A combining form for the saclike structure that holds the root and shaft of a hair is:_____.


Answer 1




Answer 2


The combining formis blephar/o, which means eyelid. ... combining form for the saclike structure that holds the root and shaft ofa hair ...

Related Questions

Which nursing intervention demonstrates congruence in a therapeutic nurse-client relationship?


Congruence occurs when words and actions match. The nurse demonstrates this by fulfilling the promise made to the client.

Within the clinical world, the time period "congruence" is used to explain via visual inspection how the articular surfaces mate every different, comparing the joint capability to distribute an implemented load from a in basic terms geometrical attitude.

What's congruence psychology?

Congruence is a condition in healing relationship that refers to accurate matching of someone's revel in with consciousness. In person-centred counselling, counsellor's congruence is thought as one of beneficial and considerable components that helps customers' increase in counselling.

What does congruence suggest in therapy?

Congruence is the maximum essential characteristic, in keeping with Rogers. this implies that the therapist is actual and/or actual, open, incorporated and actual throughout their interactions with the customer.

Learn more about Congruence here:- https://brainly.com/question/2102943


According to the text,___ often use two different scales in the same drawing, one vertical and another for horizontal


It can be inferred that AutoCAD often uses two different scales in the same drawing, one vertical and the other for horizontal projections.

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is the original CAD program that millions of people across the world use. It is capable of producing exact 2D and 3D drawings and models, as well as electrical diagrams, building plans, and other documents.

The data may also be readily downloaded and kept on the cloud, allowing them to be accessible from any location at any time.

Drafters, architects, engineers, and other skilled professionals can use it to construct two- and three-dimensional models of solid surfaces and meshes.

AutoCAD is extensively used and contributes to the prevention of product defects and warranty concerns.

Learn more about AutoCAD:

The term ______________________ refers to the means used to determine how available goods and resources will be allocated.


The term rationing device refers to the means used to determine how available goods and resources will be allocated.

A market economy rations goods and resources by using supply and demand to determine prices and quantities.

A rationing device selects who gets what of the limited goods and resources. Price is one of the most frequently employed rationing strategies in a capitalistic (market-based) economic system. Anyone prepared to pay the price for a given item (or resource) may buy it.

Rationing are of two types: price rationing and regulatory rationing. By restricting prices, markets distribute commodities. Regulatory rationing is the process by which governments distribute commodities.

To learn more about resources here



A rationing device is a mechanism that determines who receives what of limited goods and resources. Price is one of the most commonly used rationing devices in a capitalistic (market-based) economic system. Those willing and able to pay the fee for a particular good (or resource) can obtain it.

Resources are the inputs that society uses to create output, also known as goods. Inputs such as labor, capital, and land are examples of resources. Food, clothing, and housing are examples of goods, as are services provided by barbers, doctors, and police officers.

to know more about the rationing device, click here.



After listening to this entire example, which elements of form are present? which are not present?


We can actually deduce here that after listening to the entire example from Nutcracker March, the elements of form that are present are:

Variation ContrastRepetition

What is repetition?

Repetition is actually known to be the process of repeating a word within a very short space of line of words without no particular positioning of the words. It is usually done in order to make emphasis.

Repetition is used to make the audience or readers understand that what is stated is very important. It is usually done in order to emphasize a point.

In music, contrast is actually known to be the difference that exists between parts or different instrument sounds. Melodic, rhythmic and harmonic sound are found in music.

Learn more about repetition on https://brainly.com/question/596301


Professor lopez believes that severe depression results primarily from abnormal brain chemistry. professor lopez favors a ________________ perspective on depression.


Professor Lopez favors a neuroscience perspective on depression.

What is depression?

Depression refers to the condition of the brain which is featured as chronic sorrow and loss of interest. It affects badly to the person and changes the behavior of the person. It is a kind of disease which can lead to  mental and physical difficulties.

Neuroscience refers to the study of the nervous system of the human beings. It tells about how brain functions. The studies to solve the problems related to the working of the brain.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Professor Lopez believes that a neuroscience approach to depression is preferable.

Learn more about depression here:



What is the fundamental problem with the types of crime routinely presented by the media?


The fundamental problem with the types of crime routinely presented by the media is crimes in the media are typically more sensational than crimes that are usually committed.

     When it comes to crime and deviance, the media is crucial in establishing the agenda. Agenda setting describes how the media shapes how people view various subjects. Media professionals must be extremely selective in the situations they choose to either report or overlook because it is obvious that the mass media cannot cover every single criminal or deviant behavior that takes place.

    Naturally, discussions and attitudes about crime and deviance are limited to what the agenda-setting media has informed people about. As a result, what media professionals choose to include or exclude from their newspapers, television programs, films, or websites affects how the public perceives crime and deviance in society. Therefore, media representation heavily affects people believe about crime regardless of whether these impressions are true or not.

To learn more about crimes click here:



What would happen to the iron is the Coilgun if the electricity in the coil was turned on but not turned off 



The piece of iron has become a magnet. Some substances can be magnetized by an electric current. When electricity runs through a coil of wire, it produces a magnetic field. The field around the coil will disappear, as soon as the electric current is turned off.

The piece of iron has become a magnet. Some substances can be magnetized by an electric current, when electricity runs through a coil of wire, it produces a magnetic field. The field around the coil will disappear, as soon as the electric current is turned off.  

What is an electric current?

An electric current is a stream of charged particles, such as electrons or ions, moving through an electrical conductor or space. It is measured as the net rate of flow of electric charge through a surface or into a control volume.

The moving particles are called charge carriers, which may be one of several types of particles, depending on the conductor. In electric circuits the charge carriers are often electrons moving through a wire. In semiconductors they can be electrons or holes. In an electrolyte the charge carriers are ions, while in plasma, an ionized gas, they are ions and electrons. The SI unit of electric current is the ampere, or amp, which is the flow of electric charge across a surface at the rate of one coulomb per second. The ampere is an SI base unit.

Electric current is measured using a device called an ammeter.

Learn more about current, here:



The _____ argument form follows the following steps in its pattern of reasoning: if a, then b. a. so, b


The Invalid argument form follows the following steps in its pattern of reasoning.


The base idea is that something has to be TRUE for it to be a valuable possession.This is also known as the Argument from Validity or Necessity. What follows from this position is that anything not valued cannot be inherently good, or valuable. This invalid argument then concludes that all pursuits which are not valued by the speaker must contain some type of negativity inherent within them.

What is an invalid argument called?

The Invalid argument is a type of Fallacy that involves making an invalid claim. This can be done in two ways: The false dilemma and appeal to authority.

The false dilemma occurs when someone presents two options as if they are the only options, when in reality there are other possible choices.

For example, "Either you support gun control or you're against it."

This ignores the fact that people may have various positions on gun control based on their personal beliefs and experience with guns.

Appeal to authority occurs when we take what somebody else says as unquestionable truth without first verifying this information ourselves.

An example would be saying "Doctor Jones recommends X" without providing any evidence to support this claim.

To learn more about invalid argument, visit:



Explain the ""three factors"" that made the swahili region of east africa a ""shared culture. "".


The three factors that made the Swahili Region of East Africa a "Shared Culture" are:

The absorbance of Iron Age Culture from the Kenyan Coast;The long-distance trading routes which crossed the Indian Ocean The trans-migration of the Bantus back and fort South Africa.

What is a shared Culture?

A Shared culture is defined as culture that comes through the shared experience of long-lasting communities. Culture is a product of social interaction and never develops in isolation.

As a result, all cultures are shared. Individuals who belong to various cultures are more likely to exchange culture with a big number of others.

How did the Swahili Culture evolve?

When the Portuguese came to conquer the coast in the fifteenth century, they added their twist into the culture. For nearly two hundred years, words were being loaned into the language. For instance, vinho, for mvinyo, etc.

The culture grew even after the Portuguese left. When the British colonials came in the late eighteenth century; there was a new height in the Swahili culture.

Indian and European cultures were brought into the mix. It is nice to note that the Indian words: chai, gari, dunia, sahani, … are used in very much the same way in Swahili.

To facilitate local trade, a sort of pidgin language evolved, which blended terms from Arabic into the Bantu languages. Remember, it was not a single Bantu language. They were many, and in my opinion, they finally blended to produce a distinct creole. After a while, the creole was polished. People were born speaking it generations later, and it became Swahili.

That brought an exclusive group of individuals to the seaside. They were well-versed in both the Arabic and Persian civilizations, as well as the African cultures. Rice began to be introduced into local cuisine, and stone dwellings with narrow alleys were constructed.

Learn more about shared cultures:

Which research studies brought about the human relations era of human resource management?


The research studies that brought about the human relations era of human resource management were Hawthorne studies.

What is Research?

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the creative use of pre-existing knowledge to generate original ideas, methods, and comprehensions. This might entail combining and evaluating previous research to develop novel and creative discoveries.

Hawthorne studies was an experiment done on the workers to know the reasons which leads to the increase in the efficiency of the workers.

It is a landmark series of research that began in the 1920s and evaluated the effects of working-condition factors on employee productivity.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Hawthorne studies were the significant research that ushered in the humanistic era of human resources planning.

Learn more about research here:



A splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your hand. what is this layer called?


If a splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your hand, that layer is known as the Stratum Basale.

What is the Stratum Basale?

The Stratum Basale is the deepest layer of the epidermis. It is comprised of a single layer cuboidal keratinocytes which is directly attached to the dermis.

The Stratum Basale does two major function. They include the following

ProliferationAttachment of the epidermis to the dermis.

When a splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your hand, it is assumed that it has touched the Stratum Basale since that is the innermost layer of the epidermis.

Learn more about the Epidermis at https://brainly.com/question/893214


What is it called when one country cannot trade with another country due to political tensions?


when one country cannot trade with another country due to political tensions it is called trade embargo

Economic sanctions are commercial and financial penalties imposed by one or more countries against a targeted self-governing state, group, or individual. They are not always imposed due to economic reasons; they can also be imposed for a number of political, military, and social reasons. Both internal and foreign goals may be served by economic sanctions

Economic sanctions may include different types of trade barriers, tariffs, and restrictions on financial transactions.[6] Since the mid-1990s, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions have tended to target specific individuals and entities, in contrast to the all-encompassing embargoes of earlier decades. The effectiveness of sanctions is debatable—there are many failures—and sanctions can have unintended consequences.

Learn more about embargo here:



When a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called:_____.


When a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called participant observation.

Who is a sociologist?

Sociologists research how individuals behave in communities and other groupings. You might want to become a sociologist if you're interested in topics like gender roles, crime, or how families interact.

One form of data gathering technique employed by practitioner-scholars in qualitative research and ethnography is participant observation. Many fields use this kind of methodology, but anthropology, sociology, communication studies, human geography, and social psychology stand out.

Therefore, when a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called participant observation.

Learn more about sociology on:



Historically, which stage was first in the development of a nursing theory and philosophy?


Theorizing was the first stage in the development of a nursing theory and philosophy.

Theorizing, creating a syntax, creating concepts, and philosophical discussion were all milestones in the creation of the nursing discipline.

These phases contributed to the development of the discipline's traits as a human science, a practise science, a science with social objectives to enable nurses to deliver effective and high-quality care, and a science where gender differences and the need for understanding minorities are key areas of focus.

In order to fulfil the integrative and multidisciplinary nature of these demands, future theoretical growth in the subject will be motivated by population needs. Practice, theory, and research are the sources of future theory.

"A creative and rigorous structure of ideas that project a tentative, deliberate, and systematic understanding of reality" is how nursing theory is described. Nurses are able to acquire information relevant to enhancing patient care through methodical inquiry, whether in nursing research or practise.

To learn more about nursing theory, refer



What insights into life do you think the ancient people who heard this epic gained gilgamesh?


The insights to be learned from the Gilgamesh Epic is that death is unavoidable. Gilgamesh wastes a lot of time and effort trying to find eternal life. He rejects his loved ones and friends in favour of wandering the woods in quest of an unattainable goal.

Ancient Mesopotamian epic poem known as The Epic of Gilgamesh, second in age only to the Pyramid Texts in terms of religious significance, is considered as the earliest piece of important literature still in existence.

Gilgamesh became the first epic hero in world literature by defying death in the course of his quest for purpose in life. Every person who has contemplated life's purpose in the presence of death may relate to Gilgamesh's sadness and the concerns his friend's death raises.

To learn more about   Gilgamesh Epic, refer



The theory of comparative advantage is credited to :_______
a. milton friedman.
b. john maynard keynes.
c. adam smith.
d. david ricardo.


The theory of comparative advantage is credited to David Ricardo.

A comparative advantage occurs in economics when one country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another.

What is Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage?

A comparative advantage occurs in economics when one country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another.

David Ricardo, a political economist, is credited with developing the theory of comparative advantage in his book Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817).

Comparative advantage is a fundamental principle in international trade that underpins why free trade benefits countries.

Consider two countries (China and the United Arab Emirates) that use labor as an input to produce two products: wine and cloth.

In China, one hour of labor can yield either 5 cloths or 10 wines.

In the UAE, one hour of labor can yield either 20 cloths or 15 wines.

The UAE has a distinct advantage in the production of textiles and wine.

To learn more about Comparative advantage, refer to:



By emphasizing the interdependence of its subdisciplines, anthropology takes a _________________ approach to the study of humans. group of answer choices


By emphasizing the interdependence of its subdisciplines, anthropology takes a broad approach to the study of humans.

What is anthropology?

The study of early hominids, chimpanzees, and people is known as anthropology. Anthropologists research everything from monkeys' biology and behavior to human language, culture, and society, as well as biological and material relics. The only wholistic science of humanity is anthropology. It is the study of people, including their history, ecological adaptations, geographic distribution, social and religious beliefs, and habits.

Holism is the approach that anthropologists use to explore all the varied facets of the human experience. They look to the past through archaeology to understand how and what mattered to human groups hundreds or thousands of years ago. They take into account our bones, diet, and health as well as the biological components of our bodies and DNA.

Therefore, it can be concluded that by emphasizing the interdependence of its subdisciplines, anthropology takes a broad approach to the study of humans.

Learn more about anthropology on:



In rome's res publica, how did democracy manifest itself in the governance of the state?


In Rome's res publica, the democracy manifest itself in the governance of the state because Citizens elected representatives, who governed in their interests.

What is democracy?

Democracy can be described as the  form of government  whereby people have the authority  in making decision about the   legislation, or as well as in the process of  choosing  governing officials to do so.

It can be see as government that is been run by the people where the  majority rule and in this government ,  the highest power is held by the people  which is been exercised  through representatives, hence In Rome's res publica, the democracy manifest itself in the governance of the state because Citizens elected representatives, who governed in their interests.

Learn more about democracy at:



What reasons for writing the constitution are given in the preamble to the constitution? choose three options.


Although the options are not specified in the question, here are all the reasons for writing the Constitution of the US given in the preamble:

Form a more perfect Union of states Have internal peace and tranquility Organize and create a common defense of the statesseek general Welfare and prosperity.guarantee "the Blessings of Liberty" for future generations

The preamble is a short paragraph at the beginning of the Constitution that introduces the most important law of the USA. It does not state laws, duties, or guarantees. It expresses the aim of the Constitution, the values, and the spirit of the founding fathers with which the text should be interpreted.

In spite of not having the list of options, any of the ones listed above would be correct.

You can learn more about the US Constitution in the link below:



When data is missing in a systematic way, you should determine the impact of the missing data on the results and whether missing data can be excluded from what?


Extrapolate the data or impute the missing data by filling in the average of the values around the missing data.

Imputation is the process of replacing the missing data with estimated values. Rather than deleting any case that has any missing value, this approach preserves all cases by replacing the missing data with a probable value estimated by other available information.

Data science may be a way of extracting insights from large volumes of disparate data. Data science involves drawing patterns from seemingly random structured and unstructured forms of data. The missing data adds ambiguity to the info. it's represented as NA or NAN. If the dataset is tiny then every datum counts.

The missing data creates imbalance within the observations and might even result in invalid conclusions. Mean, median and mode are the foremost popular averaging techniques, which are wont to infer missing values.

learn more about missing data: https://brainly.com/question/20429571


The marriage rituals of different ethnic groups are of most relevance to the ________ perspective.


The marriage rituals of different ethnic groups are of most relevance to the social-cultural perspective.

What does social-cultural perspective mean?

Social-cultural perspective refers to a theory that considers the way that different individuals interact with their social groups and how their behaviors are affected by their surroundings.

The theory of social-cultural perspective is mainly used in the field such as psychology and education that is understand human behavior through analysis of the cultural rules.

Basically, social-cultural perspective involves both the social and cultural aspects.

Learn more about social-cultural perspective here:-



South america displays a great variety of natural habitats due to its latitudinal extent
true or false


The statement "South America displays a great variety of natural habitats due to its latitudinal extent." is True.

The continent of South America is located in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas the whole continent of South America is located in the Western Hemisphere.

Caribbean Sea to the northwest and north, Atlantic to the northeast, east, and southeast, and Pacific Ocean to the west define the borders of South America. The Isthmus of Panama, a land bridge that at one point narrows to around 50 miles (80 km) across, connects it to North America in the northwest.

The vast geographic diversity due to its latitudinal extent of South America adds to the diversity of its natural habitats.  

To learn more about natural habitats, refer



Which step in the critical thinking model involves making a list of optional actions that a person might take?


The research step in the critical thinking model involves making a list of optional actions that a person might take.

The utility is the step that makes this model of essential thinking particularly relevant to ethics, rather than any other sort of hassle-solving or decision-making. Our intention is to make now not just thoughtful or clever choices but ethical ones. fundamental examples of non-moral standards encompass regulations of etiquette, fashion requirements, rules in video games, and various residence regulations.

An essential questioning model affords the shape for practicing this sort of wondering. It facilitates us to word our personal questioning biases and lets us strive to view the sector objectively whilst imparting hints for asking the proper questions, attaining logical conclusions, and explaining how we did it. students of good judgment learn how to suppose in a structurally sound way. good judgment has types of deductive and inductive reasoning.

Learn more about The thinking model here:-https://brainly.com/question/28376660


In the hawthorne studies, researchers were attempting to manipulate _____ to see if it affected job performance


In the Hawthorne studies, researchers were attempting to manipulate light to see if it affected job performance.

In the Hawthorne trials, scientists experimented with light to discover if it had an impact on workers' performance. Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger's research known as the "Hawthorne studies" were a part of a shift in managerial strategy that placed an emphasis on the socio-psychological facets of organizational behavior.

In the 1920s and 1930s, a particular type of series of investigations known as the Hawthorne studies offered fresh perspectives on both individual and collective behavior. The Hawthorne investigations, a set of tests at a Western Electric facility from 1927 to 1932, discovered that work groups had a big impact on how employees acted and performed.

To know more about Hawthorne studies



The relationship between the tasks performed on the job and the human attributes needed to perform the job is established by what type of analysis?


The relationship between the tasks performed on the job and the human attributes needed to perform the job is established by linkage analysis.

Combining data from several sources (such as customer, employee, partner, financial, and operational data) to find significant relationships between significant variables is known as business linkage analysis (e.g., call handle time and customer satisfaction).

Strong connections can help local businesses increase their market diversity, managerial and technological performance and capabilities, production efficiency, and productivity growth.

In a linkage, an organization collaborates formally with other organizations. This may involve mergers or collaborations. Links provide access to a variety of sources of current information in each of the organization's job areas and assist the organization stay abreast of advancements in relevant sectors.

To learn more about attributes here: https://brainly.com/question/28163865


At the beginning of the french and indian war, what colony claimed most of the territory in the ohio river valley?


At the beginning of the French and Indian war,  Colony claimed most of the territory in the Ohio river valley.

River valley refers to the natural channel(s) that a river and its tributaries have made. This includes the river and any islands that may be there, as well as the river terraces—flat plains that the river has deposited—river banks or coulees, and flood plain lands.

A well-known example of a river valley with a shaped formation is the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon's sheer walls were cut by the Colorado River, which flows through the canyon.

A valley is a long, low terrain that frequently stretches between hills or mountains. It usually has a river or stream that flows from one end to the other. The majority of valleys are created by rivers or streams eroding the land's surface over a very lengthy period of time.

Learn more about river valley here



Michael josephson, founder of the josephson institute of ethics, is credited for developing?


Michale Josephson, founder of the Josephson Institute of Ethics, is credited for developing the Six Pillars of Character. Janice is a staff accountant in the accounting firm of Obama and Biden.

What is six pillars of Character?

In 1992, Michael Josephson brought together a group of educators to create the Six Pillars of Character—core ethical values for youth to learn and adapt.

The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.

The Six Pillars of Character are important because they help set guidelines for behavior in business dealings.

These guidelines support ethical behavior, thereby promoting an environment of kindness and understanding in business endeavors.

To learn more about Six Pillars of Character, refer



The key to securing the sort of representation that one wants in government, as a citizen, is:___


The key to securing the sort of representation that one wants in government, as a citizen, is participation.

What does it mean to be a citizen?

An active member of a political community is referred to as a citizen. Citizenship is obtained by satisfying the legal requirements of a national, state, or local authority. A nation's citizens are granted particular privileges and rights. Citizens are expected to support their country's laws and defend them from external threats in exchange.

In every nation, citizenship has varied meanings. The right to vote, the ability to hold public office, and the ability to obtain unemployment benefits are all examples of citizenship in various countries.

One is not always a citizen of a country just because one live there. People who are citizens of one nation yet live in another are considered aliens. Their duties and rights are outlined by political agreements and the country's legal system.

To learn more about citizen, visit:



An older adult has pruritus on the arms and legs and is scratching the affected areas. which is the priority nursing care for this client?


An older adult has pruritus on the arms and legs and is scratching the affected areas.  Tre priority nursing care for the patient would be Preventing infection.

What is meant by pruritus?

This is the term that is used to refer to severe itching that the patient is having. People may have severe itching for a number of reasons. It could be due to the adverse effects of certain medications. It could be due to the fact that they have other forms of ailments that may cause it to happen.

Hence we can say that an older adult has pruritus on the arms and legs and is scratching the affected areas.  Tre priority nursing care for the patient would be Preventing infection.

Read more about pruritus here: https://brainly.com/question/13032239


Explain the formal procedures that the major political parties use to nominate their presidential candidates usu pols


The formal procedures that the major political parties use to nominate their presidential candidates in the USA have a number of steps and stages.

The steps involved are include firstly that the US president is not directly elected by the people. Instead, he is indirectly elected through the members of the Electoral college. The members of the electoral college are the presidential electors who are directly elected by the people every four years.

Candidates from the main political parties the Democrats and the Republicans start their campaign trails and participate in televised debates. Each party holds a national convention to select a final presidential nominee.

The state delegates from the primary and caucuses selected will now endorse their support for their favorite candidates following which the final presidential nominee will be officially announced.

Then in the general election, citizens cast their votes to the delegates, who in turn on getting elected will vote for their preferred presidential candidate.

Learn more about the presidential election process:



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