A controversial topic is one that is

(4 points)

Group of answer choices






Answer 1

"A controversial Topic is one that is Debatable."

A situation of protracted public argument or debate, usually involving a topic with opposing views or opinions, is referred to as a controversy. The word was created from the Latin word controversia, which is a compound of the Latin word controversus, which means "turned in the opposite direction."

For example, A custody dispute between two well-known parents is an illustration of a controversy. A disagreement in opinions, especially one expressed in public, between people who support opposing positions on a certain topic.

So the controversy is always debatable, some people will speak in favor of the topic while some will be against the topic.

To learn more about Debatable here:



Related Questions

Exercise 3 Insert an adjective clause to modify the noun or pronoun in italics.
The video game ___________ is difficult for beginners.


The video game which is difficult for beginners.

An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connects them to the phrase they describe. Relative pronouns encompass the phrases that, where, when, who, whom, whose, which and why. when you don't forget the relative pronouns, it's easy to pick out out an adjective clause in a sentence.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


What is the main idea of the story?



The central idea or concept that the author wants to portray through the narrative , characters and settings

story in present simple and in present continuous sentence​


We discuss enduring facts and universal truths in the present simple. In this instance, we don't anticipate a change in the circumstances. Her parents are her landlords. When referring to a transient situation, we use the present continuous. In this instance, we do anticipate a change in the circumstance.

The Simple present story

Robert is my name. I occupy this home. Those are my dog. Finn is his name. He enjoys taking naps. He typically slumbers beneath the tree. I have a large social circle. With them, I frequently play football. When I want to go play in the park, I always contact them. I never park by myself. My father is employed by a bank. Usually, he arrives late at home. He enjoys reading books while he is here. He occasionally nods off while reading. He doesn't enjoy playing or watching football on television. My mom works in education. She like her students a lot and teaches English to them. She prepares delectable meals for me. I really do adore her, but she doesn't allow me eat a lot of junk stuff

The present continuous story

Eric is my name. This is where we live. Now I'm in the hallway. I'm headed for the kitchen. There is my mama. She is preparing the meal. But I'm starving to death. Before dinner, I want to have something to eat.

Introducing my mama. She is preparing the meal.

-Hi mam. Is dinner ready yet?

hello Eric. The dinner is indeed ready. What's Emma up to?

I'm not sure.

-Can you invite your father and her to dinner?

My sister is Emma. She is currently dozing off.

- Emma! Do you still have a bed? Get up! Dinner is prepared.

- Emma, hurry up! We're waiting for you.

Yes, my father is in the living room and he is watching TV.

-The dinner is ready dad!

-Ok. I am coming.

To know more about Simple present and Present continuous visit:



. The narrator's primary emotion during the resolution can best be described as
c. love
d. glee
a. rage
b. relief


The answer is a rage

why 16 june holiday is important​


Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. The answer is juneteenth.

Exercise 1 Draw one line under each compound subject and two lines under the simple predicate they share. Circle the conjunction or conjunctions.
Either Our Town or Romeo and Juliet will be the first production.


Either Our Town or Romeo and Juliet will be the first production.

Simple Subject: Our Town

Simple predicate: will

Complete subject: Either Our Town or Romeo and Juliet

Complete predicate: will be the first production

Conjunctions: Either....or, and

What is subject and predicate?

The main topic of the sentence is either a noun or a pronoun. The main predicate of the sentence is a verb or verb-phrase. The main idea and any supporting or growing ideas make up the subject. The simple predicate is combined with additional words that either clarify or complete its meaning to form the complete predicate.

A phrase is a group of words used to concisely communicate a single idea or problem. The noun or pronoun that acts as the narrative's central focus is known as the subject of a sentence.

Predicate is the term used to describe the entire group of words in a sentence that are unrelated to the topic. The predicate can be inferred from whatever the subject is not if the subject of a sentence can be identified from just one phrase.

The term conjunction joins or connects clauses, words, and phrases in a sentence. In a sentence, conjunctions are used to connect words. Conjunctions like "but," "although," and "while" are frequently used. Correlative, subordinating, and coordinating conjunctions are among the three types of conjunctions.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: Our Town

Simple predicate: will

Complete subject: Either Our Town or Romeo and Juliet

Complete predicate: will be the first production

Conjunctions: Either....or, and

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,



Exercise 2 Circle the infinitives and infinitive phrases in each sentence below. Then change each infinitive to a gerund and write the gerund form on the line at the left.
To cough during the performance would have been rude, so I walked outside.


To cough during the performance would have been rude, so I walked outside.

Bold words are infinitive phrases

Gerund form : To cough during  performing would have been rude, so I am walking  outside

An infinitive phrase could be a group of words consisting of an infinitive, a modifier or the utilization of pronouns, direct objects, indirect objects or complements of action or state expressed within the infinitive.

What is infinitive phrase example?

In an infinitive phrase, the modifiers might include articles, adjectives, objects, or adverbs. An infinitive phrase begins with the infinitive verb, usually with the word "to" ahead . Here are some examples of infinitive phrases: Peter loved to play guitar

What is the gerund in this sentence?

A gerund is that the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. for instance , “Running is fun.” during this sentence, “running” is that the gerund. It acts a bit like a noun

Learn more about phrases :



Discussion Topic

After World War II, technological advancements radically changed how people viewed themselves, humanity, and the world. For example, rockets carried people into space, the splitting of atoms tapped into nuclear power, and the television provided a new medium for sharing information. Imagine being in the shoes of a postmodernist writer. How would technological advancements influence your writing and literature in general? In contrast, can literature influence technological advancements?


After international war ll, technological advancements radically modified how humans considered themselves, humanity, and the arena. as instance, rockets carried people into space, the splitting of atoms tapped into nuclear power, and the television furnished a new medium for sharing information. consider being within the footwear of a postmodernist writer.

Radar helped the Allies understand what changed into coming at them. Bombsights employing complex gyroscope technology allowed planes to pinpoint bomb assaults. earlier than WWII, pilots certainly dropped bombs with the aid of hand and hoped for the excellent.

One of the biggest modifications in the naval era in global conflict II was using the aircraft carrier. plane vendors became the maximum critical ships inside the army. They have been capable of launching air attacks from everywhere within the ocean. Bombs - world struggle II saw the invention of many new types of bombs. it is offering a wholesome discussion approximately the reception and know-how of literature in a better manner amongst scholars, researchers, and commonplace readers.

Learn more about Technological advancements here:-https://brainly.com/question/11827935


Exercise 1 Underline the verb in each sentence. In the blank, write T if the verb is transitive. Write I if the verb is intransitive.
Everyone saw the horse with the beautiful saddle.


Everyone saw (I) the horse with the beautiful saddle. Saw is the verb in the sentence and it is intransitive

A verb is a word (part of speech) that, in grammar, typically represents an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), an event (happen, become), or a state of being. The word verb comes from the Latin verbum, which means "word" (be, exist, stand). The infinitive, with or without the particle to, is the fundamental form in the typical description of English. Verbs are inflected (changed in form) to denote tense, aspect, mood, and voice in many languages. As its subject or object, a verb may also agree with the identity, gender, or number of some of its arguments.

Learn more about Verb here:



Which form of the word hospitality BEST fits this sentence?
Odysseus wanted to know if the natives would be BLANK..

and god fearing men.
A. hospitality
B. hospitable
C. hospitalities
D. hospitalized


The correct choice would be B. hospitable, hope it helps! Good luck

contex clue sentences



We cannot see any sign of the question. Please show the question next time..


Why do we have active volcanoes earthquakes epicenter and mountain rangers?


Answer is the Theory of plate tectonics


The Earth's outer shell is made up of seven large and many smaller moving plates. As the plates move due to convection in the mantle, their boundaries collide, spread apart or slide past one another. The results are earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain ranges.


The outer shell (lithosphere) of the Earth is made up of seven sizable and numerous smaller moving plates, according to the theory of plate tectonics. Geological processes including earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formation are produced as a result of the boundaries of the plates colliding, spreading apart, or sliding past one another as they move.


The outer shell (lithosphere) of the Earth is made up of seven sizable and numerous smaller moving plates, according to the theory of plate tectonics. Geological processes including earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formation are produced as a result of the boundaries of the plates colliding, spreading apart, or sliding past one another as they move.

Exercise 1 In the blank write n if the italicized word is used a noun. Write p if it is used as a pronoun. Write v if it is used as a verb. Write adj. if it is used as an adjective. Write adv. if it is used as an adverb. Write c if it is used as a conjunction. Write prep. if it is used as a preposition. Write i if it is used as an interjection.
Since you’re so sure you’re right, why don’t you raise your hand?


The word SINCE is denoted as conjunction in this sentence.

Since provides a subordinate clause as a subordinating conjunction. We employ it to offer an explanation for something.

Subordinating conjunctions: What are they?

A subordinating conjunction is a phrase or word that binds a dependent clause to an independent clause. This word or phrase denotes a cause-and-effect relationship or a change in time and location between the two clauses, indicating that the clause has informational value to add to the sentence's main concept.Because, if, since, until, and while are instances of this form of conjunction. A dependent clause is established by a subordinating conjunction.Subordinating conjunctions can also be used to indicate a relationship between two clauses including a change in time or place. The subordinating conjunctions once, while, when, whenever, where, anywhere, before, and after are a few instances.

To learn more about Subordinating conjunctions, visit:



Exercise 2 Supply a simple subject for each of the sentences below by writing a noun or a pronoun in the blank. Draw two lines under each simple predicate.
Luckily _______________ Dad had bought a battery-powered radio after the last storm.


In the question sentence, the word "Dad " acts as a simple subject and the word "had bought" acts as a simple predicate.

What is Simple subject?

A single word or pronoun joined to a verb is referred to as a simple subject. In most cases, the simple subject comes before the verb in a sentence. While modifications may be present in the entire subject.

What is Simple Predicate?

A simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase that characterizes the action of the subject of each sentence. The only part that contributes to being a simple predicate is the leading verb or verb phrase. There are no modifiers in the sentence.

In this sentence given in the question "Luckily Dad had bought a battery-powered radio after the last storm.", but since "had bought" is a verb, it works as a simple predicate. Also, since the word "Dad " is a noun or pronoun, it acts as a simple subject.

To know more about simple subject, click below-



what type of figurative language is this sentence: “The birds sang sweetly in the trees as we walked along.”





Personification gives humanlike qualities to nonhuman things, such as birds in your example. "The birds sang sweetly" implies the birds were singing when they were not.

What is the power of 10 when 0.000028 is written in scientific notation?


0.000028 = 2.8 x 10^-5

Power of 10 = -5

Answer: 10^5


0.000028  = 2.8 x 10^-5

(shift 5 to the left)

Exercise 1 Write a personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence. Underline the antecedent. All of the computers lost _____________ power.


All of the computers lost their power is the correct answer.

A personal pronoun must agree in number with an indefinite pronoun when it is the antecedent of a personal pronoun. To refer to a singular indefinite pronoun, use a singular pronoun. "His or her" is regarded as a singular pronoun.

The name of each car's sponsor is painted there. (singular)

To refer to a plural indefinite pronoun, use a plural pronoun.

The race is several of the cars' maiden outings. (plural)

Singular or plural forms are possible for some indefinite pronouns. To decide whether an indefinite pronoun is singular or plural, consider the context of the sentence. 

Some of the machinery was still contained within its packaging. (singular)

Some of the teams competing in the event were still seeking their gear. (plural)

Learn more about indefinite pronouns here:



Select the correct answer.
Which lines spoken by Rosalind best support the theme that love can lead people to act foolishly?
OA. "Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do" (lines 37-38)
OB. "now loathe him; then entertain him, then forswear him; now weep for him, then spit at him;" (lines 51-53)
OC. "There is a man haunts the forest, that abuses our young plants with carving 'Rosalind' on their barks" (lines 1-3)
OD. "Nay you must call me Rosalind. Come, sister, will you go?" (line 69)


The sentence presented in option B shows how Rosalind claims that people in love can act foolishly.

Why does she believe this?Because love makes people put up with absurd behavior.Because love makes people sick.Because love makes people put up with anything.

In the sentence presented in option B, Rosalind shows how she cured a man who was in love from the follies of love. It shows how she had to treat this man in a fickle, confusing way and torture him with her behavior.

However, the man's love made him accept all this, like a madman, for a long time, until love let him act and think correctly.

This question is about the play "As you like it" written by Shakespeare and you can learn more about this play at the link:



Answer:”There is a man haunts the forest, that abuses our young plants with carving ‘Rosalind’ on their barks”. (lines 1-3)


50 points!! RAW files are the image file type that preserves all of the original image data.

OA. True OB. False​


Answer: True.

Explanation:That's because they contain all the raw image information captured by your digital camera's sensors, completely uncompressed. Like working with a film negative from a traditional camera, the RAW file holds all the original detail, so you have complete control over what you do with it.

[tex]\huge \boxed{\sf true}[/tex]

An image file format is a method for storing and arranging a digital image. Image files adopt various forms to rasterize digital data for computer display or printer usage.

Data that has not been processed or is in its original form is raw data. Raw data is an unprocessed piece of information.

Exercise 1 Edit the sentence for clarity and correct grammar.
She are the starling of the team.


Answer: "She is the starling of the team" is the grammatically correct sentence.

Explanation: In this sentence, "is" acts as the linking verb. It is a form of the linking verb "to be". However, "to be" has another form, "are". The type of verb to be used can usually be determined by how the sentence sounds.

The main way of deciding the verb to use is to relate it to the noun which is performing the action. If the noun itself is singular, "is" must be used whereas for plural nouns "are" is to be used.

When the form of verb is in accordance to the subject, it is called subject-verb agreement.

In the given sentence, the subject is "she". Thus, the subject is singular. As a result, "is" is used and the correct sentence is "She is  the starling of the team".

To learn more about linking verbs, refer to this link:


Read this excerpt from Federalist Paper: To the People of the State of New York:
After an unequivocal experience of the inefficiency of the subsisting federal government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new constitution for the united states of america. The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of the union, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world. It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force. If there be any truth in the remark, the crisis at which we are arrived may with propriety be regarded as the era in which that decision is to be made; and a wrong election of the part we shall act may, in this view, deserve to be considered as the general misfortune of mankind. based on this text, what does hamilton try to appeal to in readers? a. the idea that the class system is unfair and prejudicial b. the hope that all share for a better constitutional process c. the sense that their choices set an example for the world d. the sense that truth and honor should govern all people


Based on this text, Hamilton try to appeal to in readers that the sense that their choices set an example for the world. Hence the correct option is c.

Who was Hamilton..??

"Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, who fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury. He was the founder and chief architect of the American financial system."

"Hamilton was one of America's first great nationalists. He believed in an indivisible nation where the people would give their loyalty not to any state but to the nation. Although a conservative, he did not fear change or experimentation."

To know more about Hamilton click below:



Exercise 1 In the blank write n if the italicized word is used a noun. Write p if it is used as a pronoun. Write v if it is used as a verb. Write adj. if it is used as an adjective. Write adv. if it is used as an adverb. Write c if it is used as a conjunction. Write prep. if it is used as a preposition. Write i if it is used as an interjection.
Whenever she insists on going up the down staircase, it causes a massive traffic jam.


Whenever -Adv









Causes -V


Traffic jam-N

Which term is a word or phrase that explain or define a noun?A. AppositiveB. AdverbC. ModifierD. Preposition

The word or phrase that aims to elaborate or define either a noun or noun phrase would be:

A). Appositive

Appositive' is characterized itself as 'construction in which one noun or noun phrase is placed along with another equivalent that further elaborates it.'

It is placed right beside the noun and both the noun and appositive play the same syntactic function in the sentence.

For example,

Sophie, a passionate girl, gathered all her hard work to win the painting competition.

Here, the appositive i.e. the phrase 'a passionate girl' is elaborating the noun 'Sophie' in the sentence.

To know more about Noun , visit :



Exercise 1 Underline nouns once and verbs twice. Draw a vertical line between each complete subject and complete predicate. Label adjectives Adj., articles A., adverbs Adv., direct objects D.O., and indirect objects I.O.
Dr. Connor, a medical missionary, carefully walked across the barren field.


Dr. Connor, a medical missionary, carefully walked across the barren field.

                               Adj.                         adj.                              A        Adj.

What are nouns and verbs?


Without nouns, a sentence would fall flat. They are a key component of the English language's core linguistic structure. An object, place, concept, or topic are all types of nouns. A few examples include a door, a house, a child, and love. The number of nouns is infinite, and they occasionally appear in both singular and plural forms. In case you don't believe me, ask the deer.


Equal importance is given to nouns and verbs. Additionally impossible without them are sentences. The action that is occurring in a sentence must be indicated or described by a verb by definition. The roles that nouns play are described.

Learn more about nouns



Exercise 3 Underline the correct word given in parentheses. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
The freshly baked bread smells (good, well).





'Good' is the appropriate adjective to describe the noun 'smell'.

'Well' means 'sensible; advisable'. It doesn't make sense to say 'smells advisable'.

Exercise 2 Underline the linking verb (or verbs) in each sentence. Then circle the word or words after the linking verb that identify or describe the subject.
Events grew bleaker in Europe as World War II advanced.


Events grew bleaker in Europe as World War II advanced.

The activity or state of being in a sentence is expressed by a verb. Depending on the present time, verbs can be represented in a variety of tenses. Here are a few instances: Example: Jennifer strolled over to the shop. The verb in this sentence that denotes an action is walked.

Verbs are words that describe an action, an occurrence, or a state of being (exist). There must be a verb in almost every sentence. The infinitive is a verb's fundamental form. Infinitives are used for the forms call, love, break, and go.

To learn more on verbs



Which sentence shows the proper usage of a semicolon?



when I finish here; between the two independent clauses linked by either a conjunction adverb or a traditional expression

Exercise 2 Label each italicized pronoun nom. (nominative), obj. (objective), or pos. (possessive) case.
It was not an easy life for the pioneers, but they found they were all willing to help each other.


It was not an easy life for the pioneers, but they found they were all willing to help each other.

Nominative pronoun used as they.

An objective pronoun presented as the object of a sentence—it gets  the action of the verb. the common pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you. Cousin Eldred gave me a trombone. Take an picture  of them , not us!

What is a nominative pronoun example?

The subjective (or nominative) pronouns are I, you (singular), he/she/it, we, you (plural), they and who. A subjective pronoun acts as a point  in a sentence.

The nominative pronouns (or subjective pronouns as they're more better termed ) as  "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," "they," "who," and "whoever." taking example: I saw the cat. The cat saw me.

Learn more about nominative pronoun :



Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate. Circle the direct object. At the end of the sentence, write the word what? or whom? to tell which question the direct object answers.
Mr. Simpson told us about the solar system.


Simple subject - Mr. Simpson

Simple predicate - told

Direct object - Mr. Simpson

Mr. Simpson told what? about solar system

To whom? to us

What are the parts of a sentence?

Two parts of a Sentence are -

The subject and the predicate are the two components of a sentence. A sentence may only be made up of both components.

Subject Element

A sentence's subject identifies the person or thing it is about. Below, subjects are highlighted.

Determiner Part

A sentence's predicate describes the subject's actions, characteristics, or state. Below, predicates are highlighted.

To learn more about parts of a sentence from given link



Match the word with the correct definition.
A. words that create pictures
B. a comparison
C. the main idea
D. the attitude of the writer toward the subject, ideas, theme, or characters
E. images, plot patterns, and characters that occur frequently in literature
Use the word bank above to answer the question.
11. metaphor (1 point)



A. Words that create pictures: Imagery

B. A comparison: Metaphor

C. The main idea: Theme

D. The attitude of the writer toward the subject, ideas , theme, or characters: Tone

E. Being liberated: Emancipation


Hope this helps

Exercise 1 Circle the participle or participial phrase in each sentence.
Working together, Carla and Molly kicked more field goals than the other team.


"Working together, Carla and Molly kicked more field goals".  is the participial phrase.

What is participial phrase?

An adjectival phrase that combines a participle (past, present, or perfect) with other words including nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases is known as a participial phrase. Participle phrases are used to modify nouns and noun equivalents similarly to adjectives.

What distinguishes a participle from a participial phrase?

As an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun, a participle is a verbal ending in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past). A participial phrase is made up of a participle plus one or more complements, objects, or modifiers (s).

To learn more about participle click on the link below:



Other Questions
Exercise 1 Circle the number in front of each complex sentence.He became a U.S. Marshal in 1877 and was later appointed consul general to Haiti. five less than twice a number is 7 algebraic expression What does it mean to ban something? Do you think books, movies, and shows should be ban? Why or why not Exercise 3 Underline the correct word given in parentheses. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies.Calculus is a (more difficult, difficulter) mathematics than algebra. The _________ was created in order to alert insurer home office underwriters of errors, omissions, or misrepresentations made on insurance applications. 6/4 + 0.68Jason solved this problem by changing 6/4 to 1.2. He then added 1.2 to 0.68 and got 1.88. This answer is incorrect. What did he do wrong?Multiple choices acceptedGroup of answer choices1.2 + 0.68 should have equaled 8.01.2 + 0.68 should have equaled 0.806/4 should have been changed to 1.56/4 should have been changed to 1.24PLEASE ANSWER FASTTT IM TIMED A patient who comes to the clinic reports frequent, watery stools for 2 days. which action should the nurse take first? Why is it important that the orifices and the passages of the cutting tip be free of dirt, scratches,and burrs? Some of the most dramatic evidence for evolution has come from human agriculture. one of the most highly artificially selected crop plants is:_______ Exercise 2 Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Write N next to the nonessential clauses and E next to the essential clauses.The piano, which had been tuned recently, sounded wonderful. evolution of galapagos tortoises in the correct order 18. Which correctly applies the distributive property?O2(2+3) = 6 2 O2(x + 3) = 2x+6 O2(x + 3) = 6x O2(2 + 3) = 2r/3 Which of the expressions shown evaluate to negative rational numbers? Select all that apply. Multiple select question. cross out A) ( 9 ) 4 cross out B) ( 4 5 ) 3 cross out C) ( 3 8 ) 2 cross out D) 3 5 10 4 cross out E) ( 9 . 8 ) 2 10 2 A _____, which employs the first-in-first-out (fifo) principle in which the first item added to the data list is the first removed, is similar to a stack. Velcro is becoming more and more popular for a variety of uses, including as fasteners for shoes. what should happen to the equilibrium price and quantity for shoelaces as a result? what is the perimeter in terms of x? in other words find the pereimeter. Imagine what his audience might have been thinking and feeling as they listened to him on the ship. Describe it below. A protein is made of 100 amino acids. how many peptide bonds are in this protein? what is 2 over 3 divide 1 over 4 Once submitted, who can cancel an enrollment application before the effective date? aetna