A fault that accommodates the horizontal movement of one tectonic plate past another is a(n) __________ fault.


Answer 1

A fault that accommodates the horizontal movement of one tectonic plate past another is a transform fault.

An example of a transform fault is a strike-slip fault where the relative horizontal slip allows movement to occur between two tectonic limits, such as two ocean ridges. They are linked to other defects on both ends.

Since these faults neither build nor destroy lithosphere, they are sometimes known as transform faults or transform boundaries, and their relative motion is primarily horizontal. A transform fault allows for some horizontal relative movement between other tectonic components, like oceanic plates.

Know more about transform fault here



Related Questions

The most significant information for predicting high earthquake probability on an active fault is that a segment of the fault ____.


The most significant information for predicting high earthquake probability on an active fault is that a segment of the fault has experienced extremely few large earthquakes in recorded history.

What is earthquakes?A seismic wave is produced when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere, which causes an earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor, or temblor).Over time, the tectonic plates move slowly, but friction makes their edges impermeable. When friction on the edge is outweighed by stress, an earthquake occurs, releasing energy in waves that move through the earth's crust and produce the shaking we experience.Earthquakes come in four varieties: tectonic, volcanic, collapse, and explosion. A tectonic earthquake happens when the earth's crust ruptures as a result of geological forces acting on rocks and neighboring plates, which result in physical and chemical changes.

Learn more about earthquake here:



How was the indian ocean trade network similar to the silk road? how was it different?


Both the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean Trade Network were networks of trade roads connecting those who wanted goods with those who already had them.

They were similar in the way that both had numerous trade routes. Both Silk Road and Indian Ocean Trade Network had a similar impact on communities through the spread of religions and the opening up of trading routes for products from far-off lands.

The trade routes was a major difference between the two networks. The Indian Ocean Trade Network traded over the seas whereas the Eurasian Silk Roads were land channels. In comparison to the Silk Road, the commerce network in the Indian Ocean was bigger, wealthier, and made up of a wider variety of components.

Know more about the Indian ocean trade network here



the most significant information for predicting high earthquake probability on an active fault is that a segment of the fault .


the most significant information for predicting high earthquake probability on an active fault is that a segment of the fault has had very few significant earthquakes in the recorded past.

How many types of volcano?

There are three types of Classic Volcanoes:

Cinder Cone Volcanoes.Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes)Shield Volcanoes.Classify the volcano on the basis of time duration ?Volcanoes can be active, slumbering, or extinct. Active volcanoes have recently erupted, and they probably will again. Volcanoes that have been dormant for a while might erupt in the future. Future eruptions of extinct volcanoes are not anticipated.

To know more about volcano visit:



The nist-f1 cesium fountain clock in colorado is our standard for ____ in measuring time.


The NIST-F1 Cesium fountain clock is in Colorado. It is the standard for primary time and frequency in measuring time.

The NIST laboratories in Boulder, Colorado, developed the cesium fountain atomic clock NIST-F1, which serves as the country's primary time and frequency standard. NIST-F1 is a member of the global network of atomic clocks that establishes Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the recognized global time.

The NIST-F1 is known as a fountain clock because it measures frequency and time intervals by using the atoms' fountain-like movement. Atomic clocks are the most precise means of measuring time intervals, or the amount of time that separates two events.

Atoms in the clocks leap from one energy level to another due to the precise frequency at which these clocks emit electromagnetic radiation, such as microwaves.

To learn more about fountain clock here



Consider even the earth and the moon. about how many moons would fit across the earth?


4 moons would fit across the earth.

In the entire Solar System, the Moon is the fifth largest moon. 3,474 kilometers separates one side from the other (its diameter). This is around one-fourth of the size of the Earth. Thus, four moons may fit one on top of the other across the planet.

What if the Earth had more than one moon?It would be disastrous for Earth if there were two moons. Larger tides brought on by an extra moon would destroy major cities like New York and Singapore. The additional gravitational attraction of the moons would also delay the Earth's rotation, lengthening the day.

What happens if the Moon vanished?Our planet is held in place by the gravitational attraction of the Moon. The tilt of the Earth might vary widely if the Moon weren't there to stabilize it. From having no tilt (which indicates no seasons) to having a significant tilt (which means extreme weather and even ice ages).

To learn more about moon visit:



For a given material, would you expect the surface energy to be _____________________ the grain boundary energy.


For a given material, would you expect the surface energy to be greater than the grain boundary energy.

Because the bonds between the atoms at the surface are considerably weaker than those at the grain boundary, surface energy is higher than grain boundary energy. Additionally, the quantity of bonds formed directly according to the energy.

In other simple words, atoms on the surface also have more rigid boundaries than atoms at the grain boundary. As is well known, the energy surface rises when there are no connections between the atoms. As a result, the surface energy vastly exceeds boundary energy.

To know more about grain boundary energy visit https://brainly.com/question/14865026?referrer=searchResults


The 4 stages of the wilson cycle describes the birth and death of an ocean. these stages are:____.


The 4 stages of the Wilson cycle describes the birth and death of an ocean. these stages are embryonic, juvenile, mature, decreasing, terminal, and suturing.

The tectonic movement of the Earth causes the periodic opening and closure of ocean basins. A rising plume of magma and crustal weakness initiate the Wilson cycle. The Wilson cycle is named after J. Tuzo Wilson, a Canadian geophysicist. One of the most essential interpretations of current plate tectonics and the Wilson cycle is that all other rocks on the planet may be created from a parent igneous rock of mafic/ultramafic composition.

Sediments build near ocean basin borders when the crust thins owing to extensional tectonic processes. Subduction then occurs on one of the ocean basin's boundaries, narrowing the basin. A fresh cycle begins when the crust begins to thin again.

Learn more about Wilson Cycle here:



In western abrahamic religious cosmologies, heaven and earth are generally thought to be?


In western Abrahamic religious cosmologies, Heaven and Earth are generally thought to be: two radically distant and separate realities.

What is Abrahamic religion?

People who follow such a religion, known as the Abrahamic religion, believe that there are three major religions. The three major religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Those people who are followers of Abrahamism belong to a particular group in which monotheistic religion is worshipped. According to them, heaven and earth are both separate.

Therefore, to followers of the Western Abrahamic religion, heaven and earth are distinct and separate realities.

Learn more about Abrahamic religion from here:



Help me (ingore my name)


The Geography is the branch of science which deals with the study of the environment, inhabitant, land, features and atmosphere.

What is Geography?

The Geography is derived from the Greek word Geo means "Earth" and Graphos means "graphy" to write about.

We can say that the Geography is the field of science which deals with the study of the lands, atmosphere, features, inhabitants, and also the phenomenon of the Earth.

Geography is also defined as the study of the features of the Earth and the features which is affected by the humans.

The example of the Geography is that when we locate some city or state or country on the Earth. The another example of the Geography is the climate and natural resources of the land.

So we can conclude that the Geography is the branch of science which deals with the study of the environment, inhabitant, land, features and atmosphere.

Learn more about Geography here: https://brainly.com/question/12790602


How do you think the domestication of wild animals and plants is tied to the development of human?


Humans changed from a hunter-gatherer society to settling in farming villages due to domestication of wild animals and plants is tied to the development of human.

Agricultural communities developed approximately 10,000 years ago when humans began to domesticate plants and animals. By establishing domesticity, families and larger groups were able to build communities and transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle dependent on foraging and hunting for survival.

domestication animal changed a great deal of human society. It allowed for more permanent settlement as cattle provided a reliable food and supply source. With settlement and supplies came population growth and density and a development of communities that worked to provide everything needed for the people around, even if they weren’t of direct relation as was the previous custom.

to know more about domestication animal click here



Construct a short argument that highlights why agricultural innovation has negatively impacted society.


It is expected to be much more challenging and harmful than it has been up to this point to meet the need for enhanced agricultural output.

This is due to a number of ecological factors. A large number of the natural mechanisms that enable modern agriculture are becoming unstable due to global climate change. However, the sustainability crisis is also partially a result of contemporary agriculture.

Many of the methods and adjustments that farmers use to increase productivity are environmentally harmful. Irrigation also has a variety of other unfavourable effects. Waterlogging can occur in areas that have received excessive irrigation, which results in soil conditions that harm plant roots through anaerobic decomposition.

Know more about agricultural innovation here



Which is an example of how Caribbean islands reacted to independence?

All of the islands kept their colonial character.

Some islands kept their colonial character, and others developed a distinct cultural identity.

Some islands wanted to be independent of their countries, and others did not.

All of the islands developed distinct cultural identities.


The way that the Caribbean countries reacted to their independence was that Some islands kept their colonial character, and others developed a distinct cultural identity.

What is meant by independence?

This is the term that is used to refer to the freedom that a lot of nations had from the colonizers. That is the freedom to self rule for these nations. This was after the Europeans had taken the control of these nations for a very long period of time.

Hence The way that the Caribbean countries reacted to their independence was that Some islands kept their colonial character, and others developed a distinct cultural identity.

Read more on independence here:



Approximately ______ % of the world's sewage is discharged untreated into the world's rivers and oceans.
a. 15
b. 24
c. 75
d. 7


Approximately 95% of the world's sewage is discharged untreated into the world's rivers and oceans.

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act commonly referred to as the RCRA is the nation's primary law governing the disposal of solid and hazardous waste. Congress passed the RCRA on October 21, 1976, addressing the problems faced by the country with increasing municipal and industrial waste.

The primary treatment in municipal sewage treatment is primarily a mechanical process that removes solids. Nearly 94% of the 17,000 landfills surveyed in the mid-1970s did not meet minimum requirements. The well is shallow and not suitable for drinking water.

Learn more about sewage at



The cleavage of a silicate mineral is largely determined by __________. group of answer choices


The cleavage of a silicate mineral is largely determined by internal structure.

According to their chemical makeup, which is manifested in their physical characteristics, minerals are categorised. A mineral's physical characteristics can be employed for diagnostic purposes because they are based on the chemical make-up and internal atomic structure of the mineral.

Color, hardness, lustre, crystal formations, density, and cleavage are characteristics that aid geologists in determining a mineral's identity in a rock. The atomic structure of a crystal essentially determines its form, cleavage, and hardness. Chemical composition is the main determinant of colour and density. The chemical makeup of minerals is used to categorise them.

Know more about silicate mineral here



Which two countries share the longest border?​



Canada & USA


For land border, Canada's border with the United States is the world's longest international border, at 8,890 km. This is followed by the 6,846-km border between Russia and Kazakhstan and the 5,308-km border between Chile and Argentina.

Take care and have a great rest of your day! :)

Please help due soon.


Germany and France fosho
Germany and France
Is the main

which of the 3 natural causes of climate change do you think will have the most effect on earth ? give reasons why



The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increase in the duration and intensity of tropical storms.

How do we know a previous star existed in our galactic neighborhood?


Traces of movement or explosion are left behind when such stars exist, if there was one previously here, especially one close to us, we would know.

One can decide the presence of a previous star in our cosmic area through different galactic perceptions and examination.

First and foremost, concentrating on the piece of neighboring stars and heavenly remainders can give signs about past heavenly populaces. Also, the movement of stars can be followed in reverse so as to derive their unique positions, demonstrating the presence of now-terminated stars. Cosmic explosion leftovers and old star groups are likewise marks of past stars that have since a long time ago terminated.

Besides, concentrating on the synthetic overflows and age circulation of stars in our cosmic system can assist with uncovering the historical backdrop of star development and advancement, giving proof of past stars in our cosmic area.

Learn more about star, from:



why is California a best place to live Be sure to include: Climate, Environmental Conditions, Culture of the natives, Political conditions, Economic Conditions, And any other pull factor you can think of


I’m guessing this is for an assignment so Ima try and help. It has a Mediterranean climates so it stays a nice temperature year-round, California has very strict laws to help the environment and in the country has clear skies, California has Native Americans from 1000s of years ago and the Europeans from a few hundred years ago, California is very left-winged which typically have better wages and human-rights, and California has the largest economy of any state and 5th if it was a country.

Surface and aquifer freshwater sources hold what percent of the earth's total water?


Less than a percent (1.2%) of the earth's total water is Surface and aquifer freshwater sources hold.

Earth is 70% covered in water. Of this water, 97% is saline water which is found in the ocean and the rest is fresh water. Less than 1% of the earth's surface fresh water is in ground and surface water. And about 2% is available in the form of glaciers. Only 1% of aquifer water is usable in the form of rivers, lakes, or ponds. The atmosphere also holds some quantity of water in the form of tiny droplets.

In the US 49% of fresh water is used in electricity production by thermal electric power production,31% in agriculture irrigation,11% for public use, and the rest for industries as compared to developing countries where 70% is used in agriculture or industries.

Read about the distribution of water:


Which rock types can undergo melting to produce magma that will eventually crystallize to form new igenous rocks?.


All types of rocks can undergo melting to produce magma that will eventually crystallize to form new igneous rocks.

Rocks are formed on Earth as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks form when rocks are heated to the melting point which forms magma.The minerals that make up igneous rocks crystallize at a range of different temperatures.These Igneous rocks are usually formed deep inside the earth's crustGranite and pumice are examples of igneous rocks

To know more about rocks:



As organic material is compacted to form coal, which stages does it pass through, from first to last?


Peat, lignite, bituminous coal, and anthracite are the stages through which organic material is compacted to form coal.

What are the steps in the formation of coal?

First stage in the formation of coal is peat.

Vegetable matter is normally oxidized to water and carbon dioxide. However, because there is no oxygen present when plant material accumulates underwater, only partial decomposition occurs.

The second stage is lignite

Which is formed when peat is subjected to increased vertical pressure from accumulating sediments. Lignite is a dark brown substance that, like peat, contains plant traces.

Stage Three Bituminous Coal

The third stage is bituminous coal. Added pressure has compacted it, and virtually all traces of plant life have vanished. Bituminous coal, also known as "soft coal," is the type found in Cape Breton and is our most abundant fuel.

Stage Four Anthracite

Anthracite, the fourth stage in the formation of coal, is also known as "hard coal" due to its hardness and high luster. It appears to have formed as a result of high pressure and temperature combined. Anthracite produces a short flame and little smoke when burned.

To learn more about formation of coal refer to:



Which physical characteristic of louisiana would make louisiana enticing to european colonization.


Rivers of Louisiana would make Louisiana enticing to European colonization.

Louisiana's rivers would make it appealing for European colonization. Louisiana is noted for its distinctive history, its oil/gas and seafood empires, its music, its wide cultural make-up, including the Cajun culture of Southwest Louisiana and its previously dominating Creole culture, its enormous marshes, swamps, bayous, and sugar & cotton plantations along its waterways.

In Louisiana, the heat can frequently become intolerable, especially during the summer. The humidity can make it feel much hotter than it actually is, so people who are not from the South should be aware of this.

To know more about Louisiana



True or false crystal habit refers to the characteristic shape of a mineral crystal or aggregate of minerals


Answer: False


The habit or form of a crystal refers to the characteristic shape in which a mineral commonly grows




this os trye beacause characteristic os the shape of a mineral crystal

Please help me with my Homework!
How did Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 differ from the crusaders’ conquest in 1099?

Saladin avoided mass murder of the Roman Catholics living in Jerusalem.
Saladin burned down all the Roman Catholics’ important churches.
Saladin exiled all Christians from Jerusalem and closed all the churches.
Saladin took all the valuables from the Roman Catholic churches for himself.


The Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 differ from the crusaders’ conquest in 1099 because he exiled all Christians from Jerusalem and closed all the churches.

What was Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem?

During the conquest, Heraclius approach the Sultan to request the release of several hundred people but made no payment for anyone else. Instead, he left the city with wagons loaded with gold chalices and other treasures from the holy churches while Muslim feudal lords were claiming their share of slaves and greedily chaining people as their properties.

However, Saladin remained true to his word, the city was taken bloodlessly, though at the price of 15,000 people - 7,000 men and 8,000 women - being enslaved. Saladin himself entered the city on Friday, 2 October and show the Muslim world that he was following in the footsteps of their ancestors.

Read more about Saladin



What was one negative impact that hurricane katrina had on the ecosystem of the gulf coast?.


8 million gallons of oil spills were leaked into the nearby waterways harming the ecosystem of the gulf coast and additionally causing destruction to the habitat.

One of the most damaging hurricanes in American history, Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Louisiana coast on August 29, 2005.  Nearly 92,000 miles of the Gulf Coast were affected by Katrina, a Category 3 storm that made landfall with gusts of above 120 mph. Over 800,000 people were forced to leave their homes as a consequence of the destruction, which cost upwards of $81 billion. Around 1,800 people lost their lives as a result of the damage. Nearly 8 million gallons of oil were leaked into nearby waterways as a result of oil spills from three different refineries, further harming the ecosystems in the area. Another regrettable effect of Hurricane Katrina was the destruction of habitats along the Gulf coast.

Learn more about Hurricanes:



The process of differentiation of the earth into discrete layers is thought to have been completed by:________


The process of differentiation of the Earth into discrete layers is thought to have been completed by 54Ga.

What is differentiation of the earth?The division of the Earth into layers, or its arrangement into layers, is arguably the most important development in its history. As a result, a core, a crust, and ultimately continents were formed. To create an ocean and atmosphere, the light elements were flung out from the interior. The size of these four blocks is uniform.Processes that occurred in the early phases of Earth's development are what differentiate these layers (ca. 4.5 billion years ago). Denser minerals would have moved to the crust at this period due to melting, which would have forced less dense materials to sink into the center.

Learn more about crust here:



1. All of the following are examples of a traditional economy except -
A) Large scale manufacturing
B) The barter system
C) Hunting and gathering
D) Subsistence agriculture
pooplo in a traditional sos





Because subsistence agriculture is gathering things for themselves and not for the city or country.

Air masses that form over __________ carry much more moisture due to evaporation.


Air masses that form over water carry much more moisture due to evaporation.

Which air mass has the most moisture?Maritime air masses, also known as ocean air masses, are more humid than continental air masses, which are air masses that originate over land. The air mass's temperature, which varies depending on the latitude at where it formed, is indicated by the second component of the name.

Why do you suppose the air masses that develop over water are moist?High air pressure is present in polar or cold air masses. Unsurprisingly, whether an air mass arises over land or water affects its humidity. Due to water evaporation across oceans, maritime air masses frequently have a humid climate.

To learn more about moisture visit:



If the seafloor is suddenly displaced vertically upwards, the ocean water will respond by?


If the seafloor is suddenly displaced vertically upwards, the ocean water will respond by it will momentarily rising.

The ocean floor contains deposits of minerals that we use in our daily lives, such as copper, zinc, nickel, gold, silver, and phosphorus. These deposits occur as crusts of volcanic rocks and other rocks, as nodules on sediments in deep-sea plains, and are usually about 3 to 10 centimeters (1 to 4 inches) in diameter.

Seafloor spreading is a geological process in which tectonic plates (large plates in the Earth's lithosphere) separate from each other. Seafloor spreading and other tectonic activity processes are the results of mantle convection.

Learn more about seafloor at



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