A bacterium engulfed by a white blood cell through phagocytosis will be digested by enzymes contained in _____.
a) vacuoles secretory
b) vesicles lysosomes
c) golgi vesicles


Answer 1

A bacterium engulfed by a white blood cell through phagocytosis will be digested by enzymes contained in vacuoles secretory (option A).

What is phagocytosis?

Phagocytosis is the form of endocytosis in which a cell incorporates a particle by drawing the particle into a vacuole of its cytoplasm.

The white blood cell, also known as the leucocytes are the defense of the body as they help fight against foreign substances which they attack by phagocytosis.

Since the foreign bodies are pulled into the vacuole, hence, it can be said that bacterium engulfed by a white blood cell through phagocytosis will be digested by enzymes contained in vacuoles secretory.

Learn more about phagocytosis at: https://brainly.com/question/11667538


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A plant of genotype ccdd is crossed to ccdd and the f1 is testcrossed to ccdd. if the genes are unlinked, what percentage of ccdd recombinants will result?


A plant of genotype ccdd is crossed to ccdd and the f1 is testcrossed to ccdd. if the genes are unlinked, what percentage of ccdd recombinants will result in  0.20255075%

What is Genotype?

An organism's genotype is made up of all of its genetic components. The alleles or variations that a person holds in a specific gene or genetic region are also referred to as the genotype.

The amount of copies of each chromosomes found in that species, also known as ploidy, determines how many alleles a person can have for a certain gene. In diploid organisms like humans, there are two complete sets of chromosomes, which means that each person has two different alleles for each gene. Homozygous refers to a genotype where both alleles are the same. Heterozygous refers to a genotype when there are two distinct alleles.

Phenotype, the observable qualities and attributes of an individual or creature, is influenced by genotype.

Learn more about genotype with the help of the given link:



The cell theory includes different tenets to explain the organization of life. what principles comprise the cell theory? check all that apply.


The principles that comprise the cell theory are:

(i) All living organisms are composed of cells and products of the cells.

(ii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

In 1838, Matthias Schleiden, a botanist, did research on plants and discovered that all plants are made of cells.

At around the same time, Theodore Schwann, a zoologist , studied different types of animal cells and concluded that they are also composed of cells.

Schleiden and Schwann together gave the cell theory.

But a major drawback of this theory was that it could not explain how new cells are formed.

Rudolf Virchow, on careful analysis,  observed that new cells are formed from pre-existing cells( Omnis cellula-e cellula).

Virchow gave the final shape to the cell theory based on the following points:

All living organisms are composed of cells and products of cells.

All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

To know more about "cell theory", refer to the following link:



The concave surface of the ulna that wraps around the trochlea of the humerus is the?


The olecranon fossa, which is located above the trochlea of the humeral condyle on the central aspect of the posterior humerus, enables the humerus to accept the olecranon of the ulna when it is extended. The trochlea notch, which is shaped like a C, is carved out of the olecranon, which is the proximal end of the ulna.

The ulna and humerus where they articulate?


The diaphysis, a long bony shaft with hyaline cartilage caps at either end, is how the ulna initially appears at birth. The distal epiphysis, a small bony cap that forms on the end of the hyaline by the wrist around age 4, starts to ossify around this time.

On the back of the humerus, above the trochlea, is the olecranon fossa, a deep triangular depression. When the forearm is extended, it gives the olecranon of the ulna room to move. lecranon fossa

To learn more about  olecranon fossa visit:





(6) The two true statements which describe the mass of an atom's subatomic particles are:-

An electron has a mass of 1/2000 amu (atomic mass unit).A neutron and a proton each have a mass of 1 amu.

(7) The three true statements are:-

A neutral atom has the same number of electrons and protons.The building blocks of all matter are atoms.Stuff that takes up space and has mass is known as matter.

Atoms are composed of three subatomic particles, i.e. protons, neutrons as well as electrons. Protons are positively charged particles, neutrons are electrically neutral particles whereas, electrons are negatively charged particles.

To learn more about electron here



If a joint is enclosed in a tough connective tissue articular capsule and if it contains a joint cavity, it is classified as:______


If a joint is enclosed in a tough connective tissue articular capsule and if it contains a joint cavity, it is classified as a synovial joint.

What is a Joint?

This is defined as an area where two or more bones and contains different connective structures such as cartilages which help reduces the friction which occur during the movement of body parts.

Joint is classified into different categories and one of them is the synovial joint which is characterized by a tough connective tissue articular capsule which contains a joint cavity.

They are also mostly found in the joints of the limb such as the shoulders and hips and offers greater flexibility.

Read more about Synovial joint here https://brainly.com/question/1464638


When organisms leave the group they were born into and join another group, this can alter allele frequencies in the new group. What mechanism is this?.


The answer to the question is gene flow.

What is gene flow?

Gene flow, sometimes referred to as gene migration, geneflow, and allele flow in population genetics, is the exchange of genetic material between populations. A population can be deemed to be a single effective population if two populations have equal allele frequencies and the rate of gene flow is high enough. It has been demonstrated that all it takes is "one migrant each generation" to stop populations from drifting apart. Depending on how severe the selection pressure is, populations can diverge even when they are exchanging alleles. The exchange of genetic variety between populations is facilitated through gene flow. By altering allele frequencies, migrants affect how genetic variation is distributed among populations.

To learn more about gene flow with the help of given link:



On easter island, the most isolated piece of inhabited land in the world, the loss of timber due to the cutting down of trees by humans resulted in?


All of the above ( termination of stone carving around AD 1680, cessation of canoe manufacture, soil erosion, lower crop yields.)

What are the effects of deforestation?For indigenous people, losing trees and other vegetation can result in a number of problems, such as climate change, desertification, soil erosion, less harvests, flooding, and an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

What impact does tree removal have on the soil?Due to the loss of trees, whose roots anchor the soil, soil erosion is a prevalent issue.Good soils are few, and once they have been stripped away by the frequent, heavy rains, they are quickly washed away.

How does the cutting down of trees affect global warming?Carbon is stored in plants and forests. When they are damaged or completely destroyed, for example by fire - a process known as deforestation - this stored carbon has the potential to be released back by increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, which changes the climate.

To learn more about deforestation visit:



Two evolutionary processes that may produce a cline in a human allele or trait are?


Two evolutionary processes that may produce a cline in a human allele or trait are gene flow and genetic drift.

What is genetic Drift?

Genetic drift is the arbitrary change in the population's frequency of a gene variant that already exists. Gene variations may totally vanish due to genetic drift, which would limit genetic diversity. Additionally, it can make previously uncommon alleles far more common and even fixed.

What is gene flow?

The phrase "gene flow" refers to the processes through which genes are transferred from one group to another. Gene flow in anthropology more broadly refers to allelic change brought on by people moving from one place to another.

Hence, in both the cases the allelic frequency is changed and thus with the mutation and natural selection new clines can be formed.

To learn more about genetic drift visit the link:



You are observing a tissue under the microscope and notice dark concentric circles of matrix and osteocytes in lacunae. You identify this tissue as __________.


Bone tissue

You are observing a tissue under the microscope and notice dark concentric circles of matrix and osteocytes in lacunae. You identify this tissue as bone tissue.

What does bone tissue look like?Osteons or haversian systems are tightly packed together to form compact bone. The osteon is made up of concentric rings (lamellae) of matrix surrounding a central canal known as the osteonic (haversian) canal. The bone cells (osteocytes), which are situated between the rings of matrix, are found in regions known as lacunae.

Which 4 tissues are present in bones?Osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts, and osteogenic cells are the four types of bone cells that make up bone tissues.

How does bone tissue develop?The recruitment and growth of bone progenitor cells from neighboring tissues is the first step in the development of bone tissue. Next come differentiation, matrix production, and mineralization.

To learn more about bone tissue visit:



Is it possible to disrupt the structure of skin cells without disrupting the structure of the skin?



It is not possible to disrupt the structure of skin cells without disrupting the structure of the skin.

The meaning of skin structure:The epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer are its three primary layers. The epidermis is an elastic outer layer that regenerates continuously. The primary cells of the epidermis, created through cell division at its base, are keratinocytes.

How are skin cells harmed?When the skin is harmed by extreme heat, radiation, electricity, or chemicals, a burn occurs. Skin cells die as a result of the damage, which can cause a significant loss of fluid. Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, renal failure, and circulatory failure come next, all of which are potentially lethal.

How does a skin cell's structure impact how it works?These cells' structure allows a new stratum granulosum barrier of three-way tight junction connections to develop between them and the surrounding cells.

To learn more about skin cells visit:



Most cells are relatively small for reasons related to the of substances into and out of cells. True or false?.


It is True to say that most cells are tiny due to the diffusion of chemicals into and out of cells.

What three forms of diffusion are there?

Simple diffusion is the movement of ions or molecules from a high concentration area to a low concentration area.

The moving components in osmosis are water molecules. Through a semi-permeable barrier, they travel from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration.

The passage of hydrophilic ions or molecules over the plasma membrane is known as facilitated diffusion. The distinction is that transport proteins enhance the diffusion.

To learn more about diffusion , visit



The hormone primarily responsible for contraction of the gallbladder and release of bile into the duodenum is?


The hormone primarily responsible for the contraction of the gallbladder and the release of bile into the duodenum is cholecystokinin.

Cholecystokinin also called pancreozymins is produced in the duodenum which is a part of the small intestine by the cells known as enteroendocrine cells and its secretion is stimulated by the introduction of fatty acids and amino acids. This hormone is involved in the process of digestion.

Cholecystokinin causes the contraction of the gallbladder which then releases bile and enzymes into the small intestine. Bile salts and other enzymes are involved in the breakdown of fats and proteins so that they can be absorbed in the small intestine. During the digestion process, this hormone also slows down gastric emptying and controls bowel motility.

To learn more about cholecystokinin, click here:



viruses are specific to a particular host due to their , which is composed of subunits, or the , which is formed from glycoprotein.


Viruses are specific to a particular host due to their capsid, which is composed of protein subunits, or the spike, which is formed from glycoprotein.

Capsid is the coat the encloses the genetic material. The capsid if made up of protein subunits. These subunits are repetitive in nature and are called protomers. The capsid not only protects the genetic material of the virus, but also aids in its transport to the host cell.

Spike proteins are actually glycoproteins that may occur in the dimeric or trimeric form. One single spike protein is referred to as peplomer. The major role of the spike protein is to help the virus enter into the host cell.

To know more about capsid, here



What is the general function of enzymes within a cell?
a. to promote the synthesis of monomers
b. to induce chemical reactions
c. to stop chemical reactions
d. to speed up chemical reactions


D. speed up chemical reactions

Carbohydrates help to spare __________ during exercise?
a) fat
b) protein
c) minerals
d) water


Carbohydrates help to spare fat during exercise.

What is function of carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy used to support bodily functions and physical activity.

Complex carbohydrates are an efficient source of energy that fuels muscle contractions.

The main source of energy during exercise comes from carbohydrate and fats.

Carbohydrates  being the major source of energy during exercise helps to spare fat.

Thus, carbohydrates help to spare fat during exercise.

Learn more about carbohydrates here: https://brainly.com/question/797978


Imagine a person ingests some food that causes them to become ill and have symptoms such as a diarrhea and fever. what kind of pathogenic bacterial poison could the person have been exposed to?


It might be a case of food poisoning caused by bacteria like E.coli.

A disease called food poisoning caused by eating spoiled food. Most people recover within a few days without treatment and are usually not dangerous. Food is usually contaminated with bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli, or viruses such as norovirus in the case of food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning usually appear 1 to 2 days after eating contaminated food. It can occur after a few weeks. Rest and hydration are recommended until you feel better to avoid dehydration. Make sure you drink enough water, even if you can only swallow it. Eat whenever you feel hungry, but start with small, light meals.

Therefore, E.coli causes food poisoning in the patient.

Learn more about food poisoning:



The general term for the cell process in which the membrane invaginates, forming vesicles that bring extracellular particles or droplets of fluid into the cell, is known as:__________


The general term for the cell process in which the membrane invaginates, forming vesicles that bring extracellular particles or droplets of fluid into the cell, is known as endoocytosis.

What is endocytosis?

Endocytosis is a cellular process whereby external substances are engulfed by cells. The substances are then gathered into special membranous vesicles and maybe later digested or transferred into the cytoplasm.

Endocytosis may happen in two ways:


While pinocytosis has to do with the ingestion of liquid particles, phagocytosis has to do with the ingestion of relatively large solid particles such as bacteria and protozoans.

Either way, the two methods represent a way by which substances can be transported into the cell by engulfing.

More on endocytosis can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/26500494


Which membrane protein is not integral to the plasma membrane and is often attached to the cytoskeleton?.


Peripheral membrane protein is not integral to the plasma membrane and is often attached to the cytoskeleton.

What does cytoskeleton mean?

The cytoskeleton is a framework that aids in maintaining the internal order and shape of cells. Additionally, it provides mechanical support, enabling cells to carry out essential functions including division and motility.. There isn't just one cytoskeletal element.

What three types of cytoskeletons are there?

Actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments are the three main types of filaments that make up the cytoskeleton.

What is the purpose of the cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton is present throughout the cytoplasm of the cell and regulates a variety of significant processes. It provides the cell with support and aids in maintaining its form. The cytoskeleton holds a variety of cellular organelles in place. It promotes the development of vacuoles.

To know more about Cytoskeleton visit:



record the growth of the organisms over another ten-week period, this time in
water that averaged 25°C


After recording the growth of the organisms over another ten-week period, this time in water that averaged 25°C the temperature of the medium causes the growth graph to fluctuate up and down.

The line climbs upward due to the existence of the optimal temperature for the growth of that organism, which grows best in the temperature range of 15°C to 25°C.

The graph swings downward because the water temperature is unsuitable for the growth of that organism, which grows best in the temperature range of 5°C to 15°C.

We can infer that the growth rate changes owing to water temperature as the organism grows best in the 25°C to 35°C temperature range and the graph swings downward because the water temperature is not conducive to its growth.

To learn more about temperature visit: https://brainly.com/question/15267055


Mitochondria are essentially the same in all eukaryotes, including plants, animals, and fungi. based on this observation, how were mitochondria most likely acquired?


Mitochondria are postulated to have been primarily acquired via endosymbiosis.

What is endosymbiosis?

Endosymbiosis is a process in which the association of a symbiont within a host organism occurs, it had been postulated that the eukaryotic cell as it is known was due to the association of several organisms within oneself and that each of these contributed abilities differentiated within the cell, and this is how organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts were then obtained. This postulate is known as the endosymbiotic origin theory of eukaryotes.

Thanks to endosymbiosis, the eukaryotic cell as we know it can carry out processes such as cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

The reasons why it is believed that the mitochondria come from the process of endosymbiosis is that it has its own DNA that is different from the nuclear DNA, showing that it has a different origin from the rest of the cell and also that it has its own replication material, which is different from other cells.

Therefore, we can confirm that mitochondria are postulated to have been primarily acquired via endosymbiosis.

To learn more about endosymbiosis visit: https://brainly.com/question/14930259


Which factor is most instrumental to the optimal health and performance of the digestive system?


Adequate sleep is most instrumental to the optimal health and performance of the digestive system.

How sleep affect digestive system ?

Stress that affects the intestines can increase as a result of lack of sleep.

Bloating, inflammation, stomach pains, food allergies, and alterations to the gut flora are just a few of the problems that can result from this.

Digestive system :

The digestive system is made up of the mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Salivary glands, the liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas are also included since they produce digestive juices and enzymes that aid the body in breaking down food and liquids.

To know more about pancreas visit :



There are three swellings that occur at the anterior end of a fluid-filled tube in the developing embryo. these three swellings eventually develop into the adult:__________


There are three swellings that occur at the anterior end of a fluid-filled tube in the developing embryo. These three swellings eventually develop into the adult forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.

What is brain?

Brain is defined as an important organ of body which controls all the functions of the body and have command on all the body organs.

The outermost part of brain is known as dura mater which consist of a strong membrane layering and it is thick located just beneath the skull and vertebral column. The outermost part or cerebrum has billions of neurons and glia that are responsible for the formation of cerebral cortex, the outermost part.

Whenever body stuck in a dangerous situation, the signal in the form of information is conveyed to brain and the particular part that receives the signal is known as amygdala.

Therefore, These three swellings eventually develop into the adult forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.

Learn more about brain here:



Evolution of shorter legs in anole lizards placed on small, hurricane-scrubbed islands is an example of which type of evolution?.


This type of evolution is known as Microevolution.

What is the meaning of evolution?

Evolution is the descent modification of preexisting species. It is a process species adapt over time. There are two types of evolution: Microevolution and macroevolution.

Microevolution is defined as the changes in the frequency of the gene in the population.  Several factors affect evolution geneflow, including natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift.

Pesticide resistance is one example of macroevolution. Microevolution is frequently seen in visible forms of evolution, such as antibiotic-resistant variable strains.  Microevolution is the change in gene frequency that occur over time. Alleles are different forms of a gene. Allele frequencies are usually represented as a percentage.

This type of evolution is known as Microevolution.

To learn more about microevolution, refer to the link:



What organelle consists of a series of connected spaces termed cisternae and is extremely embedded with ribosomes?


The organelle consists of a series of connected spaces termed cisternae and is extremely embedded with ribosomes are endoplasmic reticulum.

The endoplasmic reticulum is an important membrane bound organelle that have functions of protein folding and transportation.

It can be divided into two types- smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The smooth ER is associated with formation and transportation of lipids.

The rough ER is associated with formation and transportation of proteins and have ribosomes in its surface that gives the rough appearance.

It consist of series of connected space called cisternae which have integral role in packaging and modification  of protein and lipids. It is flattened tube like apparatus.

To learn more about ribosomes here



I can't really understand what the experiment would be, so I can't think of a hypothesis.


The experiment that is to be conducted is intended to verify and test the widely accepted hypothesis that maggots appear spontaneously in decaying meat. Additionally, you should record each and every step you take during this experiment.

The following is the theory or hypothesis : Fly larvae are referred to as maggots. They feed on meat because females place their eggs in materials that give food for the hatched maggots. Many fly species prefer meat as a source of maggot feeding. Modern meat processing and packaging follow strict health code guidelines. Until it is time to make it, it is stored frozen or chilled and is packaged in plastic. Meat exposed to the air at room temperature, however, might draw female flies looking for a spot to deposit their eggs which leads to maggots. Fly eggs can easily hatch on leftover meat scraps causing maggots that aren't wrapped in plastic or placed inside of a bag.

Learn more about maggots https://brainly.com/question/17540058


What is an important regulation process that connects various parts of a system?



An important regulation process that connects various parts of a system is feedback.


A reaction inside a biological system—a molecule, tissue, species, or population—that affects the behavior or performance of that system is known as feedback. It essentially involves the regulation of a metabolic pathway by the activity's byproducts.

Both positive and negative feedback is possible. Negative feedback is indeed a component of any feedback mechanism that keeps things in balance. Positive feedback in biology occurs far less frequently. Whenever a change in variable results in a reaction that undoes the original change, this is known as negative feedback. A reaction is generated by a change in a factor when there is positive feedback. For instance, a warm-blooded species like a whale keeps a greater body heat to improve the internal equilibrium and while a cold-blooded animal such as fish retains a lower temperature of the body in accordance with the surrounding environment.

You can learn more from the following answer:



Found in the urinary bladder, __________ resembles __________, but the apical cells are rounded, not flattened.


Transitional epithelium found in the bladder resembles stratified squamous epithelium, but the apical cells are rounded, not flattened.

Transitional epithelium- The bladder's lining consists of the transitional epithelium. These structures make up the urinary bladder tissues and are in charge of giving the bladder the necessary tensile properties. This is because the building serves as the body's organ for storing pee.

Squamous Epithelium- Multiple layers of epithelium are used to create the stratified squamous epithelium, and squamous cells are used to create the top epithelial structure.

Since the stratified squamous epithelium contains flattened cells on the epithelial area, the transitional epithelium differs in having apical cells with rounded tops.

To know more about the Urinary Bladder, click on the below link,



All living things require an outside source of materials and energy. the sum total of all chemical reactions that occur within a cell to provide these materials and energy is called?


All living things require an outside source of materials and energy. The sum total of all chemical reactions that occur within a cell to provide these materials and energy is called metabolism.

Energy is the ability to perform work.  In an organism's body energy is required to perform each and every processes inside the body. In eukaryotic organisms this energy is derived by the mitochondria. In humans and various other species, the major source of energy is ATP.

Metabolism is the sum total of all the reactions taking place inside the body. These reactions can be anabolic or catabolic. The anabolic reaction involve the formation of larger molecules from the smaller ones. The catabolic reactions involve the breakdown of larger molecules into smaller ones.

To know more about metabolism, here



Determine fluid movement when hydrostatic pressure exceeds colloid osmotic pressure at the arteriolar end of the capillary?


Water pushes the capillary by filitration. The internet strain that drives reabsorption is the motion of fluid from the interstitial fluid lower back into the capillarie which is known as osmotic strain ,every now and then called osmotic strain.

The hydrostatic stress of the blood forces fluid the arteriolar ends of capillaries into the interstitial areas of the tissues . that of tissue fluid, water returns via way of means of osmosis to the venular stop of capillaries .

The hydrostatic strain is extra than the osmotic strain, so the internet motion favors water and different solutes being handed into the tissue fluid. At the venous end, the osmotic strain is extra, so the internet motion favors materials being handed lower back into the capillary.

To learn more about hydrostatic stress here



Moving from superficial to deep in a bone, the parts of the bone would be encountered in which sequence?


Moving from superficial to deep in a bone, the parts of the bone that would be encountered in a sequence periosteum, endosteum, and medullary cavity.

What are the functions of the bones?

The functions of the bones are as follows:

They provide shape and support for the body.It also protects some organs of the body.Bone serves as a storage site for minerals.Production of blood cells. They store ions and maintain endocrine regulations.

While moving from the outside to the inside of the bones, we undergo numerous layers of the bones like the periosteum which is the dense, tough, outer shell that contains blood vessels and nerves.

Endosteum is the compact layer of tissues that is hard and surrounded by the smooth layer that protects the tissues. The medullary cavity is also known as cancellous tissue which is porous and honeycombed material inside the bones.

Therefore, the sequence of the bone parts from superficial to deep is the periosteum, endosteum, and medullary cavity.

To learn more about Parts of the bones, refer to the link:



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