smartest nonhuman primates. Humans have always been impressed by this animal's amazing intelligence. In order to interact with humans, chimpanzees can acquire sign language. They are also capable of remembering the name sign for people they haven't seen in a while. Chimpanzees can identify themselves in mirrors and display loving and grieving behaviours, just like a few other species on this list.

To learn more about the primate follow the link : https://brainly.com/question/30144622


Explain negative feedback for water balance




Negative feedback refers to a mechanism whereby a change in a specific direction triggers a response that tends to counteract the initial change and return the system to its original state. Related to fluid balance, negative feedback occurs when the body senses changes in fluid levels and adjusts various physiological processes to maintain a stable balance of water and electrolytes in the body. For example

As the renal tubules become less permeable to water, less water is reabsorbed into the bloodstream and a greater volume of diluted urine is produced. This type of control is an example of a negative feedback mechanism. It aims to maintain a constant concentration of blood plasma.

9. Animals need territory to provide them with food, water, and.


Animals need territory to provide them with food, water, and shelter, So, the correct option is A.

What is Animal territory?

Territory is defined as sociological territory that an animal consistently defends against specific competition using aggressive behavior or actual physical aggression where animals actively defending territories in this manner are known to be territorial or display territoriality.

This technique often makes evolutionary sense because animals can protect clumped resources more efficiently if they stake out their own space.

Thus, animals need territory to provide them with food, water, and shelter, So, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Animal territory, here:



plants receive energy from the sun. what energy transformation occurs within a plant receiving radiant energy from the sun?


Photosynthesis happens in plants for energy transformation from the radient energy from the sun.

What is photosynthesis?

To convert light energy into chemical energy for cellular respiration to power the organism's activities, plants and some other living organisms use a process called photosynthesis. The term "photosynthesis" refers to the process of forming molecules of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. The word comes from the Greek words "light" and "putting together." A portion of this chemical energy is subsequently stored together with these components, such as sugars and starches. Most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs, which are organisms that engage in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is primarily responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere as well as providing the bulk of the energy needed for life on Earth.

To learn more about photosynthesis visit:



T/F: There is normally about 500cc of fluid in the pericardial space.



The normal amount of fluid in pericardial space is 10mL (10cc)


the only arteries in the body that carry oxygen-poor blood are the coronary arteries.T/F


False. The arteries in the body that carry oxygen-poor blood are not the coronary arteries. The arteries that carry oxygen-poor blood are called as the pulmonary arteries.

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the tissues of the body. The exception to this is the pulmonary arteries, which carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. The coronary arteries are a network of arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood. The heart muscle requires a constant supply of oxygen to function properly, and the coronary arteries are responsible for delivering this oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. Therefore, the statement "the only arteries in the body that carry oxygen-poor blood are the coronary arteries" is false.

To read more on pulmonary artery, click here https://brainly.com/question/2729417


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