A laser emits light with a frequency of 5.69 x 1014 s-1. the energy of one photon of the radiation from this laser is:_________


Answer 1

A laser emits light with a frequency of 5.69 x 10^14 s-1 then the energy of one photon of the radiation from this laser is 3.7 x 10^(-19).

What is radiation?

The energy emission in the form of electromagnetic waves or in the form of moving subatomic particles which are especially high-energy particles which cause ionization is called as the phenomenon of radiation.

Any kind of energy that emanates from a source and moves through space at the speed of light is referred to as radiation. This energy has wave-like qualities and is accompanied by an electric field and a magnetic field.

Here ∨ = 5.69 x 10^(14) s-1

we know E=h∨

where h = 6.626 x 10^(-34) js

putting the value in the formula, we have,

6.626 x 10^(-34)  x 5.69 x 10^(-34)

=3.7 x 10^(-19)

To know more about radiation, visit:



Related Questions

The Earth's gravitational field strength, g = 9.81 N kg-1, is also sometimes given as the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m s-2. Show that these units are equivalent.​


The units N kg-1 and ms^2 are equivalent.

What are dimensions?

In physics, we often use the idea of dimension to establish the fact that a physical relationship is correct. It could also be used to obtain correct unit of a given physical quantity.

Now we have to obtain the dimensions of N kg-1 from the fact that;

N = Kgms^2 this implies that;

Kgms^2(kg-1) = ms^2

Hence, the units N kg-1 and ms^2 are equivalent.

Learn more about dimensions:https://brainly.com/question/14543061




dimensions of N kg-1 from the fact that;

N = Kgms^2 this implies that;

Kgms^2(kg-1) = ms^2

Hence, the units N kg-1 and ms^2 are equivalent.

Voltage drop is a better measurement of resistance than testing static resistance because ________.


Voltage drop is a better measurement of resistance than testing static resistance because: current flow creates heat which adds to circuit resistance

The current flow or electric current is the measure of the electrons flow around a circuit. It is measured in amperes or "amps". If the current is higher the electrons flow is greater.

The course of a conventional electric current in the external circuit is directed away the positive terminal and toward the negative terminal of the battery

What is electricity?

Electricity or electrical energy is the energy that occurs due to the movement of electrons in the materials that are considered conductors.

Learn more about electricity at: brainly.com/question/23063355


A typical galaxy contains 100 billion stars. express this in scientific notation.


A typical galaxy contains 100 billion stars - its scientific notation is x 10^11 stars.

What is typical galaxy?

A world is a gravitationally bound arrangement of stars, heavenly leftovers, interstellar gas, residue, and dim matter. The word is gotten from the Greek galaxias, in a real sense 'smooth', a reference to the Smooth Way world that contains the Planetary group. Cosmic systems, averaging an expected 100 million stars, range in size from diminutive people with under a hundred million stars, to the biggest worlds known supergiant's with one hundred trillion stars, each circling its universe's focal point of mass. Our world, the Smooth Way, is normal: it has many billions of stars, enough gas and residue to make billions additional stars, and somewhere around tenfold the amount of dull matter as every one of the stars and gas set up. Also, it's completely kept intact by gravity. Like more than 66% of the known universes, the Smooth Way has a twisting shape.

Learn more about typical galaxy, refer:



According to the giant impact hypothesis about the formation of the moon. Why did the earth not break apart into many pieces when the giant impact happened?


The earth could not be broken apart by the impactor since it was formed of such light material (mostly gas and liquid).

What are the basic features of the theory of the enormous impact ?

According to the Giant Impact Hypothesis, which is the most widely accepted theory for how the moon formed, the Earth and a Mars-sized object called Theia collided with each other as they were forming as protoplanets. The moon was created from a large amount of debris. According to this theory, the Moon was created after the Earth collided with a smaller planet that was around Mars' size. The Moon was created when the impact's leftover debris gathered in an orbit around Earth.

The larger body may have caught the iron core of the striking object.

The key to this theory is understanding how consciousness works and harnessing its power for good. By doing so, we can help to manifest positive changes in our world collectively.

To learn more about giant impact hypothesis , visit



The average rate of disappearance of i - between 1200.0 s and 1600.0 s is __________ m/s.


The average rate of disappearance of i - between 1200.0s and 1600.0s

is 2.0 × 10⁻⁵ m/s.

What is the formula to calculate the average rate?

To determine the slope of a graphed function, use the average rate of change formula. Divide the change in y-values by the change in x-values to determine the average rate of change.

The rate of disappearance for reactants is a positive (+) value. Because products are being made rather than disappearing, their rate of disappearance (-) is negative.

The average rate of reaction = Change in concentration

Time rate ( r ) = Δx Δt.

Sign of average rate of reaction: The average rate falls as the rate of reactant concentration increases.

There will be a bad response. The average rate of reaction will be positive as the rate of product concentration rises.

The average rate of disappearance of i - between 1200.0s and 1600.0s

is 2.0 × 10⁻⁵ m/s.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C) 2.0 × 10⁻⁵

The complete question is:

The peroxydisulfate ion (S₂O₈²⁻) reacts with the iodide ion in an aqueous solution via the reaction:

S₂O₈²⁻ (aq) + 3I⁻ → 2SO₄ (aq) + I₃⁻ (aq)

An aqueous solution containing 0.050 M of S₂O₈²⁻ ion and 0.072 M of I⁻ is prepared, and the progress of the reaction is followed by measuring [I⁻]. The data obtained are given in the table below.

Time (s) 0.000 - 400.0 - 800.0 - 1200.0 - 1600.0

[I⁻] (M) 0.072 - 0.057 - 0.046 - 0.037 - 0.029

The average rate of disappearance of I⁻ between 1200.0 s and 1600.0 s is ________ M/s.

A) 1.8 × 10⁻⁵

B) 1.2 × 10⁻⁵

C) 2.0 × 10⁻⁵

D) 5.0 × 10⁴

E) 1.6 × 10⁻⁴

To learn more about the average rate of disappearance refer to:



The vernal equinox is now just entering the constellation aquarius. In what constellation will it lie in the year a. D. 10000?.


The vernal equinox during the year 10000 AD will be in the Scorpio constellation

A complete cycle of precession is finished once every 25800 years. Because there are 12 constellations, it takes 2150 years to travel from one to the next. The vernal equinox travels from Aquarius to Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra, etc.

The year is 2022 AD, and the vernal equinox has just entered the constellation Aquarius. It would have managed to enter the Capricorn constellation in 4172 AD, the Sagittarius constellation in 6322 AD, the Scorpio constellation in 8472 AD, and the Libra constellation in 10622 AD. This means that it remains in the constellation Scorpio in 10000 AD and has yet to enter the constellation Libra.

As a result, the vernal equinox during the year 10000 AD will be in the Scorpio constellation.

To learn more about constellations: brainly.com/question/667281


The amount of downward force exerted by an object under the pull of gravity is its?


The correct answer for the amount of downward force exerted by an object under the pull of gravity is its Weight.

Weight is a restraining force. The magnitude of weight is denoted by the symbol w. Galileo was instrumental in demonstrating that, in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration g. Normal force is defined as the force exerted on an object by a surface. When an object is at rest, its net force is equal to zero; thus, the downward force (weight) must equal the upward force (normal force). Because weight acts downward, it will be negative. It is determined by the object's mass and the acceleration due to gravity, which is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth. The weight formula is F = m 9.8 m/s2, where F is the object's weight in Newtons (N) and m is the mass in kg .

Learn more about downward force here :-



True or false the total torque on the loop is the same regardless of what is chosen as the position of the vertical axis of rotation


True the total torque on the loop is the same regardless of what is chosen as the position of the vertical axis of rotation.

What is torque?

The term torque may also refer to the moment, moment of force, rotating force, or turning effect, depending on the topic of study.

In physics and mechanics, torque is the rotational equivalent of a force. It serves as an example of how a force can alter a body’s rotational motion.

Archimedes, who investigated the use of levers, is credited with creating the saying, “Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I shall move the Earth.”

Similar to how a linear force is either a push or a pull, a torque may be thought of as a twisting of an object about a specific axis. The sum of the force times its magnitude is the definition of torque.

To know more about torque visit:



An astronomer observes two ordinary stars. the first one turns out to be twice as hot as the second. this means that the first one radiates:________


Two common stars are observed by an astronomer. It turns out that the first one is twice as hot as the second. This indicates that the first emits around 16 times as much energy as the second.

Describe about astronomers?

Astronomers are specialists in the field of astronomy, which is the study of celestial bodies and phenomena. They use various methods to explore and understand space beyond Earth, including using telescopes, satellites, and mathematical models.

They also compile data on different astronomical objects into comprehensive databases that can be used by researchers all over the world. This helps us to better understand our universe and how it works. Additionally, astronomers work towards developing new technologies that will help us probe further into space. As we continue to learn more about our galaxy and its many inhabitants, astronomers have a significant role to play in informing society about these discoveries.

To learn more about Astronomers, visit:



Which of the following describes the length of a football field using the metric system?



Rugby is known as the football in the United States of America

Soccer is known as football in United Kingdom and rest of the world.

The question is also incomplete as no options have been mentioned

A football field in United States of America is the field of rugby and its measurement in metric system is 91.44 meters in length and 64 meters in width

A soccer field as per the standards set by FIFA is 108 meters in length and 68 meters in width


As volume is held constant and the temperature increases, how would the pressure be expected to change?


Gay Lussac's Law states that when a gas is held at a fixed volume, its pressure is exactly proportional to its Kelvin temperature. The molecules of a gas receive more energy when heated, causing them to move more quickly. This results in increased pressure and more impacts on the container's walls.

What do you understand by pressure?

Pressure is the term used to describe the physical force exerted on an object. A perpendicular force is applied to the surfaces of the objects per unit area. F/A is the fundamental formula for pressure (Force per unit area)

This is based on the supposition that the force is applied perpendicular to the surface area. The pressure would rise proportionately if you exerted the same amount of force over a larger surface area. 5 Pa would be the force of 5 N applied over the same area of 1 square meter.

To learn more about pressure, visit:



Suppose you drive through an entrance ramp at a modest speed and your acceleration is 3.0 m/s2. what will be the acceleration if you double your speed?


The acceleration if we double the speed is 27 m/s².

How to find the acceleration if we double the speed?

A centripetal acceleration, or acceleration toward the center of the circle, results from moving in a constant circular motion.

a = v²/r is the formula for calculating an object's circular motion acceleration.

Since the radius never changes, let's set it at 5 m. Using a = 3 m/s² and r = 3m to solve for the velocity, we get the following results:

Were, 3 = v²/3

simplifying the equation, we get

⇒ 9 = v²

3 = v

When the circular path has a radius of 3 m and an acceleration of

3 m/s², the velocity is 3 m/s.

Now let's triple the velocity: 3 m/s → 9 m/s.

Let's solve for the acceleration using v = 9 m/s and r = 3 m.

a = (9)²/3

⇒ a = 81/3

a = 27

If you triple your speed, the acceleration is 27 m/s².

This makes sense because an is precisely proportional to v², which means that if your speed is tripled, your acceleration will increase by a factor of 3², or nine times.

a = 3 [tex]*[/tex] 9 = 27 m/s²

As a side note, doubling your speed would improve the acceleration by a factor of 2² - a 4 times increase.

To learn more about acceleration refer to:



Find the power that is absorbed or supplied by the network elements in fig p1.32


The power that is absorbed or supplied by the network elements is 32 W

The quantity of energy moved or converted per unit of time is known as power in physics. The watt, or one joule per second, is the unit of power in the International System of Units. Power is also referred to as activity in ancient writings. A scalar quantity is power.

Looking at diagram (a), we will analyze each element separately.

P(2A) = -20(2)

(Negative because the current is entering the negative terminal)

P(2A) = -40W

Which means 40W of power is supplied by the 2A element.

P1 = (6)(2)

P1 = 12W

Therefore, 12W of power is absorbed by element 1.

P(14v) = (14)(2)

P(14v) = 28W

Thus, 28W are absorbed by the 14v element.

We will now look at diagram (b).

P(4A) = (16)(−4)

P(4A) = −64W

Which means 64W are supplied by the 4A element.

P1 = (8)(4)

P1 = 32W

P1 = 32W

Therefore, 32W are absorbed by element 1.

Learn more about Power here:



On mars, the acceleration due to gravity is 3.77 m/s2. how far would a 47 g rock fall from rest in 6.5 s if the only force acting on it was the gravitational force due to mars?


On mars the rock that fall from rest in 6.5 s with an acceleration due to gravity of 3.77 m/s² would far a distance of: 79.64125 m

The free fall formula and the procedure we will use is:

h = (g * t²)/2


g = acceleration due to gravityt = timeh = height traveled

Information of the problem:

g = 3.77 m/s²t = 6.5 sh =?

Applying final height formula we get:

h = (g * t²)/2

h = (3.77 m/s² * (6.5 s)²)/2

h = (3.77 m/s² * 42.25 s²)/2

h = 159.2525 m/2

h = 79.64125 m

What is free fall?

It is when the object or mobile falls from a height (h) with a positive acceleration equal to the gravity, describing a vertical rectilinear travel.

Learn more about free fall at brainly.com/question/11257529


A car is traveling at vxvxv_x = 25 m/sm/s . the driver applies the brakes and the car decelerates at axaxa_x = -5.0 m/s2m/s2 . what is the stopping distance?



The stopping distance is 62.5m for a car traveling at vxvxv_x = 25 m/sm/s and the driver applies the brakes and the car decelerates at axaxa_x = -5.0 m/s2m/s2.


Acceleration occurring in the opposite direction of an object’s the motion, is negative or referred to as deceleration. The formula below (stopping distance) solely compares the magnitudes of distance travelled, beginning velocity, and deceleration.

We use the fourth equation of motion, v2 = u2 +2ax. When the car stops, we have v = 0, and so

0 = u2 +2ax.

Solving for x, we have

x =−u2/2a

Given the following information from the question

U= 25 ms-1

-a = 5.0 ms-2

x = -(25)2 / 2* 5

x =625/10

x = 62.5 m

Hence the car travels 62.5m as the brake is applied to come to a halt.

To learn more about deceleration. Click on https://brainly.com/question/75351


Strictly speaking, more fuel is consumed by your car if the air conditioner, headlights, or even a radio is turned on. this statement is?


Strictly speaking, more fuel is consumed by your car if the air conditioner, headlights, or even a radio is turned on. this statement is true.

Fuel economy is the opposite of fuel consumption. It is the quantity of fuel used to travel a specific distance. In the United States, it is measured in gallons for every 100 miles, while in Europe and other parts of the world, it is measured in litres for every 100 kilometres.

To determine your car's fuel consumption, divide mileage by fuel consumption. You can see here how many miles per gallon of petrol you travelled. For instance, if you filled up your tank with 12 gallons of gas and drove 335 miles before refuelling, your fuel consumption would be 27.9 mpg (335 miles / 12 gallons = 27.9 mpg).

Learn more about fuel consumption:



The dense atmosphere of venus is ________, causing most incoming solar radiation to be _________.


The dense atmosphere of Venus is light in color, causing most incoming solar radiation to be reflected.

What is the composition of atmosphere of Venus?

The atmosphere of Venus is composed of carbon dioxide (CO2, 96,5 %) and nitrogen (N2, less than 3,5%) already represent more than 99,9% of the composition. Water Vapor is present in extremely low quantities, making Venus the driest planet of the solar system.

What is the effect of solar radiation on planet Venus?

On Venus, only 10% of the incoming solar radiation reaches the surface; most of it is reflected back into space by the planet's dense cloud cover, making Venus appear to shine brightly in the night sky.

Despite the small amount of solar radiation reaching the surface, it is trapped effectively by gases in lower atmosphere, giving rise to the high temperatures.

Scientists think that the Venus was once more like the Earth, but at some point it started heating up uncontrollably.  Any water that may have once existed in oceans on the surface evaporated into atmosphere causing further runaway heating.

It’s like Earth gone wrong with a runaway greenhouse effect that some planetary scientists say should be a warning as to what may become of our home planet if human activities – such as burning fossil fuels and destroying forests, which intensifies natural greenhouse effect – continue.

To know more about the planet Venus visit:



What is the device called that uses special weights and magnetic fields to measure the movement of the ground?.


A seismograph is a device called that uses special weights and magnetic fields to measure the movement of the ground.

A seismograph is a particular device that records seismic waves caused by an earthquake, explosion, or other earth-shaking events. Seismographs have electromagnetic sensors that convert ground motions into electrical changes that are processed and recorded by the instrument's analog or digital circuits.

The terms "seismograph" and "seismometer" are frequently used interchangeably; however, while both devices can detect and measure seismic waves, only a seismograph can record them. A seismogram is a record produced by a seismograph on a display screen or paper printout.

 Although originally designed to detect natural earthquakes, seismographs have a wide range of applications, including petroleum exploration, research into the Earth's crust and lower layers, and monitoring volcanic activity.

Seismographs are devices that record the movement of the ground during an earthquake. They are installed on the ground as part of a seismographic network all over the world. 

Learn to know more about seismographs at



To ensure the uniqueness of values in a nonprimary key column, use the ____ command to create an index.


To ensure the uniqueness of values in a nonprimary key column , use the Create Unique Index command to create an index.

What is refraction or index ?

The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum (c) to the speed of light in a medium (c') is known as the index of refraction (n). The propagation vector in the new medium has a different angle with respect to the normal as a result of this difference in speed when light travels from one medium to another at an angle.

The average value of units that are not homogeneous and may therefore be impacted by changes in the mix of items as well as by changes in their prices are measured by a unit value index, which is a "price" index.

Refractive index, commonly known as the index of refraction, is a measurement of how much a light beam bends when it passes through one medium and into another.

To learn more about index, visit



Hardy-weinberg equilibrium requires that the population size is and that mating is:________


In order for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to exist, a large population size and random mating are necessary.

How does Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium differ depending on population size?Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium requires an extremely huge population, one of indefinite size. To counteract the effects of genetic drift, this condition is necessary.Genetic drift is defined as a shift in a population's allele frequencies that happens by chance rather than as a result of natural selection.In a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, does random mating occur?

The Hardy-Weinberg Law asserts that both allele frequencies and genotype frequencies stay constant from generation to generation in a large, random-mating population that is not impacted by the evolutionary processes of mutation, migration, or selection.

learn more about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium here



If your car is moving at 100 km/hr, how many kilometers will your car travel in 15 minutes?


It will be 25 if the car moves at that speed for 15 minutes

There is a bell at the top of a tower that is 40m high. The bell weighs 12kg. The bell has ___________________ energy. Calculate it.





hope this helps

The coupling constant (j) for bromoethane is 7 hz when the 1h nmr spectrum is acquired at 250 mhz. what is the coupling constant between these protons when the spectrum is acquired at 500 mhz?


The coupling constant between these protons when the spectrum is acquired at 500 MHz is 7Hz.

Coupling Constant:

The coupling constant of a molecule changes when the molecular structure of the component varies. Thus the coupling constant of a particle doesn't depend on the strength of the field and other factors.

Given that,

The coupling constant of bromoethane when the spectrum acquired is


The frequency acquired for the coupling constant is f=250MHz

The coupling constant of a molecule is independent of the resolution thus if the resolution of the molecule is either 250 MHz or 500 MHz or any other value the coupling constant remains the same. It only varies when the molecular structure of the element changes.


Thus the coupling constant of Bromoethane at 500 MHz is 7Hz.

To know more about "spectrum"

Refer this link:



determination of the size of molecule using oil drop experiment​


Measurement of molecule size using an oil drop experiment

The volume of a tiny oil drop is determined by finding its radius, or r. Now that the oil drop is on the water's surface, it spreads out into an approximately circular region with a height h and radius R. The patch's diameter is determined, and from there, the radius R is calculated.

Up until the oil forms a monolayer, the oil drop expands, pushing the powder aside to form a clean circle. The thickness of the monolayer, which is the height of the oil drop molecule on the water, can be calculated by measuring the area of the monolayer and dividing the volume of the drop by that area.

To learn more about oil drop please visit -

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Recall how Newton’s investigation of light followed one form of the scientific method. Match the statements about Newton’s experiment with the steps in the scientific method.
White light becomes a spectrum of seven
colored lights after passing through a prism.
What happens to a single color of light
when it passes through a prism?
A single color of light will not change
when it passes through a prism.
White light passes through a prism. A slit
is used to direct only the red light through
a second prism.
When the red light goes through a second
prism, its color does not change.
The hypothesis proposed for this experiment
is true.
The colors in a spectrum are part of white
light, and the prism separates them.
Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Construct a hypothesis.
Test the hypothesis with an investigation.
Analyze the data.
Confirm whether the hypothesis is true.
Explain the results.


Newton's optics experiment observation and intervention. In order to make his observations, Newton used the theory of light passing through prisms and the rays that were sent by them. It was revealed that light has a variety of properties and features.

Prisms, lenses, and optical rays were the basis of Newton's inquiry into light.According to him, different coloured lights had varying degrees of re-frangibility.Newton adopted the "Proof by Experiments" method to back up his theories. Each technique was chosen to highlight a particular quality of light.Newton found a phenomenon called the Newton rings.After pressing two prisms together, Newton saw that there was a translucent area.

To learn more about light, visit :



I added an image of the answers/ Hope this helps! good luck on it.

Gym lockers are to be numbered from 1 through 99 using metal numbers to be nailed onto each locker. how many 7s are needed?


There are nineteen gym lockers that would have the digit "seven" on them.

How many sevens are there?

In this problem, we need to know the number of gym lockers that would have the number 7 attached to them either as tens or digit as the lockers are numbered from one to ninety nine.

Let us now proceed which lockers would have the digit "seven" on them;

7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 97. We can see that there are nineteen gym lockers that would have the digit "seven" on them.

Learn more about digits:https://brainly.com/question/28458348


What fraction of the mass of the milky way galaxy is in a form that astronomers have been able to see?


The astronomers have been able to see a 10% of the milky way galaxy's mass

The Milky Way is a large spiral galaxy where the solar system and the Earth are located. It takes its name for the irregular luminous band of stars and gas clouds that stretches across the sky as seen from Earth. According to astronomers, it has a mass of 10¹² solar masses and, by its shape, it is a barred spiral galaxy.

What is the galaxy?

It is a large area of gas, dust and billions of stars and their solar systems all held together by gravity that makes up a universe.

Learn more about galaxy at brainly.com/question/11947335


Rolls of foil are 304 mm wide and 0.019 mm thick. (the density of foil is 2.7 g/cm3 .) what maximum length of foil can be made from 1.05 kg of foil?


The maximum length of foil will be 6732.84 cm or 67.3284 m

To find the maximum length of the foil, the given datas are:

Width of roll of foil = 304 mm

Height or thickness = 0.019 mm

Density of foil = 2.7 g/cm³

Mass of foil = 1.05 Kg

What is Density?

Density is the substance's  mass per unit volume. It can be also described by measuring how the particles in the substances tightly packed together.

                              d = m/ v

v = length (l) × width (w) × height (h)

First of we will convert the Kg into gram and mm into cm.

For 1 Kg = 1000 g

1.09 × 1000 = 1090 g

For 1 cm = 10 mm

304 / 10 = 30.4 cm

0.019 / 10 =  0.0019 cm

Now we will put the values in formula:

d = m/ l× h× w

l = m / d × h× w

l = 1050 g / 2.7 g/cm³× 30.4 cm × 0.0019 cm

l = 1050 g/ 0.155952 g/cm

l = 6732.84 cm or 67.3284 m

The maximum length of foil will be 6732.84 cm or 67.3284 m

Learn more about the density,



An eleven quart container of ice cream is to be made in the form of a cube. calculate the length of a side of the cube. 1 gallon = 3.786 liters. answer in units of cm.


The length of a side of the cube is 21.83 cm.

We need to know about cube volume to solve this problem. Cube volume can be calculated by multiplying the length of the cube. It can be written as

V = L³

where V is cube volume and L is cube length.

From the question above, we know that

V = 11 quart = 2.75 gallon

1 gallon = 3.786 liters

Convert volume to liters

V = 2.75 gallon

V = 2.75 x 3.786 liters

V = 10.41 liters

V = 10.41 dm³

Find the length

V = L³

10.41 = L³

L = ³√10.41

L = 2.18 dm

Convert length to cm

L = 2.183 dm

L = 21.83 cm

Find more on cube volume at: https://brainly.com/question/1972490


Astronauts brought back 500 lb of rock samples from the moon. how many kilograms did they bring back? 1 kg = 2.20 lb 227 kg 227 kg 498 kg 498 kg 500 kg 500 kg 1,100 kg


The correct option is (b) 227 kg.

The 500 lb rock samples the astronauts carried back from the moon weighed 227 kilograms.

Briefing :As with the end goal of exploring the New World, colonization, rather than just sitting back on Earth and contemplating what autonomous spacecraft report back, is the ultimate goal of going into space: to work and live there.It's one of the hardest jobs in the world to get. You are not almost certainly guaranteed to travel to space even if you are selected to be an astronaut.Many of the people selected to be "astronauts" never made it, despite the fact that hundreds of humans have visited space.

The astronaut transported a 550 lb sample.

2.20lbs = 1 kilogram.

1 lbs = 1/2.20

Since, 1 lb = 0.45 kg,

500 lb almost equals 227 kg.

Learn more about the Astronauts with the help of the given link:



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