1. In the story, Anna asks the pilot to "kill them all." Why does she ask this of him? Describe an event that you know of when someone in Anna's position called for peace. Why do you think they chose to do that? What can we learn from tragedy?

2. In the story, the old man does not appear to know that he is Joannis. How did the war change Joannis and how did it likely contribute to his belief that he is not Joannis? How do you think civilians and soldiers are affected by war differently?


Answer 1


anyone can be in that position of standing lonely and then being called for stability given their situation. that being said I believe it does come from the inner self and inner existing. tragedy to me teaches the world if they look at it correctly in my opinion they should see it brings tears and tears are good to let people see you have something other than anger and anger leads to sadness and sadness to happiness to love and then. to the one most important thing I know is that God is love. so yes I believe tragedy brings people closer t io d if they allow him to get closewell one in the war has to see things that civilians chose and deny to see because it puts fear into that somebody and they turn away from it. they get closer to the lord losing their self alone to truly find the real them. however, one has to take an interest in a hard look on the reflector scale and see the souls that they try to believe. civilians casually have an interest that makes things what it's intended to be

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Select the correct texts in the passage.
Which two phrases in the excerpt help the reader understand the meaning of the word careening?
excerpt from Rogue Heart
by Axie Oh
Stepping from the embrace, she smoothly extracts the broom from my grip. "No more of this. Take it easy until closing. I'll set
the bots to roam." She slips through the beaded curtain to the kitchen, presumable to hang up her apron and apply a sweep
of cherry gloss across her lips. A few minutes later, I'm met with the steady drone of the dust bots as they awaken and shift
listlessly through the curtain. They're old models, mid-twenty-second century, that TingTing bought at a junk auction last fall
and restored by watching instructional videos on the Net. One bumps into my toe before careening off into a cake stand.
We usually don't take them out. TingTing's parents, Ms. Chen and Auntle, are traditionalists and prefer lowTech amenities.
Still, it's a constant war these days against the dust that sweeps across the city limits, piling worst in dead ends and
cul-de-sacs, like the one that shelters The Alchemy of Dreams.


The correct answer is it’s a constant war these days against the dust that sweeps across the city limits.

War cross meets final myth on this companion novel to rebellion Seoul, in which a younger telepath joins a rebellion institution on a mystery task to quit a a long time-lengthy world struggle.

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Learn more about Rogue Heart here;- https://brainly.com/question/28017539



Only got 1/2 right on this question, but my info will be better than the other answer.


Confirmed Correct Answer:

"Into a cake stand" (I got this right on the test)

Confirmed Incorrect Answer (I repeat this is not the right answer, AVOID selecting this) :

"Shift listlessly" (I chose this as my second answer and it was INCORRECT)

Mr. Allworthy, an English squire of the 18th century, needs to hire a tutor for his nephew and his adopted son. Thwackum is a private tutor v
was referred to Mr. Allworthy by a well-regarded friend.
from The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling
Having, therefore, determined to commit these boys to the tuition of a private tutor, Mr. Thwackum was recommended to him for the
office, by a very particular friend, of whose understanding Mr. Allworthy had a great opinion, and in whose integrity he placed much confider
This Thwackum was fellow of a college, where he almost entirely resided; and had a great reputation for learning, religion, and sobriety of
manners. And these were doubtless the qualifications by which Mr. Allworthy's friend had been induced to recommend him; though indeed t
friend had some obligations to Thwackum's family, who were the most considerable persons in a borough which that gentleman represented
What is the effect of the irony in the first paragraph?
1. It highlights Mr. Allworthy's generosity in hiring Thwackum solely on the basis of his friend's recommendation.
O2. It illustrates Mr. Allworthy's innocence as he is unable to see beyond Thwackum's reputation to his true qualities.
3. It shows the friend's immorality and unreliability as he purposely deceives Mr. Allworthy about Thwackum's deficiencies.
O4. It creates doubt about Thwackum's favorable recommendation by revealing how the friend is indebted to Thwackum's family.


The effect of the irony in the first paragraph is 1. It highlights Mr. Allworthy's generosity in hiring Thwackum solely on the basis of his friend's recommendation.

What is Irony?

This refers to the figurative expression that makes use of words or situations that are contrary or opposite to what a person intends.

Hence, we can see that The effect of the irony in the first paragraph is 1. It highlights Mr. Allworthy's generosity in hiring Thwackum solely on the basis of his friend's recommendation.

This shows that Mr. Allworthy is a generous man who trusts his friend's recommendation.,

Read more about irony here:



According to “America’s Place in the 21st Century World,” why did America become involved in World War I?

A. President Wilson felt it was necessary to protect the Allies.

B. America became involved because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

C. President Monroe felt it was necessary to protect America’s interests.

D. America became involved because the Central Powers endangered Americans.



Answer: C: America would have had a Monroe Doctrine by another name.


I promise

Lots of points

You are applying for a job to direct the movie version of Anthem. Write a letter to the producer in which you try to convince him to hire you. Your letter must indicate
(a) which actors you would cast as Prometheus and Gaea, and why. Think about physical characteristics and personality traits;
(b) a detailed description of the setting;
(c) an explanation of the theme of this novel, and why it is particularly relevant and valuable to modern viewers;
(d) musical suggestions for certain scenes, costumes, a description of the opening shot, etc.


Dear the Producer of Anthem,


               My name is xyz, I am writing on behalf of becoming the director for the upcoming movie, Anthem. I would like to share some of my thoughts on how I believe the movie would be perfect. For the characters, I picture Prometheus as a cute, innocent looking teenage boy. I see Josh Hutcherson as performing this part amazingly. I would put Lilly Collins, from the Blind Side, as Gaea.

The setting of the movie of Anthem should be the mountains. I feel the mountains are a perfect setting for the Uncharted Forest.

This book is showing its okay to be that kind of person and all that matters is pleasing you, not anybody else. Teens now a day relate to this the most.

For the costumes we should have all the workers wear just plain white clothing and make everyone look exactly the same. The boys should be wearing plain white t-shirts, and pants and then the girls in white dresses. Choosing me as your director is not a choice you will regret.



To know more about Anthem click below:



Part of growing up is changing. Write about a time in the past 2 years when you realized that you had changed. How did you change? about 100 words if possible! asap no rush! thankies


We can actually deduce here that a time I changed is below:

I have truly changed in the past 2 years. I discovered that there are certain things I loved doing 2 years ago that I don't enjoy doing now. People say that change is constant. As one grows older, such person begins to learn, unlearn and relearn.

In the past 2 years, there are certain things that I loved doing. One of the things I enjoyed doing years back is watching movies. I could spent hours in front of the screen. But I discovered that currently, the appetite for movies is completely dead.

What is change?

Change actually refers to the transformation that actually occurs in someone's life or in a particular situation.

There are so many things that can bring about change in the life of someone as one is growing. Some factors that influence in the life of someone are:

Environmental factorsMarital factorsBiological factorsPhysical factors.

Above is seen how change occurred in my life.

Learn more about change on https://brainly.com/question/18590671


Exercise 1 Circle the prepositions in each sentence. Sentences can have more than one preposition. If the sentence has no prepositions, circle nothing.
On the last day of the regular 1972 season, Roberto got his three-thousandth hit.


Preposition in the asked phrase "On the last day of the regular 1972 season, Roberto got his three-thousandth hit." :- of

Define preposition.

Prepositions and postpositions, which are referred to as adpositions collectively (or, more generally, prepositions in conventional grammar), are elegant words used to express spatial or temporal family members or denote different semantic roles. Prepositions and postpositions frequently combine with noun phrases, which are referred to as their complement or occasionally their object. The phrase created by combining a preposition or postposition with its supplement is referred to as a prepositional phrase (or postpositional phrase, adpositional phrase, etc.). These terms typically take the place of an adverb in a sentence. A preposition comes before its supplement, and a postposition comes after its supplement.

To know more about prepositions, visit:



Are images created through a detailed and descriptive depiction of something often using he five senses.



yess they are created often using the five senses. such as you are blind folded you can touch something to feel what is it by your hands even though you can't see it your mind makes it a little bit clearer

Infer why both William Bradford and John Winthrop used allusion in Of Plymouth Plantation and "A model of Christian Charity." What examples of allusion can you find from William Bradford's Of Plymouth plantation and John Winthrop's "A model from of Christian charity" to support your answer.


Bradford and Winthrop used allusions to increase readers' understanding of their texts by associating them with references the readers already knew.

Examples of allusion in the two texts

Of Plymouth Plantation: Moses would never be allowed to enter the Promised Land.A model of Christian Charity: We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.

The two authors made many allusions to biblical texts or characters. That's because they wanted their audience to understand what they were talking about and how important the message they wanted to convey was.

As the audience of both was formed by a Puritan community, the biblical references were essential for them to achieve the goals they had with the text.

What is an allusion?

The allusion is a reference to something that already exists in another text or the real world. In the first example, we can see an allusion that Bradford made to Moses and the Promised Land, in the second example, we can see an allusion that Winthrop made to a biblical text.

Learn more about allusions:



Exercise 1 Write run-on next to each run-on sentence.
Pulitzer owned the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he purchased the New York World in 1883.


The sentence mentioned here can be described as a:

Run-on sentence.

What is a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence is a sentence that does not include the comma and full stops at the right spot. In this sentence, we can see that ideas are not well separated. A reader can get easily confused in the middle of the sentence. A full stop should be used in the first half.

So, the correct way to write this sentence will be: Pulitzer owned the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He purchased the New York World in 1883. Now, that the text is punctuated, understanding will be smoother.

Learn more about run-on sentences here:



Exercise 1 Write s if the sentence is simple or c if it is compound.
Collin played well, but Andrea had the highest score.



"Collin played well, but Andrea had the highest score.'' is a compound sentence.

A compound sentence consists of more than two independent clauses.

An independent clause is one that can stand alone and makes sense without the other clause.

These independent clauses are joined together using a conjunction such as: and, yet, so, and, but & many more.

In the given sentence, "Collin played well" and "Andrea had the highest score" are two independent clothes and each of these makes sense if written alone.

They have been joined together using the conjunction 'but.'

While, a simple sentence consists of only one clause having one subject, predicate, and may or may not contain an object.

If you need to learn more about compound sentences, click here:



Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain why in 8 sentence minimum. I feel connected to nature for example, I feel at peace in the woods, on the beach, we’re under the stars in the sky.


You can say that you agree with the statement, and that being out in nature makes you feel connected to it and remember we are all one, as explained below.

Connectedness to nature

You can write a brief paragraph saying that you agree with the statement provided in the question. Mention that being in nature makes you feel connected to it and reminds you that we are all one.

An example of such a paragraph is as follows:

I agree with the statement. Whenever I find myself in nature, I am reminded that we are all one, that we are the Universe. Our bodies consist of the very elements we find in nature and even outside our planet. Our intelligence, although considered superior, has basically the same purpose at that of a flower or a wild animal. We all want to live, survive, carry on. Be it in the woods, on the beach, or under the stars, I am washed over by peacefulness as I realize I am connected to nature.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answer provided above is correct.

Learn more about nature here:



The primary purpose of paragraph 5 is -


can you tell more info. about what is it.

write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the following guidelines

- date & birth place
- family background
- daily life
-school life
-special events etc.​


Autobiography presenting your childhood life using the subsequent hints is normally e-book-duration, on account that the author normally covers the events of his or her complete lifestyle. here are some examples of an e-book-length autobiography:-

Alex was born on July 5th and & their birthplace is new york, the USA, having a mon dad and two brothers. As a daily routine, I go to school. School life is very much interesting and a golden period. Special events in on teachers' day.

A paragraph that starts with the story of something unique that has taken place to you that distinguishes your story from those of all other human beings. perhaps you gained an award or traveled to an exceptional land. This story can snatch the reader's attention as you invite them into your life.

Learn more about Autobiography here:-https://brainly.com/question/2538321


Exercise 2 Write D.O. above the direct objects and I.O. above the indirect objects.
She brought us weather maps and other data.


weather maps and other data - D.O.

She - I.O.

What is an indirect object?

In English grammar, the word or phrase that receives the direct object is referred to as the indirect object. The statement's indirect object in this case is the pupils. The teacher provided cake to the students. The direct object is cake, and the consumers are the pupils.

Understanding indirect items can be particularly difficult because of how closely they are related to direct objects.

It's crucial to keep in mind that the sentence's action receiver is the direct object. As I just mentioned, the indirect object is indirect. Simply keep inquiring. The person "gave." What did he provide you, exactly? He put some jewelry on display. Who was the owner of the necklace? the companion

To learn more about direct and indirect object from given link



in act ii, scene 3, banquo says he will oppose and fight the unknown traitor who killed duncan. banquo becomes one of the tragedies because


Banquo declares in Act II, Scene 3, that he would confront and battle the unidentified traitor who assassinated Duncan. One of the competing characters in the tragedies is Banquo.

What is the Macbeth?

Shakespeare wrote the tragedy known as Macbeth, or The Tragedie of Macbeth (/mkb/). It dramatises the detrimental physical and psychological effects of political ambition on people who desire power. It is believed to have been performed for the first time in 1606. Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, Macbeth was originally published in the Folio of 1623, possibly from a prompt book. It is the play that most captures Shakespeare's connection with King James, the patron of Shakespeare's playing company, of all those he wrote during the reign of James I.

In shock, Macduff yells out and rushes onto the stage. Lennox and Macbeth inquire as to what occurred before rushing to Duncan's chamber. Donalbain, Malcolm, and Banquo awake. When Macduff informs Lady Macbeth of the murder, she arrives, acting as though she is unaware of what has transpired and expressing shock. When Macbeth returns, he laments the fact that he had to witness such an event. Donalbain and Malcolm enter and inquire as to what transpired. They learn through Lennox that Duncan's inebriated staff killed him.

Banquo declares in Act II, Scene 3, that he would confront and battle the unidentified traitor who assassinated Duncan. One of the competing characters in the tragedies is Banquo.

Several hired assassins assassinate Banquo in Act Three, Scene 3. The murderers of Macbeth wait for Banquo and his son as they return from their nightly ride while the servants tack up the horses of Banquo and Fleance. The assassins attack Banquo and Fleance as they are making their way to the palace.

To learn more about Macbeth from the given link below,



Exercise 5 Complete each sentence by adding the adverb in the form indicated.
It was obvious that Josh had copied the drawing ________________ more accurately than Reese did.(accurately, comparative)





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What is ironic about the participation of universities in the ownership and display of human remains?


The ironic truth about the participation of universities in the ownership and display of human remains is that there is no beauty in death or remains s the dignity is said to be lost.

What are human remains?

The Definition of the term human remains is known to be a term that connote the aspect of the human bodies of dead people that are known to be kept in an area where the ancient human remains can be gotten or been found.

Note that the thing that happens to human remains can be that they are used for further studies by universities and for other kinds of studies.

Therefore, The ironic truth about the participation of universities in the ownership and display of human remains is that there is no beauty in death or remains s the dignity is said to be lost.

Learn more about human remains from



You are applying for one of the following:

• a summer job as a camp counselor
• a job teaching a musical instrument to children
• a job coaching a children’s sports team
• an academic honors society
Freewrite for ten minutes about the information you want in your résumé.


I would like to apply as a summer job camp counsellor as i take an interest in impacting and shaping the youth. Being an inspiring older person to younger children/teens is uplifting and admirable. I have previously worked in a childrens daycare as i like helping out and being the best helpful version i can be.

Exercise 2 Supply a simple subject for each of the sentences below by writing a noun or a pronoun in the blank. Draw two lines under each simple predicate.
The ____________ wind in the trees was moaning eerily.


In the question sentence, the word "wind " acts as a simple subject and the word "was moaning " acts as a simple predicate.

What is Simple subject?

A simple subject is a single word or pronoun joined to a verb. The simple subject comes before the verb in most sentences. While there may be changes throughout the subject.

What is Simple Predicate?

A simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase that describes the action of the sentence's subject. The leading verb or verb phrase is the only part that contributes to it being a simple predicate. The sentence contains no modifiers.

In this sentence given in the question "The wind in the trees was moaning eerily.", but since "was moaning" is a verb, it works as a simple predicate. Also, since the word "wind " is a noun or pronoun, it acts as a simple subject.

To learn more about simple subject, click below-



Read the following lines by Calpurnia. Then answer the question that follows.

Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies,
Yet now they fright me. There is one within,
Besides the things that we have heard and seen,
Recounts most horrid sights seen by the watch.
A lioness hath whelpèd in the streets,
And graves have yawned and yielded up their dead.
Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds
In ranks and squadrons and right form of war,
Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol.
The noise of battle hurtled in the air,
Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan,
And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets.
O Caesar, these things are beyond all use,
And I do fear them.

Which of the following from the excerpt is symbolic?

Blood drizzling on the Capitol
Dying Men
Horses neighing
Noise of battle


The line "Blood drizzling on the Capitol" is symbolic.

What does this passage symbolize?Deaths.Violence.Brutality.Suffering.

In the literature, the use of symbols is very common, as authors use them to represent larger and broader concepts that would be tedious to explain literally in the text. In this case, the authors seek simple and more subjective terms to represent these concepts to the reader in a more attractive way.

In the text indicated in the question above, the sentence "Blood drizzling on the Capitol" is used to symbolize a scenario of barbarism, extreme violence, and very aggressive killings.

Learn more about literary symbols:



Answer: A "Blood drizzling on the Capitol"


how did some ghanaians employed at the customs house fight back


Customs House was built in 1926 and customs were used to collect taxes on imported goods. All imported goods had to pass through officials who set taxes on the goods.

They organized boycotts organized marches and made the British colonial government understand that Ghana would become independent. But resistance also took many other forms. Ultimately, boycotts, strikes, marches, and diplomacy did much of the work that ended the formal empire.

They resisted colonial rule by diverting resources. The truck was a canoe secretly used by Ghanaians to transport imported goods. The lorries were the tracks used by the Ghanaians to conduct their trade, instead of the railways built by the British. The truck was a tax that Ghanaians imposed on British imports. They felt they were paying taxes to a government that had no representation.

Learn more about Customs House here:-https://brainly.com/question/28276436


Read the excerpt from "Rebuilding the Cherokee Nation.”

Another thing that I saw was great leadership in our communities, and leadership again, it’s kind of like the way I talked about looking at government. Our government may have not looked like the US government, but it’s a government and the leadership we saw in our communities may not have looked like leadership that you see in the external world, but the leadership existed. You could find the leadership just by seeing who people go to when there’s a time of crisis in the community.

Which sentence best integrates a direct quotation from the excerpt?

In Mankiller’s view, the leaders of the Cherokee Nation do not look like the leaders from “the US government or the external world.”
Unlike the leaders of the US government, the Cherokee leaders are the ones “who people go to when there’s a time of crisis.”
Mankiller states that in the Cherokee Nation, “the leadership existed,” even though the leadership may not have looked like leadership that people see in the external world.
Mankiller explains that Cherokee leadership looked different from other governments because “you could find the leadership just by seeing who people go to when there’s a time of crisis in the community.”


The sentence that best integrates a direct quotation from the excerpt is C. Mankiller states that in the Cherokee Nation, “the leadership existed,” even though the leadership may not have looked like the leadership that people see in the external world.

What is a Direct Quotation?

This refers to the use of inverted commas to relay the direct words of a speaker, that is verbatim.

Hence, we can see that The sentence that best integrates a direct quotation from the excerpt is C. Mankiller states that in the Cherokee Nation, “the leadership existed,” even though the leadership may not have looked like the leadership that people see in the external world.

This shows the use of integration to add the quote and explain what the speaker meant; option C did that.

Read more about direct quotations here:



Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The bus that picks us up in the morning is not the one that drops us off after school.


An adjective clause is a group of phrases that acts as an adjective and has a topic and a verb. You should be able to pick out the noun or pronoun that the clause modifies. as an example, the students whose names are in this list will be gifted. The following day.

That bus that picks us up in the morning is not the one that drops us off after school.

Adjective clauses are dependent clauses that give information about nouns. They allow you to combine two sentences into one by using relative pronouns (​who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, ​and ​why​) as connectors.

In English grammar, an adjective clause is a structured clause used as an adjective within a sentence. also known as an adjectival clause or a relative clause. An adjective clause commonly starts with a relative pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose), a relative adverb wherein, when, why, or a 0 relative.

Learn more about adjective clauses here



Has the internet made society better?​



The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. The changes in social communication are of particular significance

Answer: The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. The changes in social communication are of particular significance.

Explanation: hope this helps

Exercise 1 Write a personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence. Underline the antecedent.
Some of our neighbors have already shoveled _____________ sidewalks.


The correct personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence is- "their"

The given sentence-Some of our neighbors have already shoveled _____________ sidewalks.

The correct sentence using the indefinite personal pronoun- Some of our neighbors have already shoveled _their_ sidewalks.

The correct sentence with underlined antecedent of the pronoun is- Some of our neighbors have already shoveled their sidewalks.

Personal pronoun- A personal pronoun is a brief word we employ as an easy replacement for a person's given name. We can see the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces using any of the personal pronouns in English. Personal pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, and them.

Personal pronoun are the linguists' stunt doubles; they act in place of the people (and occasionally animals) who are the main characters in our sentences. We can avoid repeating laborious proper nouns all day long thanks to them, allowing us to speak and write more economically.

Learn more about personal pronoun here-



Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates.
Behind the house stood a pine forest.


inverted order of the subjects and predicates -

A pine forest stood behind the house.

What is an Inverted Sentence?

A sentence is a sequence of words that represents a full idea, often in the order of subject, verb, and any supporting elements. Upside down or in reverse sequence are examples of inversion.

An inverted sentence is what? A whole notion is represented inverted or with the verb coming before the subject in an inverted phrase. In writing, inverted sentences can be used to emphasize a point or change the way a phrase is put together.

In sentences that start with an adverb or adverb phrase, sentences that issue a command, and phrases that pose an inquiry, sentence inversion is frequently used. The fabled Jedi Master Yoda from the Star Wars films is known for using flipped sentences.

To learn more about inverted sentence from given link



Exercise 4 Complete each sentence by adding an adverb that answers the question indicated.
The woman at the desk asked us to wait ______________ here for the mayor. (where?)


The woman at the desk asked us to wait right here for the mayor.

Right here is an adverb, not a noun. It speaks of a location or a position of something. Put the bread basket, for instance, here.

Hence, the answer is "right here".

List out three types of adverbs.

Words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs are known as adverbs.

They can be used to indicate place (in which case they are known as "adverbial pronouns"), time ("he was running swiftly"), level of certainty ("to help you recall"), purpose ("to help you remember"), style of speaking ("She spoke in a soothing voice"), and more.

The categories of adverbs are as follows:

Model verb :Will she be available to attend?Intensifier: These days, hardly nobody even notices it.Modifier adjective: I enjoy flavorful cuisine.Pronoun modifier: She's looking for her phone.

To learn more about adverbial pronouns, visit:



What is the MOST likely reason the author included the perspective of Candace. Raio?
to show what future experiments could focus on
to reveal the many problems with Jamil Bhanji's experiment
to highlight a different attitude toward failure and motivation
to describe the steps required to design a long-term project


The  likely reason the author included the perspective of Candace is that option C: to highlight a different attitude toward failure and motivation

What is the lesson about by by Bethany Brookshire?

The mindset after been faced  with a lot of failure can be able to make all the difference if one allow it to and this was one that was stated by  by Bethany Brookshire

A positive attitude towards failure is known to be one that set an example to one and it is known to be one that can act to boast  the willingness to of a person to be able to learn from a failure and help get an insights and have a changed mindsets so that mistakes are not made again.

Therefore, The  likely reason the author included the perspective of Candace is that option C: to highlight a different attitude toward failure and motivation

learn more about motivation from


Read again and answer the questions



one question though


where is the question??

A B c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v

Exercise 1 Circle the number in front of each complex sentence.
Born Frederick Bailey in 1817, he grew up as a slave on a Maryland plantation.


"Born Frederick Bailey in 1817, he grew up as a slave on a Maryland plantation." -  Complex Sentence.

A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and at least one or more subordinate or dependent clauses.

A subordinate or dependent clause cannot stand alone. It always needs another clause to give a proper meaning.

In the given sentence, "Born Frederick Bailey in 1817" is a dependent clause and it will need the other clause to give a complete meaning.

On the other hand, "He grew up as a slave on a Maryland plantation," is an independent clause as it can stand alone.

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Write the symbolic statement in words. Use p, q, r, s, t, and u as defined below.p: The tour goes to Italy.q: The tour goes to Spain.r: We go to Venice.s: We go to Florence.t: The hotel fees are included.u: The meals are not included.r ~sWe go to Florence and we do not go to Venice.We go to Venice if and only if we do not go to Florence. We go to Venice and we do not go to Florence.If we do not go to Florence, then we will go to Venice.If we go to Venice, then we will not go to Florence. Cpas provide a report on subject matter or an assertion about that subject matter in a(n).:________ The nurse is reviewing the procedure for vitamin k injection in the newborn with a nursing student. which information would the nurse provide to the student? Read paragraph 23.23) We had, of course, a good many callers at this time, and I told most of them about the book. For reasons to be seen byand by I regret this now.How does the author use this paragraph to build anticipation?OA by foreshadowing what will or will not happen by the end of the storyOB. by emphasizing the growing frustration that the callers felt toward GeorgeOC. by alluding to George changing his mind about when he will start writingOD. by explaining how angry the wife will be if her husband never completes his book Cystic fibrosis is caused by recessive loss-of-function mutations in a locus that encodes a transmembrane conductance regulator. The mutation rate creating new cystic fibrosis alleles is approximately 6. 710-7. Assuming that individuals with cystic fibrosis never survive to reproduce, what is the expected frequency of the cystic fibrosis allele at the equilibrium between mutation and selection?. When using marshall & swift, adjustments need to be made for construction costs in various locations of the country. this is accomplished through use of? As the single emt managing an apneic patient's airway, the preferred initial method of providing ventilations is the:_________ Which French explorer landed at Matagorda Bay while searching for the Mississippi River? In the context of social identity, according to your book chapter, disadvantaged youth may find pride and identity in gang affiliations. this is their way of? Which of the following pieces of art best fits with educating the audience about George Washington? Select all that apply. Which expression is equivalent to quantity y raised to the negative third power times z raised to the fifth power end quantity over quantity z raised to the negative fourth power times y raised to the sixth power end quantity all raised to the negative second power? A snail moves at a pace of 2 ft/min. how fast does the snail move in inches/hour? Which feature of capitalism allows people to own and control their possessions as they wish? What positive integers have the following binary representations? (a) 10010 (b) 10011 (c) 101010 (d) 10011110000 Assignment ActiveSolve and write about ratios.Students voted for a new class president and the results What does the ratio 344:109 represent?are shown in the table.O Jocelyn's votes to total votesO Rosalia's votes to Danny's votesO total votes to Jocelyn's votesO total votes to Danny's votesAssignmentCandidateRosaliaJocelynDannyIntroVotes124109111Who votes to whos votes how many seconds are in 10 1/2 minutes For publication of clinical trial data, the cta usually specifies that the sponsor is allowed to? why do you multiply 10 by the repeating decimal to make a fraction. In what important way does receptor-mediated endocytosis differ from phagocytosis?. The element of music that is determined by the frequency (cycles per second) of its vibration is called:_____.