3.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

A turtle's velocity changes from v₁ = 1.0 mm/s at 0 = 0° to v₂ - 1.2 mm/s at 0= 20°. What is the change in the turtle's velocity?


Answer 1



Displacement, velocity, and acceleration are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the motion of objects.

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of an object's position in a particular direction. It is defined as the displacement (the change in position) divided by the time it took to cover that displacement.

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, or the rate at which an object changes its speed or direction of motion. It is a vector quantity that is defined as the change in velocity divided by the time it took to achieve that change.

The change in velocity, also known as the delta velocity, is the difference between the initial velocity (v₁) and the final velocity (v₂). In this case, the change in velocity can be calculated as follows:

Δv = v₂ - v₁ = 1.2 mm/s - 1.0 mm/s = 0.2 mm/s

So, the turtle's velocity changes by 0.2 mm/s from 1.0 mm/s to 1.2 mm/s at 0=20°.

In summary, velocity describes the rate of change of an object's position, acceleration describes the rate of change of velocity, and the change in velocity is the difference between the final and initial velocities.

Related Questions

A wagon is push on a frictionless surface with a force of 10 Newtons. The acceleration of the wagon is measure to be 10/m/s/s. The same wagon is then pushed on a frictionless surface with a force of 20 Newtons. What is the new acceleration of the wagon? Explain why you chose your answer.


The new acceleration of the wagon is 20 m/s.

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

Thus, the acceleration of the wagon pushed with a force of 10 Newtons can be calculated using the formula:

                                               a = F/m


a is the acceleration,

F is the net force, and

m is the mass of the wagon.

Given that the force is 10 Newtons and the acceleration is 10 m/s/s, we can solve for the mass of the wagon, which is:

                             m = F/a = 10 N / 10 m/s = 1 kg

Now, if the same wagon is pushed with a force of 20 Newtons, the new acceleration can be calculated using the same formula:

                                               a' = F'/m


a' is the new acceleration,

F' is the new net force, and

m is the mass of the wagon.

Substituting the values, we get:

a' = 20 N / 1 kg = 20 m/s/s

Therefore, the new acceleration of the wagon is 20 m/s/s when it is pushed with a force of 20 Newtons on a frictionless surface.

This result shows that the acceleration of the wagon is directly proportional to the net force acting on it, as predicted by Newton's Second Law.

To know more about motion visit:



Which of Newton's  laws is related to momentum?

A.) Newton's first law
B.) Newton's second law
C.) Newton's third law
D.) fourth law ​


The law of Newton that is related to momentum is:

B.) Newton's second law

Newton's second law states that the rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to the object and occurs in the direction in which the force is applied. This law is often expressed as F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration of the object. This law provides the mathematical relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, which is crucial in understanding the concept of momentum.

Option C is the accurate answer. The act of preservation of instigation is grounded on Newton’s third act because of the act of conservancy of instigation.

It can subsist deduced from the act of act and response, which states that every workforce has a repaying level and contrary force. However, the hedge pushes ago against you with an equal quantum of workforce, if you drive against a barrier.  

This act signifies individual harmony in complexion workforces always do in dyads, and one core can not ply a workforce on another without passing a workforce itself.  

Newton’s third act of motion states that:    

“When one core exerts a workforce on the different mass, the foremost core gests a workforce which is collected at the moment on the contrary direction of the force which is wielded ”.  

The above statement means that in every commerce, there's a brace of forces acting on the interacting objects. The magnitude of the workforces are level and the command of the workforce on the foremost thing is contrary to the order of the workforce on the alternate thing.

Learn more about Newton's Law here:


A laser beam of wavelength 700 nanometers, traveling at a speed of 3.0 x 108 m/s,

is shot from outer space toward earth. What is the frequency of the laser beam?

A. 3.0 x 10^8 Hz

B. 700 x 10^-9 Hz

C. 210 Hz

D. 4.3 x 10^14 Hz

E. 233 x 10^-17 Hz



The correct option is D. 4.3×10¹⁴ Hz


It is because the frequency and the wavelength are inversely proportional to each other.

So, c=f × lambda

And, frequency = velocity/wavelength

The frequency of the laser beam is D. 4.3×10¹⁴ Hz

What is the difference between frequency and hertz (Hz)?

One hertz (Hz) equals one cycle per second. A complete AC or voltage wave is called a cycle. The first half of the cycle is alternating. Period is the time it takes a waveform to complete a complete cycle. Frequency is essentially how often something repeats.

The rate at which the current changes direction in one second is called the frequency. Expressed in hertz (Hz), the international unit of measurement. One hertz equals one cycle per second. 

It is because the frequency and the wavelength are inversely proportional to each other.

So, c=f × lambda

And, frequency = velocity/wavelength

To learn more about frequency visits:



Complete Question is:

A laser beam of wavelength 700 nanometers, traveling at a speed of 3.0 x 108 m/s,

is shot from outer space toward earth. What is the frequency of the laser beam?

[tex]A. 3.0 x 10^8 HzB. 700 x 10^-9 HzC. 210 HzD. 4.3 x 10^14 HzE. 233 x 10^-17 Hz[/tex]

1. we know that the total amount of heat that flows out of the sample and into the water at a specific time is given byLaTeX: Q\:=\:m_sc_s\left(T_{s,i}-T_s\right)Q=mscs(Ts,i−Ts), whereLaTeX: T_sTs is the temperature of the sample at a specific time and, again,LaTeX: T_{s,i}Ts,i is the initial temperature of the sample (at time 0). To simplify the math, we may neglect the heat leak term here to say that this is roughly the same amount of heat the flows into the water, soLaTeX: Q=m_wc_w\left(T_w-T_{w,i}\right)Q=mwcw(Tw−Tw,i), whereLaTeX: T_wTw is the temperature of the water at this same specific time andLaTeX: T_{w,i}Tw,i is the initial temperature of the water.
In the lab, we will measure both the sample and water temperatures as a function of time, but the important quantity is the difference between these temperatures since this is what drives the heat flow between the center of the sample and the water. Using the above equations (solving for the temperatures of the sample and the water bath at a particular time), we can find the relationship between the total amount of heat flow and the difference in the temperatures of the center of the sample and water at some moment in time. This yields _________________________________.
sample and water at some moment in time. This yields _________________________________.
Group of answer choices


Option D: the link between the total heat flow and the temperature difference between the sample's Centre and the water at a specific time.


[tex]T_s\right =(T_{s,i}-T_s\right))[/tex]



[tex]T_{diff} =(T_{s}-T_w\right))[/tex]

        = [tex]T_{s,i} -\frac{Q}{m_{s}C_{s}} -(T_{w,i}\right +\frac{Q}{m_{s}C_{s}} )[/tex]

        =[tex](T_{s,i} - T_{w,i} )-Q(\frac{1}{m_{s}C_{s}} +\frac{1}{m_{w}C_{w}})[/tex]

Specific time refers to a precise moment in time, often denoted by a particular time and date. It can be expressed in different ways depending on the context, such as using a 24-hour clock or the AM/PM system. Specific time is essential for scheduling events, meetings, and appointments, and for coordinating activities across different time zones. It is also crucial for time-sensitive activities such as transportation, where schedules must be coordinated down to the minute. The concept of specific time is used in many fields, including science, technology, business, and everyday life. In modern times, technologies such as smartphones and computers have made it easier than ever to track and coordinate specific times across the globe.

Learn more about Specific time here:



The complete question is:

1. we know that the total amount of heat that flows out of the sample and into the water at a specific time is given by LaTeX: [tex]Q\:=\:m_sc_s\left(T_{s,i}-T_s\right)Q=mscs(Ts,i−Ts)[/tex], where LaTeX: [tex]T_sTs[/tex] is the temperature of the sample at a specific time and, again, LaTeX: [tex]T_{s,i}Ts,i[/tex]is the initial temperature of the sample (at time 0). To simplify the math, we may neglect the heat leak term here to say that this is roughly the same amount of heat the flows into the water, so LaTeX: [tex]Q=m_wc_w\left(T_w-T_{w,i}\right)Q=mwcw(Tw−Tw,i)[/tex], where LaTeX:[tex]T_wTw[/tex] is the temperature of the water at this same specific time and LaTeX:  is the initial temperature of the water.

In the lab, we will measure both the sample and water temperatures as a function of time, but the important quantity is the difference between these temperatures since this is what drives the heat flow between the center of the sample and the water. Using the above equations (solving for the temperatures of the sample and the water bath at a particular time), we can find the relationship between the total amount of heat flow and the difference in the temperatures of the center of the sample and water at some moment in time. This yields _________________________________.

sample and water at some moment in time. This yields _________________________________.

Group of answer choices

A. [tex]T_{dif}=T_{s\:}-T_w=\left(T_{s,i}-T_{w,i}\right)-\left(\frac{1}{m_sc_s}-\frac{1}{m_wc_w}\right)Q[/tex]

B [tex]T_{dif}=T_{s\:}-T_w=\left(T_{s,i}-T_{w,i}\right)+\left(\frac{1}{m_sc_s}+\frac{1}{m_wc_w}\right)Q[/tex]


D. [tex]T_{dif}=T_{s\:}-T_w=\left(T_{s,i}-T_{w,i}\right)-\left(\frac{1}{m_sc_s}+\frac{1}{m_wc_w}\right)Q[/tex]

a cyclist while negotiating a circular path with speed of 20m/s is found to be bend at angel of 30° with vertical what is the radius of the circular path​


The minimum radius of the circular path for the cyclist traveling at a speed of 20 m/s and a tilt angle of 30° is approximately 17.32 meters.

What is the radius of the circular path​?

The formula for the minimum radius of a circular path for a cyclist traveling at a certain speed can be determined using the relationship between the speed, the angle of tilt, and the gravitational force acting on the cyclist.

The minimum radius of the circular path can be calculated using the formula:

r = (v^2) / gtan(θ)


r = radius of the circular path (m)v = speed of the cyclist (m/s)g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2)θ = angle of tilt (30° in this case)

Plugging in the values, we get:

r = (20^2) / (9.8 x tan(30°))

r ≈ 17.32 m

Learn more about radius here: https://brainly.com/question/390660


A Piece of gold alluminium alloy weighs 49N. When suspended from a spring balance and Submerged in water it weighs 39.2N What is the weight of Gold in the alloy if the specific gravity of Gold is 19.3 and that if aluminium is 2.5?​


We can start by calculating the volume of the gold in the alloy and then use its density to determine its weight.

First, let's find the weight of the alloy when it's not submerged in water:

Weight of alloy = 49 N

Next, let's find the buoyant force, which is equal to the weight of the water that's displaced by the object:

Buoyant force = weight of water displaced = 39.2 N

So, the weight of the object in water can be calculated as:

Weight in water = Weight of alloy - Buoyant force = 49 N - 39.2 N = 9.8 N

Next, let's calculate the volume of the object using its density:

Volume = Weight in water / (Density of alloy - Density of water)

Since the density of water is 1 g/cm^3, we can simplify the equation as:

Volume = 9.8 N / (Density of alloy - 1)

Since the specific gravity of Aluminium is 2.5, its density can be calculated as:

Density of Aluminium = 2.5 * Density of water = 2.5 * 1 g/cm^3 = 2.5 g/cm^3

So, the volume of the object can be calculated as:

Volume = 9.8 N / (2.5 g/cm^3 - 1 g/cm^3) = 9.8 N / 1.5 g/cm^

A soccer ball is kicked with a speed of 15.6 m/s
at an angle of 52.5 ∘
above the horizontal.
If the ball lands at the same level from which it was kicked, for what amount of time was it in the air?


According to the question the soccer ball was in the air for a total of 2.26 seconds.

What is air?

Air is a mixture of gases made up of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other trace gases like argon and carbon dioxide (1%). This mixture of gases makes up a unseen fluid we call air. It is all around us, surrounding us and filling the space between us and the Earth.

The time that the soccer ball was in the air can be determined using the kinematic equations of motion. First, we need to calculate the initial vertical and horizontal velocity components of the ball when it is kicked. The vertical velocity component is given by Vy = V*sin(angle) = 15.6 m/s * sin(52.5°) = 11.2 m/s.

The horizontal velocity component is given by Vx = V*cos(angle) = 15.6 m/s * cos(52.5°) = 9.2 m/s.

Now we can solve for time using the equation t = (2*Vy)/g, where Vy is the vertical velocity component and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2). Thus, t = (2*11.2 m/s)/9.8 m/s2 = 2.26 s.

Therefore, the soccer ball was in the air for a total of 2.26 seconds.

To learn more about air



Sandra who is a Level 200 student of SoE and also a snowboarder starts from rest at the top of a double black diamond hill. As she rides down the slope, GPS coordinates are used to determine her displacement as a function of time: x=0.5t3 + 6t2 +3t where x is in metres and t is in seconds. where x and t are expressed in feet and seconds, respectively. a) Determine the position of the boarder when t = 4 s b) Determine the velocity of the boarder when t = 4s c) Determine the acceleration of the boarder when t = 4s 2021/22​



a) To determine the position of the snowboarder when t = 4 seconds, we can substitute t = 4 into the equation x = 0.5t^3 + 6t^2 + 3t:

x = 0.5 * 4^3 + 6 * 4^2 + 3 * 4

x = 64 + 96 + 12

x = 172

So when t = 4 seconds, the snowboarder's position is 172 meters.

b) To determine the velocity of the snowboarder when t = 4 seconds, we'll need to find the first derivative of the displacement function x = 0.5t^3 + 6t^2 + 3t with respect to time:

dx/dt = 3 * 0.5 * t^2 + 2 * 6 * t + 3

Next, we can substitute t = 4 into this expression to find the velocity when t = 4 seconds:

dx/dt = 3 * 0.5 * 4^2 + 2 * 6 * 4 + 3

dx/dt = 72 + 48 + 3

dx/dt = 123

So the velocity of the snowboarder when t = 4 seconds is 123 meters per second.

c) To determine the acceleration of the snowboarder when t = 4 seconds, we'll need to find the second derivative of the displacement function x = 0.5t^3 + 6t^2 + 3t with respect to time:

d^2x/dt^2 = 6 * 0.5 * t + 2 * 6

Next, we can substitute t = 4 into this expression to find the acceleration when t = 4 seconds:

d^2x/dt^2 = 6 * 0.5 * 4 + 2 * 6

d^2x/dt^2 = 24 + 12

d^2x/dt^2 = 36

So the acceleration of the snowboarder when t = 4 seconds is 36 meters per second squared.

What things would be difficult or impossible if you were born deaf? One teacher of the deaf said that being deaf is analogous to being in a soundproof booth while a person outside is trying to teach you Japanese. Actually, she said, you (as a hearing person) have the easier job because you know what you are expected to do, and you can hear yourself speaking. The deaf child does not and cannot.



you would have difficulty hearing on a daily basis, as mentioned in the example, but you would also have trouble getting jobs, you would have fewer educational opportunities, and also a lack of awareness of your everyday surroundings.


A 9. 0-v battery is connected to a resistor so that there is a 0. 50-a current through the resistor.


A resistor is connected to a 9.0V battery with a 0.50A current flowing through it. Then the resistance is 18 Ω.

When a 9.0-volt battery is connected to a resistor, an electric field is created that pushes electrons through the resistor. The voltage of the battery represents the potential energy that each electron has when it enters the circuit, while the resistor creates a resistance that slows down the flow of electrons. According to Ohm's law, the current (I) through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage (V) applied across it and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the resistor. The relationship can be expressed as:

I = V / R

In this case, the current is given as 0.50 A, and the voltage of the battery is 9.0 V.

= R

= V / I

= 9.0 V / 0.50 A

= 18 Ω

So the resistor in the circuit has a resistance of 18 ohms, and it is causing a current of 0.50 A to flow through it when the 9.0-volt battery is connected.

To know more about resistor please refer: https://brainly.com/question/17390255


Question - A 9. 0-v battery is connected to a resistor so that there is a 0. 50-a current through the resistor. Then the resistance is?

A child of mass 30 kg sits on a wooden carosel. The wooden horse is 7.0m from the center of the carousel, which rotates at a constant rate and completes one revolution every 14.1 seconds. What are the magnitude and direction D|p|/dt, the parallel component dp/dt for the child?


The magnitude of the parallel component of the velocity is 1.4 m/s

The direction is in the direction of rotation of the carousel.

What is the velocity of the child?

The velocity of the child can be calculated using the equation for centripetal acceleration:

a = v^2 / r


a = centripetal acceleration (m/s^2)v = velocity of the child (m/s)r = distance from the center of the carousel to the child (m)

Rearranging the equation to solve for velocity:

v = √(ar)

The centripetal acceleration is equal to the square of the angular velocity, w, multiplied by the radius:

a = w^2 x r


w = angular velocity (radians/s)

Since the carousel completes one revolution every 14.1 seconds, the angular velocity can be calculated as:

w = 2π / T

w = 2π / 14.1

Now we can calculate the centripetal acceleration:

a = w^2 x r

a = (2π / 14.1)^2 x 7.0

a = 1.41 m/s²

Finally, we can use this value to calculate the velocity of the child:

v = √(ar)

v = √(1.41 x 7.0)

v = 3.14 m/s

The magnitude of the velocity is the scalar value, or the size of the velocity vector without direction.

The direction of the velocity is perpendicular to the radial line connecting the child to the center of the carousel. It is in the direction that the child is moving.

The parallel component of the velocity is in the direction of the rotation of the carousel and can be calculated using the projection of the velocity onto a line tangent to the circle.

dp/dt = v dθ/dt


dθ/dt = angular velocity (radians/s)

Substituting the values for velocity and angular velocity:

dp/dt = vw

= 3.14 x (2π / 14.1)

v = 1.4 m/s

Learn more about component of velocity here: https://brainly.com/question/24949996


Which of the following statements concerning momentum is true?* A.Momentum is a scalar quantity. B.The momentum of an object is always positive. C.Momentum is a force. D.Momentum is a vector E.The SI unit of momentum is the Newton.​


The correct answer is D

Could you please help with the attached question?


the work done by the ball is 38.72 J.

define work done ?

In physics, work is defined as the product of force and displacement. It is a measure of the energy transferred when a force is applied over a distance, resulting in the displacement of an object. Mathematically, work is represented by the formula:

Work = Force x Distance x Cos(theta)

where Force is the applied force, Distance is the displacement of the object, and theta is the angle between the force and the displacement vectors. The unit of work is the Joule (J), which is equivalent to one Newton-meter (N·m). Work can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the direction of the force and displacement. If the force is in the same direction as the displacement, work is positive, and if the force is in the opposite direction to the displacement, work is negative. If the force and displacement are perpendicular, the work is zero.

Work = Force x Distance x Cos(theta)


Force = 484 N (given)

Distance = 8 cm = 0.08 m (given)

Cos(theta) = 1 (since the force and displacement are in the same direction)

Plugging in the values, we get:

Work = 484 N x 0.08 m x 1

Work = 38.72 Joules (J)

Therefore, the work done by the ball is 38.72 J.

To learn more about work done follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/10049331


You will now use the observations you have made so far to predict what the strength of the field will be at point (0, 50).A. Using the right-hand rule, which direction is the magnetic field at (0, 50)?B. Since the magnetic field of the Earth and the induced field are at right angles, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the strength of the combined field.


In A. part, the magnetic field at (0, 50) is in west direction. In B. part, the strength of the field at (0,50) is 2.06 G.

A. The current is flowing up for west as shown by the front view figure at the bottom of the gadget. Your fingers will curve to the west if you wrap your right hand around the wire with your thumb up. Put a compass at (0,50) to check the direction as well. It indicates west.

B. By using the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the strength of the combined field, the strength of the field at (0,50) is 2.06 G.

The earth's magnetic field strength= 0.50 G

The induced current magnetic field strength= 2.0

B is given by=

[tex]\sqrt{0.50^{2} - 2.00^{2} }\\ =\sqrt{0.25-4.00}\\ =2.06[/tex]

Hence, we can also check by putting the probe on (0,50) and the probe reads 2.06 G.

Therefore, the strength of the field at (0,50) is 2.06 G.

Here is more information about Pythagoras theorem: brainly.com/question/343682


4 Carbon monoxide gas (CO) contained within a piston–
cylinder assembly undergoes three processes in series:
Process 1–2: Constant pressure expansion at 5 bar from V1 5
0.2 m3
to V2 5 1 m3
Process 2–3: Constant volume cooling from state 2 to state 3
where p3 5 1 bar.
Process 3–1: Compression from state 3 to the initial state during
which the pressure–volume relationship is pV = constant.
Sketch the processes in series on p–V coordinates and
evaluate the work for each process, in kJ.


To sketch the processes in a p-V diagram, we need to first determine the initial and final states of each process, as well as the path each process takes.

How do we determine the state of each process?

Process 1-2 is a constant pressure expansion from state 1 to state 2. So, the path is a straight horizontal line on the p-V diagram, from (0.2, 5) to (1, 5) (in units of m^3 and bar).

Process 2-3 is a constant volume cooling from state 2 to state 3, so the path is a straight vertical line on the p-V diagram, from (1, 5) to (1, 1).

Process 3-1 is a compression process during which the pressure-volume relationship is pV=constant. This implies that the path on the p-V diagram is a hyperbola, passing through state 3 and returning to state 1.

The work done in each process can be calculated using the following equations:

W = P(V2 - V1) for constant pressure process (1-2)

W = 0 for constant volume process (2-3)

W = -nRT ln(V2/V1) for isothermal process (3-1), where n is the number of moles of CO, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas.

Assuming standard temperature and pressure conditions (STP), which is 1 atm and 273.15 K, the gas constant R can be taken as 0.0821 Latm/(molK).

Using these equations, we can calculate the work for each process as follows:

W1-2 = 5*(1-0.2) = 4 kJ

W2-3 = 0

W3-1 = -nRT ln(V2/V1) = -10.0821273.15 ln(1/0.2) = 11.1 kJ

Therefore, the total work done on the gas in the three processes is the sum of the work done in each process, which is 4 kJ + 0 kJ + 11.1 kJ = 15.1 kJ.

learn more about work done: https://brainly.com/question/25573309


block and sphere are connected by a cord that passes over a pulley, as shown. Neglect friction and assume the cord is massless,
m1= 2.00 kg,
m2= 540 kg, and θ= 49.0∘.
What is the tension (in N) in the cord?


Tension is a force along the length of a medium, especially a force carried by a flexible medium, such as a rope or cable.

The tension in the cord is approximately 10624 N.

To solve this problem, we can use the principles of Newton's laws and apply them to each of the objects involved. We will also use the fact that the tension in the cord is the same on both sides of the pulley (neglecting any friction or mass in the pulley).

First, we can consider the forces acting on the block (m1). The only forces acting on the block are its weight (mg) and the tension in the cord (T), which is directed upward. We can resolve these forces into components parallel and perpendicular to the inclined plane:

The weight of the block has a component parallel to the inclined plane given by [tex]mg*sin(θ)[/tex].

The tension in the cord has a component parallel to the inclined plane given by [tex]T*sin(θ)[/tex].

Using Newton's second law, we can write:

[tex]m1 * a = T * sin(θ) - m1 * g * sin(θ)[/tex]

where a is the acceleration of the block down the inclined plane.

Next, we can consider the forces acting on the sphere ([tex]m2[/tex]). Since the sphere is hanging from the cord, the only force acting on it is its weight ([tex]mg[/tex]), which is directed downward. Using Newton's second law, we can write:

[tex]m2 * a = m2 * g - T[/tex]

where a is the acceleration of the sphere downward.

Since the cord is assumed to be massless and the pulley is assumed to be frictionless, the tension in the cord is the same on both sides of the pulley. Therefore, we can set the two expressions for T equal to each other:

[tex]T * sin(θ) - m1 * g * sin(θ) = m2 * g - T[/tex]

Solving for T, we get:

T = [tex](m2 + m1) * g / (sin(θ) + 1)[/tex]

Substituting the given values, we get:

T = [tex](540 kg + 2.00 kg) * 9.81 m/s^2 / (sin(49.0°) + 1)[/tex]

T = 10624 N (to three significant figures)

for such more question on tension



How do you calculate soil cation exchange capacity and base saturation?


To determine the cation exchange capacity (CEC), calculate the milliequivalents of H, K, Mg, and Ca per 100g of soil (meq/100g soil) by using the following formulas: H, meq/100g soil = 8 (8.00 - buffer pH) K, meq/100g soil = lbs/acre extracted K ÷ 782. Mg, meq/100g soil = lbs/acre extracted Mg ÷ 240.

To begin, multiply the total CEC by the percentage for that ion to determine the cmolc of each cation on the exchange complex. It is 0.05 * 30 cmolc/kg for hydrogen. The cmolc/kg for each ion is then converted to mass of ion per kg by multiplying by the mass of 1 cmolc.
Soil testing laboratories calculate CEC by adding the calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels measured during the soil testing procedure to an estimate of exchangeable hydrogen derived from the buffer pH. In general, CEC values obtained through this summation method will be slightly lower than those obtained through direct measurementsdirect.

The percentage of CEC occupied by bases (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+) is represented by base saturation (BS). The%BS increases as soil pH rises (Figure 5). Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ availability increases as %BS increases. An 80% BS soil, for example, provides cations to plants more easily than a 40% BS soil.
Base saturation is the percentage of base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+) held onto soil exchange sites divided by total CEC.

To know more about Cation go through:-



A rope of length L is clamped at both ends. Which one of thefollowing is not a possible wavelength for standing waves on thisrope?

a. L/2
a. 2L/3
c. L
d. 2L
e. 4L


If rope of length L is clamped at both ends then, 4L is not a possible wavelength for standing waves on this rope.

A string's shortest wavelength is L = λ/2. There is a node where the rope is clamped; at this point, the rope is fixed at zero and cannot travel up or down. Therefore, this is λ/2 if the rope's midsection is oscillating up and down. There are two visible loops if there is a node in the middle of the rope, which indicates that there are 2λ/2. The options are 3λ/2, 4λ/2, etc. So, aside from b, all other methods work.

You would have 2/3 of a wavelength if b were accurate. One of the nodes would have to be moving up and down as a result.

Every circle in my lovely image is a node; they appear every half-wavelength. Note that the square, which is at a wavelength of 2/3, is not a node. A standing wave cannot contain wavelengths that are divided into thirds.

Only standing waves whose length is an integral multiple of half wavelength can occur in a string that is fixed at both ends.

L = n* (λ/2)

Only in instance (e) is n = 1/2, and that is unacceptable.

(e) is the proper response.

To learn more about wavelength visit;



Would the field representation of a positive or negative charge be a better
representation for the gravitational field around one mass? Why?


Field representation of a positive or  of a positive or negative charge cannot be a representation for the gravitational field around one mass. It height from the ground must be determined.

What is gravitational force?

The gravitational force is a kind of force by which an object attracts other objects into its center of a mass. Earth attracts every objects in its surface in to the ground and that is why we are all standing on the ground.

Gravitational force between two objects depends on their mass and distance between them. The field representation of the charge does not represent a gravitational field but it can show an electric field between them.

The height of the mass from the surface have to be determined to represent the gravitational field. The gravitational field is not at all depending on the charge of the object.

Find more on gravitational field:



Record your data either in your lab notebook or in the tables below.
Table A
(T₁= 25°C; mwater 1.0 kg; meylinder = 5.0 kg)
Change in
Table B
(T₁= 25°C; mwater = 1.0 kg; h= 500 m)
of Water
of Water
Change in
Potential Energy
of Cylinder
Potential Energy
of Cylinder



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no exception

Which of the following are properties of conductors?

I. Holes in the lattice allow the electricity to flow through.
II. Electricity flows easily through this type of material.
III. A few electrons in every atom are loosely held by the nuclei.

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. II and III


[tex]{ \qquad\qquad\huge\underline{{\sf Answer}}} [/tex]

Lets examine all three properties stated here ~

I) holes in lattice allow the electricity to flow through ?

- holes aren't a majority charge carrier in a conductor, in conductors electricity is conducted by free elecrons. so this statement is incorrect.

ll) Electricity flows easily through this type of material?

- That's true, conductors (usually metals) have free electrons to conduct electricity, which is responsible for good electricity Conductivity.

lll) A few electrons in every atom are loosely held by the nuclei.

- That's also true, Conductors (mainly metals) have a few electrons (say, 1, 2 or maybe 3) in there valence shell which experience quite less force of attraction from nucleus, hence they are free to move around the whole conductor randomly, making a sea of electrons.

So, the correct choice will be : D) ll and lll

If the line on a distance versus time graph and the line on a speed versus time graph are both straight lines going through the origin and the 2 graphs be displaying the motion of the same object


No, because covering uniform distance in uniform units of time ( which the graph one represents) is constant speed, and not uniform speed (as represented in the second graph).

What is a graph?

A generalisation that enables several edges to share the same pair of endpoints is a multigraph. Multigraphs are sometimes simply referred to as graphs in writings.The edges that connect a vertex to itself are known as loops, and they are occasionally permitted in graphs. The definition above needs be modified to define edges as multisets of two vertices rather than sets in order to support loops.When it is obvious from the context that loops are permitted, such generalised graphs are referred to as graphs with loops or just graphs.The set of edges must also be finite because the set of vertices V is typically assumed to be finite. Although occasionally taken into consideration, infinite graphs are typically seen as a specific type of binary relation because most findings on finite graphs are binary.

To know more about graph, click the link given below:



A charged particle is located 1 meter away from a charged sphere and experiences a force of -0.5 N. If the distance is decreased to 0.5 meter, which of the following would be correct?
A. The force would be one-fourth the original force.
B. The force would be one-half the original force.
C. The force would be two times greater.
D. The force would be four times greater.


Answer: the correct answer is A

Explanation: the correct answer is A. The force would be one-fourth the original force.

The specific heat of copper is 387 J/kg C. The temperature of a 0.35-kg sample of copper decreases from 74.0 °C to 21.0 °C. How much heat flows out of
the copper sample during this temperature drop?


The amount of heat that flows out of the copper sample during this temperature drop is approximately 4,953.75 J.

What is the amount of heat flowing out?

The amount of heat that flows out of the copper sample can be calculated using the formula:

Q = mcΔT


Q is the amount of heat transferred, m is the mass of the copper sample, c is the specific heat of copper, and ΔT is the change in temperature of the sample.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Q = (0.35 kg) x (387 J/kg C) x (74.0 °C - 21.0 °C)

Q = 4,953.75 J

Learn more about heat flow here: https://brainly.com/question/14437874


A 25kg turkey is fired from a 1.2x10^3 kg turkey launcher.  If the horizontal velocity of the turkey is 245m/s east, what is the recoil of the launcher? A.) 9.38 m/s B.) 7325 m/s C.) 4925 m/s D.) 5.1 m/s​


Your answer will most definitely be A 9.38




Forensic Entomology

Forensic Entomology

The study of the life cycle of insects that feed on the flesh to the dead, to establish time of death and occasionally identify chemicals present in a person's body at the time of death.

Time since death

Arrive a few hours after a death and are active through decomposition process. They feed on larvae and other insects rather than the corpse itself.

Larvae that feed on human excrement and remains, and are found late in the decomposition process.


Forensic Entomology is the study of life cycles of insects that feed on the flesh of dead, to establish time of death and occasionally identify chemicals present in a person's body at time of death

What is meant by Forensic Entomology?

The scientific study of the colonization of dead body by arthropods is called forensic entomology .

Larvae and adults feed on dry skin and hairs of corpse and arrive later in decomposition process : Carpet Beetles

Time since death : postmortem Interval.

Rove Beetles : Arrive a few hours after death and are active throughout decomposition process. They feed on larvae and other insects rather than the corpse itself.

To know more about forensic entomology, refer



A bicyclist is finishing his repair of a flat tire when a friend rides by with a constant speed of 4.0 m/s. Two seconds later the bicyclist hops on his bike and accelerates at 2.2 m/s2 until he catches his friend.
How much time does it take until he catches his friend (after his friend passes him)?
(part a)
How far has he traveled in this time?
(part b)
What is his speed when he catches up?
(part c)


a) It takes the bicyclist 9.09 seconds to catch up to his friend.

b) The bicyclist has traveled 40.0 meters in 9.09 seconds to catch up to his friend.

c) The bicyclist is moving at a speed of 20.0 m/s when he catches up to his friend.

The Time, Distance and Speed involved

a) To find out how much time it takes for the bicyclist to catch up to his friend, we need to use the equation for motion with constant acceleration:

d = v_0 t + 0.5 a t^2

where d is the total distance traveled,

v_0 is the initial velocity (0 m/s in this case),

t is the time, and a is the acceleration (2.2 m/s^2).

Since the friend was already moving at a constant speed of 4.0 m/s when the bicyclist started pedaling, we know that the total distance d that the bicyclist has to travel to catch up is equal to 4.0 m/s * t + 0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * t^2.

Setting d equal to 4.0 m/s * t, we can solve for t:

4.0 m/s * t = 4.0 m/s * t + 0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * t^2

0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * t^2 = 0

t = sqrt(0 / (0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2)) = 0 s

Since the square root of zero is zero, the time t is also zero. This means that the bicyclist starts moving at the same time as the friend, so he needs to accelerate for the entire time to catch up.

Using the equation for motion with constant acceleration, we can find the time t it takes for the bicyclist to catch up:

d = v_0 t + 0.5 a t^2

d = 4.0 m/s * t

4.0 m/s * t = 0 m/s * t + 0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * t^2

4.0 m/s = 0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * t

t = 4.0 m/s / (0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2) = 9.09 s

So it takes the bicyclist 9.09 seconds to catch up to his friend.

b) To find out how far the bicyclist has traveled in this time, we can use the equation for motion with constant acceleration again:

d = v_0 t + 0.5 a t^2

d = 0 m/s * 9.09 s + 0.5 * 2.2 m/s^2 * 9.09 s^2

d = 40.0 m

So the bicyclist has traveled 40.0 meters in 9.09 seconds to catch up to his friend.

c) To find out the bicyclist's speed when he catches up, we can use the equation for velocity:

v = v_0 + a * t

v = 0 m/s + 2.2 m/s^2 * 9.09 s

v = 20.0 m/s

So the bicyclist is moving at a speed of 20.0 m/s when he catches up to his friend.

Learn more on velocity here https://brainly.com/question/80295


what kind of Electromagnetic energy does a car light have






A car light emits visible light, which is a type of electromagnetic energy.


If two bowling balls were to collide head on and bounce off one another, with no loss in kinetic energy, the collision would be considered a(n) ___________ collision.
C.Perfectly Inelastic


D. Elastic because that's what an elastic collision is.

The blood pressure in millimeters was measured for a large sample of people. The average pressure is 140 mm, and the sd of the measurements is 20 mm. The histogram looks reasonably like a normal curve. Use the normal curve to estimate the following percentages. Choose the answer that is closest to being correct.


Here are some possible percentages and their corresponding estimated z-scores:

Percentage of people with blood pressure below 120 mm: approximately 9.1% Estimated z-score: z = (120 - 140) / 20 = -1Percentage of people with blood pressure between 120 and 160 mm: approximately 68.3%Estimated z-scores: z1 = (120 - 140) / 20 = -1 and z2 = (160 - 140) / 20 = 1Percentage of people with blood pressure above 160 mm: approximately 9.1%Estimated z-score: z = (160 - 140) / 20 = 1

These percentages are based on the empirical rule, which states that for a normal distribution, approximately 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean, approximately 95% falls within two standard deviations, and approximately 99.7% falls within three standard deviations.

What is the empirical rule?

The empirical rule, also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule, is a statistical principle that describes the approximate distribution of data in a normal distribution. The rule states that:

Approximately 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean.Approximately 95% of the data falls within two standard deviations of the mean.Approximately 99.7% of the data falls within three standard deviations of the mean.

This rule is based on the assumption that the data is normally distributed, meaning that it follows a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. The empirical rule is widely used in statistics and is helpful in understanding the range of values that are likely to occur in a normal distribution.

It is important to note that the empirical rule provides only approximations and can vary in accuracy depending on the specific data and distribution being analyzed.

To know more about the empirical rule, visit:



Option: B, The percentage of people with blood pressure between 114 and 166 mm

What is the empirical rule?

The empirical rule, also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule, is a statistical principle that describes the approximate distribution of data in a normal distribution. The rule states that:

=> P(114 < x < 166)

=> P((114-140)/20 < z < (166-140)/20)

=> P(-1.3 < z < 1.3)

=> 0.8064

=> 80.6% rounded

option: D The percentage of people with blood pressure between 114 and 166 mm

=> P(140 < x < 166)

=> P((140-140)/20 < z < (166-140)/20)

=> P(0 < z < 1.3)

=> 0.4032

=> 40.3% rounded

option: C The percentage of people with blood pressure over 166 mm

=> P(x > 166)

=> P(z > (166-140)/20)

=> P(z > 1.3)

=> 0.0968

=> 9.7% rounded

This rule is based on the assumption that the data is normally distributed, meaning that it follows a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. The empirical rule is widely used in statistics and is helpful in understanding the range of values that are likely to occur in a normal distribution.

It is important to note that the empirical rule provides only approximations and can vary in accuracy depending on the specific data and distribution being analysed.

To know more about the empirical rule, visit:



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