2. Do you think Polo really had a Chinese servant?


Answer 1
Judging by the original records of the Chinese and Mongols, there is certainly no evidence whatsoever that Marco Polo actually traveled to China no I don’t think so

Related Questions

Who were the two main city-states involved in the Peloponnesian War?

a. Athens and Persia

b. Athens and Sparta

c. Rome and Carthage

d. Sparta and Crete





Athens and Sparta


What form of government is elected by the people and ruled by majority?

a. Monarchy
b. Theocracy
c. Dictatorship
d. Democracy


D. Democracy is the answer !
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.

In recent times who named themselves the beneficiary of the carbon credit proceeds



Plant a small forest in your backyard. Call it “afforestation” and “carbon sequestration.” Calculate how many tons of carbon dioxide will be locked away in your forest over its lifetime. Then sell those carbon credits to companies and private entities who are still busy pumping CO2 into the air.

Congratulations, you’ve just marketed carbon offsets!

It’s not quite that easy, of course, but in the race to reduce their carbon footprint, companies are realizing that the carbon offset market is largely unregulated.

The market for carbon offsets is voluntary – there’s no government agency setting a standard emission reduction that must be met for eligible project. There’s not even an established criteria for what makes a viable carbon offset project.

Take a quick scan over the voluntary carbon markets out there and you’ll see a dizzyingly broad range of projects on offer. Renewable energy projects are always popular, as well as projects that lock carbon emissions away. You’ll also find forest management projects. Biogas projects. Water quality projects. The list goes on and on, with some of the projects seeming more and more unrelated to actual greenhouse gas emissions reductions.


Carbon credit proceeds may be distributed to various parties involved in the carbon reduction process, such as companies that have reduced their emissions or individuals or organizations that have invested in carbon offset projects.

What is Carbon credits?

Carbon credits are a mechanism designed to incentivize companies and organizations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The proceeds from carbon credits are typically used to fund projects that promote sustainability and mitigate climate change.

Individuals or organizations cannot typically name themselves as the beneficiaries of carbon credit proceeds, as the allocation of these funds is typically determined by the rules and regulations of the carbon credit program being used.

Ultimately, the specific distribution of carbon credit proceeds depends on the policies and regulations of the particular program being used.

Learn more about Carbon credits here:



After World War One, President Wilson wanted to the U.S. to
join the League of Nations because



In January 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I, Wilson urged leaders from France, Great Britain and Italy to come together with leaders of other nations to draft a Covenant of League of Nations. Wilson hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war.


what did lewis and clark do on the expedition jefferson sent them on​


Answer: Lewis and Clark explored the west side of America and discovered Native American tribes. They mapped uncharted land, rivers, and mountains. During their journey, Lewis and Clark met Sacagawea, a Native American woman which helped the men go to the Pacific Ocean by finding food, acquiring horses, and translate to other tribes.


What is the meaning of the quote “History is a gallery of pictures in which there a few originals and many copies”


According to Alexis De Tocqueville, events that occurred in the distant past lose their originality and authenticity over time.

What is meant by History is a gallery of pictures?

This quotation tries to make the point that sometimes what is referred to as history is simply a repeated tale that has been passed down from numerous sources. it's possible that none of these various reports are accurate in the end.

Nicéphore Niépce, a Frenchman, created photography in 1822. The world's oldest surviving photograph, View from the Window at Le Gras, was made by Niépce using heliography, a method he invented In reaction to ancient notions about camera obscura, heliography was developed.

Thus, According to Alexis De Tocqueville, events that occurred in the distant past.

For more information about click History is a gallery of pictures, here:



Why was the bubonic plague also known as the Black Death?
A. It was spread by fleas and rats
B. It was only transmitted to people who lived around the Black Sea
C. It killed its victims within a day of contracting the disease
D. Black and blue spots appeared on the skin of many victims


Bubonic plague also known as the Black Death because most people who got the plague died, and many often had blackened tissue due to gangrene, bubonic plague was called the Black Death.

What is Bubonic plague?

The most prevalent plague, known as bubonic plague, is brought on by a flea bite that is contaminated. The plague bacillus, known as Y. pestis, enters through the bite and moves through the lymphatic system to the closest lymph node where it reproduces.

A "bubo" is the term used to describe the lymph node when it is inflamed, tense, and painful.

Less than 5,000 individuals around the world today contract plague, also known as the "Black Death" during the Middle Ages. Without immediate antibiotic treatment, it may prove fatal.

Yersin is credited with using antiserum for the first time to treat patients. He did so by using a serum that was created with the help of his Parisian colleagues Calmette, Roux, and Borrel.

To learn more on  Bubonic plague from the link:



What conclusions can you draw about the quality of life and lifestyle of urban workers in the 1870s (the period that followed labor reforms) such as 10-hour workdays, the six-day work week, and increased wages?


People began to earn wages and set work hours as industrialization progressed. With their wages, the middle class could afford to buy luxury items.

What were the working conditions like in factories during the 21st-century Industrial Revolution?

Working-class people were known to face long hours of work (12-16 hour shifts), low wages that barely covered the cost of living, dangerous and filthy conditions, and workplaces with few or no worker rights.

Poor workers were frequently housed in cramped, insufficient quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to numerous risks and dangers, such as cramped work areas with poor ventilation, machinery trauma, and toxic exposure to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.

Therefore, Until World War I, this resulted in a higher standard of living for the middle class.

Learn more about urban workers in the 1870s from the given link.



what is the solution to the synoptic problem in the gospel?



The Synoptic Problem refers to the similarities and differences between the three synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The problem arises because these three gospels have a significant amount of material in common, yet there are also many differences in their content and order.


The solution to the Synoptic Problem is a matter of ongoing scholarly debate, and there is no one universally accepted answer. However, the most widely accepted explanation is that the gospel of Mark was the first to be written, and that both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source when composing their own gospels. Additionally, both Matthew and Luke had access to another source, referred to as "Q" (from the German word "quelle" meaning "source"), which contained teachings and sayings of Jesus. This explanation is known as the Two-Source Hypothesis.

There are alternative theories, such as the Farrer Hypothesis and the Griesbach Hypothesis, but they have not received as much support among scholars.

Ultimately, the solution to the Synoptic Problem is still being studied and debated, and new evidence and perspectives continue to emerge.


Answer Below ↓


Mark was first, Matthew was second and used Mk and Q, Luke was last and used Mark and Q. Both Matthew and Luke also had access to another source, called M and L

(1) In its first 189 years of existence, how many amendments have been added to the Constitu-


Since its adoption in 1787, the Constitution has remained largely unchanged. However, it has been modified by 27 amendments, some of which were ratified in a matter of months while others took more than two centuries.

What is Constitution?

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. In 1789 this constitution replaced the nation's first constitution- Articles of Confederation.

The Constitution has gone through  27 amendments since it was ratified in 1789. The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, provide specific protections for individual liberty and justice while also limiting the powers of government within the United States' states.

The majority of the subsequent amendments strengthen individual civil rights protections.

Therefore, the Constitution has been amended 27 times in its  first 189 years of existence, the most recent one in 1992.

To learn more about Constitution, click here:



Which issues did many people have with the Constitution?


The issues which many people have with the US Constitution are:

representationstate versus federal powersexecutive powercommerce.

Which issues did the Constitution have at the Convention?

Large and small states competed for congressional representation. Large states favored population representation, while small states advocated for equal representation by state. The "Great Compromise" established both the House of Representatives, which was apportioned by population, and the Senate, which represented the states equally.

The Convention debated whether the federal government or the states would have more power. Many delegates believed that the federal government should have the authority to overturn state laws, but others were concerned that a strong federal government would oppress their citizens. The delegates reached an agreement by assigning specific responsibilities to the federal government while delegating all other functions to the states.

Read more about Constitution




How did the trans- Saharan caravan trade impact the culture and religion of the Mali Empire?


. Many West African states eventually adopted Arabic writing and the religion of North Africa, resulting in them being absorbed into the Muslim world.

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Answer Below


Culture and religion were also exchanged on the Trans-Saharan Trade Route. Many West African states eventually adopted Arabic writing and the religion of North Africa, resulting in them being absorbed into the Muslim world. Also Ghana and Mali were both located at the center of the Trans-Saharan trade routes. Gold and salt were two of the most valuable resources traded. By controlling trade and taxing traders, the empires of Ghana and Mali became wealthy and powerful. The Trans-Saharan trade routes also spread Islam throughout Africa.

In the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, Bob Beamon shattered the record for the long jump with a jump of 8.90m. Assume that his initial speed on takeoff was 9.50 m/s, about equal to that of as printer. How close did this world-class athlete come to the maximum possible range in the absence of air resistance?


The athlete came within 0.30 meters of the theoretical maximum possible range

θ is the angle of the jump

vi is the initial velocity

x is the horizontal displacement

R is the horizontal range

g is the acceleration of gravity

If we disregard air resistance, then the athlete behaves like a thrown particle, i.e., a projectile.

The maximum range of a projectile occurs when the launch angle is 45.0 degrees.

Let's determine the difference of the maximum reach and the long jump.




To know more about gravity click here



Which one of the following statements is NOT true of the slave trade in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world?
a. Slaves were bought and sold in the Atlantic world as part of a series of trading routes that also involved British manufactured goods and colonial products such as tobacco and sugar.
b. The Atlantic slave trade was a vital part of world commerce in the 1700s.
c. Even those in areas where slavery was only a minor institution, such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island, profited from the slave trade.
d. Slightly more than half of slaves from Africa were taken to mainland North America (what became the United States).
e. Many slaves died of diseases on board slave ships during the Middle Passage.


The statement that is NOT true slightly more than half of slaves from Africa were taken to mainland North America, when in reality, the majority were taken to the Caribbean and South America. Thus Option D is the answer.

The Atlantic slave trade was a significant part of world commerce in the 18th century, with slaves being bought and sold in the Atlantic world as part of a series of trading routes that involved British manufactured goods and colonial products such as tobacco and sugar.

While the slave trade was most extensive in the Caribbean and South America, the British North American colonies also participated, with an estimated 5-6% of slaves being brought directly to what is now the United States.

The Middle Passage, the journey from Africa to the Americas, was a brutal experience for slaves, and many died from disease and mistreatment. The legacy of the Atlantic slave trade continues to be felt today, shaping the economic, social, and cultural history of the Americas and beyond.

Learn more about Atlantic slave:



Which of the following events resulted in the deaths of over 40 whites and 100 blacks?


The Tulsa race massacre of 1921

Why were absolute monarchs able to gain power during the Ren & Ref?

I want the answer



Rulers in an absolute monarchy had total control over the country. Most believed that they had the divine right to rule, meaning that God created the monarchy they ruled over and they alone were God's representative on earth.

How did each of these authors think about their relationship to God? Do Equiano, Edwards, and Osborne describe their conversion and their faith in similar terms?


Edwards, think that God is the sole fundamental cause and existence. Hence, option B is correct.

What is God?

God is described as a divine individual who both creates and destroys life. God is in charge of everything that happens in the environment. Every religion has a deity that followers pray and worship.

On October 5, 1703, Jonathan Edwards was born. He was a Christian philosopher, author, and preacher in the United States. Edwards contends that God is the sole authentic substance and the only authentic cause.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about God, click here:



Choose two changes made in 1970 or 1995 to the rules regarding the committee system and explain how the changes benefit the general public


In order to write, consider, and propose legislation to the whole membership of the Senate, committees acquire information through investigations & hearings on local within their authority.

What is committee system?

Ad hoc committees and standing or permanently committees are the two categories of parliamentary committees. The former are continuously employed and are occasionally chosen or appointed. The latter are formed on demand when needed, and they are disbanded once they have finished the task at hand.

Rules were established by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 to provide all committee members more authority, such as the ability for a majority of members to summon a meeting without the chair's consent. The act responded to calls for increased transparency by mandating that committees.

To know more about legislation, visit:



what could happen if we didn't have the rights protected by the 1st amendment?



a lack of First Amendment guarantees could result in legislative and other legal action to punish speakers, writers, adherents to particular religions, rally organizers and participants, and people seeking to complain to the government about perceived wrongs


Answer Below


If we didn't have the First Amendment …

Religious minorities could be persecuted. The government could establish a national religion. Individuals could be punished for expressing unpopular ideas. Protesters would be sent to prison or would be silenced.

why West Berliners did not accept the food that was made available to them from East Berlin. (2 x 2)​




West Berliners did not accept food from East Berlin during the Cold War for several reasons. Firstly, the food was seen as being of lower quality and less desirable compared to what was available in West Berlin. East Berlin was under the control of the communist government of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and was subject to shortages and rationing, which meant that the food produced there was often seen as being of a lower standard.

Secondly, accepting food from East Berlin would have been seen as a political statement, and many West Berliners did not want to be associated with the communist government or support its policies. The division between East and West Berlin was symbolic of the wider division between the communist and democratic worlds, and many West Berliners saw accepting food from East Berlin as a form of endorsement of the communist regime.

Finally, there were concerns about the safety of the food from East Berlin, as it was thought that the communist government might have used it as a means of poisoning or otherwise harming the population of West Berlin. These fears were fueled by the wider Cold War tensions and mistrust between the communist and democratic worlds, and contributed to the refusal of West Berliners to accept food from East Berlin.

Overall, the rejection of food from East Berlin by West Berliners was driven by a combination of factors, including concerns about quality, political associations, and fears about the safety of the food.

Select the correct answer.
What is the defining right of a representative democracy?
the right to petition the government
• B.
the right to freedom of religion
the right to a jury trial
the right to vote
the right to freedom of speech



d, the ability to vote for representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

Discuss the difference between longitudinal and central plan churches. Use examples to illustrate your answer.



Longitudinal and central plan churches are two different types of church designs that emerged in the history of architecture, each with its own unique characteristics and features.

Longitudinal churches, also known as basilica-plan churches, are characterized by a long central nave that runs the length of the building, with aisles on either side and a semi-circular apse at the end. These churches typically have a defined entrance, and the focus of the interior is on the altar at the end of the nave. Examples of longitudinal churches include the early Christian Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, and the Gothic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Central plan churches, on the other hand, are characterized by a circular or polygonal design, with no clear division between the nave and the sanctuary. These churches often have a dome or a central tower as the main structural feature, and the focus of the interior is on the central area, rather than on a specific altar at the end. Examples of central plan churches include the Byzantine Hagia Sophia in Istanbul and the Renaissance Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence.

In summary, the difference between longitudinal and central plan churches lies in their basic architectural design and the focus of the interior. Longitudinal churches have a defined nave and altar, while central plan churches have a central area as the main focus.

Which of the following is the most accurate characteristic of Indus Valley civilizations based on archaeological records?
A. Wealthy
B. Peaceful
C. Small
D. Aggressive


Based on archaeological records, the most accurate characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization was "wealthy."

A. Wealthy

Absolutism and Revolution Portfolio




Both American and French Revolutions were both based on freedom and balance. The two nations were trying to secure a chance. America tried to gain freedom from the standards and expenses placed on them by Great Britain.

Notes: The Arab Spring and North Africa's Government


The Arab Spring was a series of protests and uprisings that took place across the Arab world in 2010 and 2011, starting in Tunisia and spreading to countries such as Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

What did the Arab Spring do in Egypt?

In Egypt, the Arab Spring led to the end of Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule and the election of Mohamed Morsi as the country's first democratically elected president. However, Morsi was later overthrown by the military, and a period of political turmoil and violence ensued.

In Libya, the Arab Spring led to the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime, but the country has since struggled with instability, with various armed groups vying for control and the country being torn apart by a civil war.

Read more about Arab Spring here:



After reviewing the evidence, summarize each piece of evidence in your words and respond to the reflection questions. Your responses must be written in complete sentences.

Source A: Massachusetts Investigation into Labor Conditions

…Miss Sarah G. Bagely said she had worked in the Lowell Mills eight years and a half, six years and a half on the Hamilton Corporation, and two years on the Middlesex. She is a weaver, and works by the piece. She worked in the mills three years before her health began to fail … The chief evil, so far as health is concerned, is the shortness of time allowed for meals. The next evil is the length of time employed—not giving them time to cultivate their minds ...

Summary of the Main Points of the Source:


The source is an account of a woman named Sarah G. Bagely who worked in textile mills in Massachusetts for a total of 8.5 years.

She worked as a weaver and was paid by the piece. She states that her health began to fail after three years of working in the mills. The main issues she identifies are the shortness of time allowed for meals, and the lack of time for personal development and education.

Reflection Questions:

What was Sarah G. Bagely's occupation?

Sarah G. Bagely was a weaver who worked in textile mills.

How long did Sarah G. Bagely work in the mills before her health began to decline?

According to the source, Sarah G. Bagely's health began to decline after three years of working in the mills.

What were the two main issues that Bagely identified in the mills?

The two main issues that Bagely identified were the shortness of time allowed for meals and the lack of time for personal development and education.

Learn more about personal development here:



Answer: The source is an account of a woman named Sarah G. Bagely who worked in textile mills in Massachusetts for a total of 8.5 years.


What institution controlled learning in Europe during the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance?


The major educational institutions and the source of the large number of literate scribes required for the civil administration were the Benedictine monasteries.

What is scribe?

A scribe is a professional copyist, particularly one who created copies of manuscripts prior to the development of automated printing.

With the invention of the printing press, the once-dominant profession of the scribe drastically lost both its significance and stature.

As well as secretarial and administrative tasks including taking dictation and maintaining financial, legal, and historical records for monarchs, nobility, temples, and cities, scribes' job can involve transcribing manuscripts and other materials.

Public servants, journalists, accountants, bookkeepers, typists, and lawyers are now part of the profession. Street corner letter writers that offer scribe services can still be found in communities with low literacy rates.

Learn more about scribe, here



Education is vital to a growing
nation. Which of these nations is a leader in educational computer technology?
A. Thailand
B. Kenya
C. India


The nation that is a leader in educational computer technology is C,. India.

Why is India prioritizing computer education ?

India has made significant progress in the field of technology and has a large pool of skilled professionals in the tech industry, which is why it is currently considered a leader in the area of educational computer technology.

There are other countries, such as the United States, South Korea, and some European countries, that are often considered to be leaders in this area due to their investments in technology for education, their widespread use of technology in schools, and their high levels of research and innovation in the field.

Find out more on Indian education at https://brainly.com/question/470821


How did the Fifteenth Amendment change suffrage in the United States?
O A.
O C.
It extended the right to vote to all formerly enslaved people over age 18.
It allowed all formerly enslaved people who owned land and paid taxes to vote.
It allowed all formerly enslaved people who were male and over age 21 to vote.
It extended the right to vote to all formerly enslaved people in the South.


Answer: granted African American men the right to vote

Explanation: Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude—

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Which of these ideas are included in your
response? Check all that apply.
African Americans have waited long enough
for change.
Those who have not suffered injustice cannot
criticize the impatience of those who have.
Many have suffered under segregation
Protests expose existing tension.
Disorder is a necessary step toward progress.


your answers are and
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